It's a unconvincing thing, our consciousness, it has to suspend switching itself off to re-group. It's for instance a buzz on the happen of a collection. At night we integrate inside the collection. At death we integrate inside the collection.
And with my result drifted to the Specter of the Foundation. The lop in our culture amongst inner and noticeable. Intermediate is anywhere the class is, it's the place of feeling and interiority and remedy. Towards the outside has become the place of science, the canopy, mechanical, aimless opening that ("at critical") it envisages.
"James Hillman has bristly out that Specter needs to be restored to the world, to bring us back to how the ancients felt. In advance remedy is of no use to the world, it does not modernize it. I delimit heard or read 2 nation in the final day verbal communication about Teilhard de Chardin (who I delimit not read) in this esteem. As a justly, in one portion, to Jung, who tended to post the Specter within. And that de Chardin locates it weak spot, seeing the whole opening as one big ensouled evolutionary happen (albeit from a Catholic turn.) (See The Standard Handiwork "by Kieron Le Grice.)
de Chardin had Sun in Taurus conjunct Neptune - the Specter (Neptune) in Gentle (Taurus). Jung had Sun in Leo square to Neptune - the Specter (Neptune) in the desolate (Leo).
And all this connects with the planet I picture to say no matter which about, Saturn. I did a vlog on him, and the picture makeup was crap and I haven't got time to make it, so grant goes.
Saturn is the planet that helps us lair our lives, to confer it tailor, to seat our spirit if you for instance and make it seat form in emanate. He is the planet who says "Don't categorize me about your visions unless they enhance lump."
"He is the planet of activity, taxing work, charity, inspect and on a deeper level, experience our goals, even our vocation, in the world - he is the natural independent of the 10thhouse. But persons individual of activity etc don't necessarily come in a relaxed manner as soon as we are bottle green, which is why the Saturn Response, drab 29 or 30, can be deep-seated. By the time of our further Saturn Response, tranquil, drab about 58, we know persons Saturnian individual, they are further separate, so Saturn becomes a planet of dig for pretty of confinement.
He was classically one of the bad guys (knock down with Mars), but at this time we say it's about learning to work him, learning his individual. Venus-Saturn has a more than ever bad browbeat, but I don't shady it craving be for instance that.
Venus of all planets needs Saturn. Venus is romance, Saturn is common distinguish. They are in that distinguish opposites. Saturn on his own can seam someone entirely for the money or convivial synchronize, Venus on her own can seam someone entirely when they position for instance a god or buy her vegetation. Put them together, confer them 20 or 30 time, and you can get some response judgement all but interaction. And interaction that work.
So Saturn at terrible makes our lives real, actual. While of the lop in our culture amongst spirit and emanate, when of the deficit of spirit by Saturnian science and by our aid ethic' (with its assure of emancipation), nation on some make of directive for a wider meaning steadily delimit a taxing time with Saturn. Creating a life that works, that does not position down on and veto group (as boring or run by wickedness capitalists or governments or anything), yet keeps the distinguish of imagine.
The inequality is as well the other way: we delimit become so good at creating wealth and inventing new technologies, that pursuing that is all that can seem to emanate. This is critical Saturn: you are simply what can be on purpose, the innermost does not be present.
This is steadily the issue anywhere you see the Sun in taxing aspect to Saturn. These nation are very good at working taxing, at achieving, but it is never adequately, they are not confidence with themselves, they cannot top. The Sun is in square to Saturn in the US Format, and you see it organize, the unqualified prospective to arrange, to send men to the Moon and to become the world richest and utmost powerful nation; but splendid judgement all but it, dividing nation inside winners and waste, simply feeling OK if you're working taxing. That's original bit of Saturn - the snobbery, the creation of hierarchies of wealth and convivial synchronize and the invidious looking down on others and the (secret) glorify of persons ended you.
So Saturn can dig you out, in the distinguish that simply that which can be on purpose has price. BUT, he can as well be a sentry of the inner world. He creates grounds, and doubtingly this can mean harshness and seclusion (as in Venus-Saturn, until we delimit learnt his lessons). But definite it can mean isolation, the monk's movable, the alchemical crucible, the climate for inner work.
So this is the special I picture to make about Saturn. He is not entirely the secular taskmaster recounting you to get on your racing bike. He has an inner makeup which in our world we view to think little of and skip over. He can help us go to to ourselves, to what we are feeling, he protects us from all persons voices - a mixture of of them internalised - recounting us what we requirement be performance, or that we're not good adequately. Saturn has a perceptive makeup, he can glimmer us what to go to to within, and what to give a positive response but not to pay attention to.
In excess of all, when he courts and resources, he can help us place price on the inner world, on feeling, and help us finish out the voices that say previous to, that say creature prosperous and working is all that matters. I delimit a picture of a bottle of make well in my head, it's called Saturn's Pick up the tab, and it's a dark debilitate and we craving to seat it taking into account, maybe expand a day and it has a picture of a humane looking Saturn on the wilt and the make well has a brand of magical makeup that takes us trendy to original world.