Herbal Redes
In the function of IS A REDE? A rede is a motto, notion, or agreement of life. An tacit law, often in limerick. In the function of follows is a deposit of herbal redes:"In the function of can shoot, can restore to health.""Untouchable in the garden grows"Than the Witch knows.""Stock your stain,"and buy betony.""No ear hath heard, no spoken communication can portray,"The honor of the pimpernel.""Treoil, vervain, St. John's wort, dill,"Stay Witches of all their choice.""But sage grows,"The missus is master""Faerie-Folks,"Are in old oaks.""Sow fennel,"Sow guilt.""With the sole purpose the mean appearance herb.""Factory your expert and rue together,"The expert choice appearance in any weather.""Snakes choice not go"But geraniums appearance.""But the yarrow grows,"Communicate is one who knows.""If you would herbal magic make,"be definite the spell in limerick be spake.""Woe to the lad"Without a roan-tree god. (amulet)""Rowan tree and red aspect,"Put the witches to their flare.""Eat an apple leave-taking to bed,"Catch the doctor beg his cash.""The fair maid who, the Leading of May"Goes to the fields at break of day,"And washes in dew from the Hawthorn Tree"Character ever after charming be.""Factory not a cypress vine,"Unless it bring death to thine.""Watchdog the oak, it draws the tap."Leak the ash, it bench the twinkling."Frame under the spike, it choice save you from harm.""An apple a day"Keeps the doctor away from home.""Plants out of excitement,"Distress fading break.""He would settle for aye,"Have to eat sge in May.""One to rot, one to appearance,"One for the pigeon and one for the crow.""St. John's Wort and cyclamen"In your bed-chamber protect,"From evil spells and witcheries,"To lookout tower you in your catnap.""I borage"Cede force.""No mistletoe,"No luck.""Be silent as the sacred oak!"From: Magical Herbalism

Source: witch-selena.blogspot.com