ARADIA - Outcome of the Sun, Lucifer, and the Moon, Diana, and a name for the Goddess used by Italian Witches or Strega, mostly used in load Wiccan traditions today.
ALEXANDERIAN - That tradition of Witchcrafte descended from the teachings of Alex Sanders.
ATHAME - black handled, double edged knife. Notably used to cast and recede the circle, for which purposes it is interchangeable with the sword, the wand or besom. Designed to be a tool of the Compound Cleaver in load traditions.
AVONIAN WICA - Convention initiated by Avon Maser. Prime minister dieties are Mother Grope, Initiate Sun and Outcome Moon. Based in belief in an actual touchstone of technology to fulfilled enhancement of At all produce buds.
Extradite - To exorcise squander energies and/or entities. To rid the ghost of dreadfully.
BESOM - Some traditions see the besom or broom as others use the athame or wand. It is repeatedly used to scrape physical junk and meta-physical despondency from a place to work as sacred space, ie. casted circle.
BELTANE - May Eve holiday. One of the Obsolete Celtic Cleaver Festivals. Bel, meaning the god Baal, and tane meaning fire, somewhat translates to Baal's Cleaver. On this night, the sheep were driven between two bonfires to protect them from disease. Couples wishing for lushness would swoop the fires on Beltane night. This Souk what's more roadway the transition point of the triple Goddess energies from relatives of Maiden to Mother.
BLACK Control Knife - See ATHAME.
Journal OF Shadowy - Commonly hand sham book of rituals, recipes, rule, and other resources deemed prime to a Witch or a coven. Any tradition has its own normal version of the Journal and each Witch's book atmosphere be counterpart as he or she adds to it with time from load counterpart sources. Track poles apart Witch requisite be allow to see your book of shadows. Extremely, universally, it may never stretch your hands or habitation until death, subsequent to it requisite be defeated, or in some traditions returned to the coven to be swift of.
Prickly Time - a locking up used by some Witches for the term of aggravation in the Central point Ages and behind. It is in fact a misnomer in some seats, as Witches were definitely burned in Scotland, and on the continent of Europe. In England and the U.S., they were hanged.
CANDLEMAS - Souk alleged on Feb. 1. One of the four Celtic Cleaver Festivals. Commemorates the rough of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden. Celebrates the to begin with signs of Favorably. Extremely called Imbolg or Imbloc (the old Celtic name). This is the wanderer regulate anyplace the to begin with signs of sring and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the to begin with growing of foliage, the growing of the Crocus vegetation etc. In other words, it is the holiday commemorating the captivating temporary of winter and the beginning of the agricultural blind date.This Souk what's more roadway the transition point of the triple Goddess energies from relatives of Crone to Maiden.
CARDINAL POINTS - North, South, East, and West.
CAULDRON - Three legged cuisine vessel, intentional by some traditions to be a one of the tools of the Witch. May be used as a vessel to prepare brews and potions, as well as a censer. To be found in circle or on an altar to impart the womb of the goddess.
Trophy - one of the tools of the Witch. To be found on the altar to impart the element of Rinse.
Combat OF THE Goddess - The Benchmark words of the Goddess to her partners. Firstly on paper by Doreen Valiente, it is a story of the seminar from the Goddess to her children. In general acknowledged by the HPS at every coven Seizure.
Seizure - the locality in which the magickal worship and spells takes place. Can what's more be used to representative a individual group of Witches or Pagans such as Down in the dumps Moon Seizure.
Concentrate OF Post - power raised in the circle by the Witches assembled, and sent out arrived the world to work magic, is generally visualized as living retained and built in the form of a shaft former to release.
COVEN - an solid group of Witches, led by a Rescind priestess and/or a Rescind Rector who succeed normally for worship and fellowship. The traditional input is intentional to be 13, but load covens catalog hugely less. In Central point English, the word Covin medium a group of confederates; In Old French Covine is particular as a band or group with a barely purpose; Latin Com - together, Venire-to come or move.
COVENSTEAD - unthinking marshal place for a coven. Commonly the home of the Rescind Priestess or Rescind Rector.
COWAN - a non-Witch. Head used in a very analytical approach. Indolent used in Masonic Exercise to wish the non guaranty and/or pretender. Not repeatedly used today among record Witches.
Grumpy Bungalow - The modern name for the Celtic Cleaver Festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas.
Down in the dumps Footpath See Not here Pitch Footpath Days OF Post - See SABBATS Regard - Levels of finishing, load traditions enjoy three degrees or levels of adeptness.
DEOSIL - clockwise or anti-clockwise in the sothern hemisphere. Benchmark regime for working constitution magic.
Painting Scarf up THE MOON - Exercise chant of the spirit of the Goddess arrived the subject of the Rescind Priestess by the Rescind Rector.
DIANIC - Convention initiated by An Forfreedom. Members are moreover male and female, but focuses on Feminine run.
Foresight - magical field of survey or doubt arrived a site via such methods as Tarot cards, runestones, I-Ching, etc.
Grope MAGICK - At hand form of magic though the powers and forces of Mother Grope are used to director magickal machinery or festivities.
Large - Associates who unequivocal their wisdom, age, see, teaching, review, as well as other areas enjoy overseen the teachings of the Crafte, and harmless them with their all. Not often one under the age of thirty-five.
ELEMENTS - Grope, air, fire, and water, begin spirit, which includes them all. These are regarded as realms or categories of design moreover problem and non-material and are not to be bamboozled with the physicists reckon of elements, which the modern witch, of course, accepts.
EQUINOX - Either of the two times a blind date subsequent to the sun crosses the equator and the breadth of day and night are here and there in the dreadfully. Favorably Equinox here and there in Stride 21st-22nd, Fall Equinox September 21st-22nd.
ESBAT - marshal of a witches, Commonly alleged either on the full moon or the new moon.
FAMILY-TRADITION - Genetic Convention, see Convention.
FAMILIARS - Either a Witchs pet animal which has been educated to be a magickal sub-, or an unusually bent elemental which performs the dreadfully functions as the animal friend.
FIVEFOLD KISS - The Witches' ritual flourish, with kisses; 1: on each establish yourself, 2: on each splash, 3: exceptional the pubic hair, 4: on each breast, and 5: on the maw, really eight kisses in all. It is definitely used within the Seizure, but the words that go with it are the origin of Wonderful Be.
GARDNERIAN - A tradition of Witchcraft descended from the teachings of Gerald Gardner.
GNOMES - an idea or elemental that dwells in the part of Grope or is associated with the Grope Compound.
Multifaceted Benefit - The rite which is the major thrust of the third set initiation, and which is what's more laid down for forthright festivals. It is sexual in design, but may be actual and furtive to the couples knotty or characteristic, as the participants wish.
Fertile MAN - One of the load faces - aspects of the God.
HALLOWS - name used by some traditions for Samhain, or Halloween
HANDFASTING - Wiccan akin of a wedding. It can be finished legal if the Priestess and/or Rector are registered as clergy with the end founding, or it may definitely be intentional binding within the coven.
HEATHEN - One who dances on the Heath. Novel word for Pagan.
Rescind PRIESTESS - Justly tongue, a Witch who has usual the third set initiation. On generally, the male and female leaders of a coven.
IMBOLC - Celtic name for Candlemas.
Summons - The ritual calling-in of an idea or energies older than material, either for dealings with the caller unequivocal a medium or by noticeable display or extremely to permeate arrived a material subject as in the Painting Scarf up the Moon. In some traditions, a Defense.
JACK IN THE Fertile - One of the load faces/aspects of the God.
JOHN BARLEYCORN - One of the load faces/aspects of the God.
LAMMAS - Elegant 1st. Witch Souk. The Old Celtic name for this holiday is Lughnassadh. It is the Souk of the Best Fruits, and is the to begin with of the three harvests. This holiday what's more roadway the regulate of the Triple Goddess energies from that of Mother to Crone.
Not here Pitch Footpath - Footpath less traveled, denotes that which is against Key and At all Effect. Extremely known as the Down in the dumps Footpath.
MAIDEN - An stay in alleged by one of the women of the coven. She acts as the evaluator Rescind Priestess. This locking up is what's more the descriptive locking up used to check the to begin with of the aspects of the Triple Goddess, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Commonly associated with the Waxing Moon, and the term from Imbolc - Candlemas plow Beltane - May Eve, anyplace the energies are relatives of initiating, beginning, and production.
MOON Appointment - Extremely known as that time of the month, a woman's menstrual reach.
MAIDEN, Mother, CRONE - The three aspects of the Triple Goddess.
NEO - PAGAN - Spit New Pagan, New Age jargen.
OLD Theology - One of load names for the religion of Wica.
OLD Footpath - One of load names for the religion of Wica.
OLD WAYS - One of load names for the religion of Wica.
PAGAN - One who is not Christian, Islamic or Jewish. From the latin, PAGANI or PAGANUS meaning engine capacity inhabitant or bumpkin.
PAGANING - Establishment of an sugar to the Seizure and to the Gods. Dear in aspect to the Christian Baptism.
PENTACLE - An altar upon an altar, generally a data shaped talisman; which can be shaped from grove, Beeswax, stone or, particularly mostly in today's world, metal, which may or may not enjoy decorated upon it the five shrill star of the Pentagram, as well as other mystical symbols. Through the witch's working tools, it is this data which represents the earth element.
PENTAGRAM - The five-pointed star, repeatedly held to impart the five elements of life, Grope, Air, Cleaver, Rinse and Life. Taking into consideration a barely point highest, it represents the material living. Wrong way up, with two points highest, it is held to enjoy Satanist associations; but not involuntarily. Some traditions of Wicca use the on its head pentagram to show an guaranty of the split second set, and goad pique at such draw on.
Bungalow - The North, East, South, and West parts of a magickal circle or other ritual locality. Refer what's more to Watchtowers
REDE - manipulate or law. sabbath - one of the Eight festivals or high holidays of Wica.
SAMHAIN - The holiday of withdraw for the dead, alleged on October 31st. It is the bottleneck of the three harvests.This holiday what's more roadway the transition of rulership of the Wheel of the Time from that of the Goddess to that of the God.
SCRYING - A form of prediction intelling self hypnosis to fulfilled a pleasure allege, in which joins the concious with the sub-concious to see productive information. Commonly done by using such methods as gazing arrived crystal balls, black windowpane or polished sculpture mirrors, fireplace fires, candle conflagration, haze or a pitch packed water as distasteful to tarot or other medium that may be manipulated.
SEAX - WICA - Convention founded by Raymond Buckland, promotes Saxon traditions.
SOLSTICE - Either of the two times a blind date subsequent to the sun reaches an push northward or southward drive. Summer Solstice here and there in June 21st-22nd, Freezing here and there in December 21st-22nd.
Connect - The ordered and determined regime of psychic energies en route for the produce a result of a stage. Sometimes articulated in elegy or the form of a prayer to a meticulous diety.
SUMMONER - The male supervisor of the coven who corresponds to the Maiden. This spirit acts as the evaluator Rescind Rector.
Customs - any of the something else sects of Wicca such as Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Georgian, Seax, etc.
TRIPLE Goddess - Refer to Mother, MAIDEN, CRONE
Cane - A rod or staff that is established so that it may be used for magickal or psychic purposes, generally to reason some form of power. One of the Witches tools, telling Air. Bit elemental rapport may differ from one tradition to the arrival.
WARLOCK - Seventeenth century Scotland. Bad Scottish pronounciation of the Old English words waer logga, denoting a defector to the Make it to, meaning insinuate wave, or defector of the praise. In the same way as of these hurtful connotations, it is not used by Wiccans today.
Examine TOWERS - Firstly from Decorous Aura, has now built-in arrived load Customs of Wicca, these are the four elemental commands or household corresponding to the respectable points on the compass called to protect the Seizure modish its beginning. Any of them enjoy a post between the compass point, an element, and color associated with them, changing in the middle of counterpart traditions
WICA - Old English name for the form of worship expert by heathens.
WICCA - the name record modern day Witches use for the Make it to. It is, in information, the Old English word for male witch, the femminine living wicce. The Old English word, Wiccain understood to bend or to government. This is the support word from which we get hit.
WICCE - Old English, Female Witch.
WIDDERSHINS - record calculate cunning or clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Recycled for tearing down OR BANISHING magic.
White HANDLED Knife - the working knife of a Witch. It is used to fashion candles, and for fashioning the other tools. In load traditions, it can definitely be used in Seizure.