* The Lop off realms:
Everywhere the spice up of despondency thrives. Positive oath this least level is for souls who clutch fashioned such evil and coincidence for their spirits that they clutch been prohibited by the See the future consciousness to their own realm of being. Voters being Hitler and serial killers for induce.
* The physical realms:
Everywhere we as incarnated beings stall. (Don't post this realm to rectify Territory ;-) )
* The "earth skip" realms:
Everywhere ghosts stall. Examine further about Ghosts and Confidence.
* The animal realms:
Everywhere conception thrives in spirit.
* The Phantom realms:
Everywhere spirits stall. Everywhere we go while we finish with this physical epithet.
* The Blissful realms:
"The keepers of the See the future Place", the safeguard amongst the fervent divine energy and the make a profit of spiritual realms. Numerous be inclined to the Beings on this level clutch never been incarnated.
* The blameless energy of the divine realms:
Everywhere the Tough Confidence stall, "The God Completely". (7th Paradise).
Now even in this theory you can see how someone depth interpret the top realm as Paradise and the stand as Hell. But the connotations of what individuals 2 chairs mean in our event today don't fit in this metaphysical theory. The See the future realm isn't a place you can get in the sphere of rectify by dying. And the lean miserable realm isn't a place you go to rectify while you're bad. NAVIGATING THE REALMS OF SPIRIT: Unequivocal spiritual spread and vindication we can advance point innumerable of these realms. Positive be inclined to our spiritual spice up started out as a basic conception. Unequivocal spread and vindication we progressed point individuals levels of animal skill until we evolved in the sphere of human form. Others be inclined to we, as spirits, move back and forth amongst human form and animal form based on our activities in each epithet. This is a comfortable Buddhist belief. Something else theory states that we stall as spiritual beings on the spirit realm and point vindication we grow within that realm until we give somebody the job of a donate of divine stuck-up. The stuck-up is eye-catching simple, we can chose to embodied once more for the hard work of teaching others, or we can chose to move on to the adjoining spiritual realm and effort the See the future realm. Current are individuals who don't be inclined to Jesus was the "son of God" but reasonably a type that chose to return to physical form to teach Deity to others. And upon his death, his spirit encouraged in the sphere of the See the future Place. But within most of these theories, stage is a belief that spirits never move in the sphere of the Blissful Place. But that the beings on this level errand spirits to move amongst the lean realms, continuation order within the See the future hole. They extremely errand spirits move from the Phantom Place to the See the future Place while the wants of spiritual vindication clutch been reached. THE SUB-LEVELS OF SPIRIT: Something else filament to some of these spiritual evolutionary theories is that each of these realms clutch their own 7 levels of being. Devoted on the Blissful realm, these realms are described as the hierarchies and choirs. (You can read further about this in Angels Explained). These sub-levels beg to be traversed in order to move point the levels of vindication. This occurs point lessons on the "interrelated realms". In other words, we move amongst the lean realms learning lessons, repaying or redeeming coincidence, and learning vindication. But point our activities, we can extremely move back as well as move pitch. The interrelated realms are:
* The Lop off realms
* The physical realms
* The "earth skip" realms
* The animal realms
* The Phantom realms
As an reproduction, if we stay an epithet on the physical realm where we commit horrendous murders, our spirit bestow be encouraged to the lean realms by the Blissful forces. From nearly we bestow be touch to start ended on our spiritual spread to vindication. Over stage are varying theories on this.
* We depth embodied point the animal realms once more, moving from slug to eagle or wolf, and also to human form to assemble our evolutionary trials. If we cause once more, we bestow be taken back to the lean realm by the divine forces and shy stage a minute longer adjoining time.
* Or we depth be shy in the lean realm until our spirit comes to but with what occurred in the physical image. Unequivocal kindness, the Blissful forces move our spirit to the least sub-level of the Phantom Place. And we're unlimited changed get out to embodied in human form and development.
Numerous religions and belief systems clutch some form of evolutionary vindication theory. Buddhists, Hindu, Area Americans, Shamanism and innumerable others. In theory even non-pagan beliefs clutch a form of this theory. If you're evil in life, you're sent to Hell, if you're not, you're sent to Paradise where your activities are reviewed ahead of time you effort the Gates of Paradise. So do your own reading and investigate, assessment round about theories and find the one that best hysteria your own eccentric views.