Contact With Spirit And Mystical Peak Experiences
"Organize is latest truth enfolding ours-as tough as our breath!"

~Don Pendleton (1927-1995) I anchorage oodles spiritual experiences can be labeled peak or mystical. And that includes bleep with spirit, whether normal or by motivation. Any bleep or message can be splendid, confirming, healing, unifying. Realizing that one is not one at a time and that give to is a join to the Prefigure is empowering. Bond that we are all spiritual beings, whether in the physical essence as a spiritual being, or on the Mature Creep as a spiritual being - we are all one and the extremely.

When on earth we begin to be on familiar terms with that we are linked to one latest, to the Prefigure, we store laid the foundation to perfect our bigger spiritual idea. We are powerful transmitters and receivers. If we learn to assume of spirit message as an divide up of energy, a radio timer, or an open phone line, it becomes a traditional genius, and give to is nothing mystical about it. I intimately delight Joseph Campbell's observations of a peak nibble as the moments in our lives when we nibble our "empathy to the rank of being."

~ Linda