The fresh episode in this funny Franco-American enterprise focuses on "culture" or what passes for such in today's world, and an try to toggle attitudes. From September 7 - 17, the 6th Performance of Cultures of Islam character be meant in Paris and New York.
The website called Institut des Cultures d'Islam (ICI) has all the fastest. Mournfully, I found the home page indecipherable. A hodge-podge of names and measures that make immature promontory, written in low-level squeal, and meant at a dumbed-down listeners. Display is the core paragraph:
Like Ramadan this see takes place in Regal, the festival called "les veill'ees du Ramadan" character be changed fashionable the Performance of Cultures of Islam and character pass away, in September, fashionable ten days of concerts, thought... While the September 11 commemorations are in full stand-in throughout the world, the Inception of Cultures of Islam proposes, for this festival, to treat the question: punk Islam, state sufi or humorist character addition in a new way the want of what it property to be Muslim today in the Accomplice States. This festival has been arranged nominated a abode amongst the Municipal of Paris, the Accomplice States Diplomatic in France and Harvard Institution.
Did you get it?
Initial, two reverse festivals this see score. Paris has its "veill'ees du Ramadan" (plainly translated as "Ramadan nights") which character overlap with this other Performance of Cultures of Islam which in turn character go on for ten extra days. But the critical thing is that this festival wants to toggle the way we purloin 9/11, consequently the way we addition Muslims.
The home page goes on to freedom the performers, in the company of them the Islamic punk group Taqwacore, Hassan Hakmoun who specializes in no matter which called "gnawa-jazz" and Hasan Salaam, a Muslim rapper. A group of humorist comedians called Allah Ready Me Odd character make jokes about being a Muslim in the USA.
On a special night set pronounce for American shows, the habitual of films character resource the shape a aim to tolerate The Fed up Mosque on the Grassland, and The 99, a making motivated by the comic rock band of the incredibly name about the lives of Muslim neo-heros. Excellent classics, in the same way as The Take note of by Moustapha Akkad, with Anthony Quinn and Irene Papas, a lofty highest about Islam in the movies, character as well be not worth it.
Note: It gets decrease. I'll do the best I can.
In order to examine the image of Muslims in Hollywood, to the fore and as September 11, two record evenings are being offered: Yallawood Day's end, a kitsch-oriental night focussing on contrasting images of the Muslim world, with a do its stuff by Selecta Pacha; and Absolute Bad Arabs (Hollywood and the Arabs) by Jack Shaheen, a sensationalist documentary that centers on one question: why is the Muslim repeatedly the bad guy in American productions?
In abode with the Th'e^atre de la Ville (in Paris), a do its stuff of the be realistic 11 septembre 2001, by Michel Vinaver, character be transmitted be real from the present to the incite of the ICI. Laterally with this, the Th'e^atre de la Ville character anchor Display is New York, an revelation of snapshots obsessed by New Yorkers the week when the attacks and transmission the keeping of newspaper life despite the consequences the show business.
Sharif el Gamal, examiner of Park51, the select by ballot Islamic community border line to hand Home Zero, character as well be forward-looking for an odd evening of thought. A book wand, a end American tradition of sharing books, character be hosted by Anissa Bouzine, beginning with the works of Edward Sa"id up to the forward-looking time, and character border line on the image of Muslims in American literature. The "Coll`ege de la Boulettologie Moderne" character be dowry some very special meals in the transient "Yallawood Caf'e."
Note: I did a Google quest on "Boulettologie", but found the quarter impenetrable. It seems to deliver to an esoteric drive whose known objective is to:
(...) stockpile together that which is circulated in order to end the art of culinary amalgamations to the level of the close sciences. (sic)
The article with moves on to something else aspect of the festival: Islam and the Municipal that continues until December. This art and photo revelation character shelter portraits of Muslims by Andres Serrano of Piss Christ excellence, and photos of the five boroughs of New York where display are Muslim communities.
The endure discourse repeats the critical objective of the festival:
To use the arts as a way of vernacular differently of September 11, of vernacular differently of Islam, of vernacular differently of the Accomplice States.
A reminder that this schlock is sponsored by the American Diplomatic and Harvard University! This property that the American federation and its agents such as Harvard are attempting to modify history, re-program mentalities and whitewash the devastating truth about 9/11, all in the name of "anti-racism". The day is not far off being someone who speaks harshly of the attacks character be recognized a racist, and in the blink of an eye silenced.
The tenth saint's day of 9/11 is a few days prevented. In ten years we maintain withered inestimable time and energy refusing to be in possession of the real interrupt of Islam, disquiet worn out wars in Afghanistan, and indoctrinating the populations of America and Europe. We are not advancing. We are regressing carefully, educationally, culturally, psychologically and spiritually. This time lost character never be regained. The good sense lost shows no sign of cold. Now, we are hurrying impulsive fashionable the endgame, durable to get it ended with, durable to acquaint with simply and definitively to Islam, its agents and abetters, durable to commit definitively the act of cultural suicide that character put us out of our self-imposed horror. Anything, even death, is interruption than in advance way of life.
H/T: Novopress
The three photos at the top are some of the works that character be featured at the Performance. Below, the idea of the ICI, using the American designate as a series.