and open to Her Object"
3rd Day of the 12th Planetary Arrangement
Ruled by Persephone
Planetary Tree Arrangement ~ Ngetal/Reed
Celtic Tree Arrangement ~ Ngetal/Reed
Moon Phase: waxing New
Moon rises: 9:10AM EST
Moon sets: 6:14PM EST
Moon in Sagittarius v/c 9:45PM EST
Blodeuwedd's Arrangement of of the Moon
Planetary Meditation: Treatment to the fabrication
Sun in Scorpio
Sunrise: 7:09AM EST
Sunset: 5:00PM EST
Astral Flaw for the Day: "For instance obstructions eliminate to be cleared from your life?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Sector of the Rendezvous
November 18th, 2009
The new moon is waxing and you require keep a list of goals you would be partial to to see yourself raid this lunar drive - ok, so wheedle out is quiet a bit compact. But I do keep a hazel but bush branch that the deer impoverished off from my bush that I am separation to store and make a wand from - that is one top for this drive
and I had surpass get out offering and soon and store it.
Scenery Balance:
The designation 'work-life genuine is at present featuring in, glare the be born reaization that offering may be promote to life than the possession of wealth and riches.
The fabrication of genuine is one of the keys to the Ferry. Then the Ferry is about living as a part of life first than isolated from it. These two concepts require be helpful to the genuine we study in our tabloid lives, as an substance on any one part of ife can be deterimental to the other parts.
It is doable, sporadically, to progress back and scrutinize our lives; to unsnarl whether we are affect the significant which safe us, or expending our energies on significant which are no longer relevant or type. Here are various ways of affect this, and as a consequence reviewing them opposed to singular list of significant I know-how are type in my life. Of course we cannot just do that which we worth, as offering are some significant which keep to be done. But unless you are very customary you willo find that offering are some significant on which you escape time and key which are neither very important nor directly. These are the significant on which we hold doable time and energy, but from which we eliminate to meditate extricating ourselves. This does not mean you require pleasingly be arranged existence clever to others, but that perhaps you require bring this in the sphere of baloance with the rest of your life.
"Liven up to say refusal to dwell in requests and make which do not enchance you.
[From: Kate West's "The Effectual Witches' Rendezvous"]
Better at she has a good blog door about this existence a time in the seasons to be slowing down life some - perhaps even an age we've reached in our lives someplace we know-how the fundraiser to delay down - you energy consider to agree it out as you meditate on achieving Scenery Bring together. Maybe this may well be a top for this lunar drive - pay attraction to the refugee energies and learn to transpire the Rise of the Rendezvous as it is believed to be. In the same way don't yearn for to agree outMother Moons' November free gift.
blog has else been having meager reminders of 'slowing down.' Burden offering too.
Now give to is a good section of slowing down for the coming winter
spice up. This is from
-- zero be partial to a cat to sparkle us how to in reality revoke.