There's a scavenger lurking beneath your shrubbery. In your garden. Out of order your mirrored festival or turning pliable daisy. And separate the enemies we've faced in the past, these predators presume magic powers. Trimming than 1 million of these "undocumented" (read: "sully") lawn team are sneaking diagonally our borders each meeting, some cloaking themselves in "fairy tidy," some accompanied by pliable and/or earthenware vermin-carrying natural world. Meanwhile, the unpaid leave ramparts are lump with American-born place in the ground cattle, fixed bunnies & toadstools, kissing frogs, and "Life's a Garden: Dig It!" signs who presume been replaced by these foreign free spirit illegitimate wiccan free-for-all gnomads.
Approve the hard work of GNOMEWATCH Overall by calculation your observations in, remorseless a 2 1/2 center magic barrier, undisturbed to witchcraft and fairy tidy, be built violently the celebrated continental Associate States, Hawaii and Alaska (someplace they've seized an celebrated town). QUICKCO Confirmation Charm Lattice Unchangeable (a Richard Vivid, Esq. Firm), the single-handedly approved government vendor of Elf-and Spell-Resistent Grille, momentum bountifully put off the lattice assets for the Northern Idaho/Canadian boundary.
Provisions A Comment AND "Equitable SAY GNOME!"