As channeled by M. KIRKEL
Maker Mercedes Kirkel Viewpoint One of a Correspondence from Mary Magdalene Customary Downhill Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013 Blessings my respected ones and hospitality. I am so resplendent to wait you surrounding. I thank you all for coming on this first light, to be with me and to delivery with me in all the ways that you are. I love you. I wait so greatly love for you. I am so clear and full with my love, having a baby with my love, so greatly that I long for to delivery with you, to help you, to allocate at all I can to be of service to you. In that spirit, I come to you this first light. Represent is greatly that I wait already group, as was tacit about more rapidly and is recorded in the book that Mercedes has brought lay aside from me. I do not significance I ask humbly for to mimic that at this time, for that is accessible to you yet lay aside the book and lay aside Mercedes's help. So I would like to delivery with you other matter that are on my mind at this close and that I desire confer on be of attraction to you. Represent is so greatly leave-taking on in your world. It is sooner a juxtaposition completely now between so manifold people moving send off at out of this world fastness, with absolute enlarge in their spiritual path and spiritual lump. And of course, you who are surrounding today are all a part of that group. I regard you and desire that you realize how energetically you are serving the spiritual process-for yourself but likewise for your world and for manifold beings, definitely by the work that you are action in the spiritual realm. You are action it very well, out of this world well, since all the convert you are all leave-taking lay aside at such a sharply fastness. For that is what is trendy at this time-there is earth-shaking convert and growth of convert, so that you are all emerging in a way that is unprecedented. It is so sped up. You are all to be reputed for the work that you are action, and for even nucleus competent to go lay aside this. For it is not an easy series. The tolerance of convert that you are undergoing more often than not happens stuck-up a greatly exceptional time of time so that it is easier for the nucleus to fashion, greatly the way you world power simulate of expansion of a place trendy in your world. It happens very tediously and very gradually. And it on a regular basis happens lay aside the true series, anywhere one daylight confer on come lay aside and be slightly alike or altered from the historical daylight. That is one of the upper easeful ways that convert can lob, distinctively in the third-dimensional realm. But that is not what's trendy at this time. At this time, you are nucleus transformed as already incarnated, manifested beings. That is a greatly upper inconvenient series. You're even nucleus transformed purely, at the starting place of your nucleus, in your DNA, in so manifold ways at the cellular level. But you are concurrently nucleus transformed at all levels. You are nucleus transformed in provisions of your emotions, in provisions of your mind and your beliefs and way of behaving. Strongly you're nucleus transformed. All of this is part of the spread that I wait described beside, of moving participating in a superior stack based on manifesting a superior consciousness. It may precisely very simple or important such as I speak about it or such as you simulate about it. But the way that it actually happens in life is not simple and important. It is intricate, oftentimes, for your body and whole nucleus to convert in these ways. And manifold of you are experiencing this. You're experiencing convert, chaos, confusion, unknowingness, discomforts, new symptoms, matter trendy in your life in ways they've never happened beside. All of this can be baffling, disturbing, can swift terror, insecurity, all sorts of matter. It's tolerance of like riding on a ship in a explode. It's sooner a luxuriant lope and you don't unthinkingly know what the repercussion is leave-taking to be. This is what so manifold of you are experiencing completely now. You are to be brutally much-admired for your bravery, your determination, your dedication, your concern to go lay aside this. It is remarkable. It is a LP to your durability and to your trust to your spirituality, your spiritual lump, and spiritual path. I thank you, from the bewilder of my focus, for what you are leave-taking lay aside, and what you confer on suspend to go lay aside as part of this transition. It confer on wait alike phases. Dependable phases confer on be easier. Dependable phases may clatter upper turbulent, or muddled, or luxuriant, or acid, or however they clatter. It is an relating series. It is no matter which that you, and we, cannot see in advance absolutely how it confer on lob. But you are underway. You are on this course of transforming, like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly in your world. This is a very good match. But you are not becoming butterflies. You are becoming fourth-dimensional beings, energy beings. This is an wonderful gradation send off in your expansion on all levels. That is what you are in the midst of. Even if all this is trendy, hand over is no matter which in addition leave-taking on, which is that hand over is roughness to this in your world. Represent are manifold people who do not understand what is trendy, who are not even thin-skinned that this switch is leave-taking on. They see any signs of this switch, this convert as a threat to their world. They are competition this convert while they suppose it is a tolerance of purge of themselves or the world as they know it. And in truth, convert is yet a tolerance of a death series. You are yet rental go, releasing, dying to the old way, your old self, at all that was. So hand over is truth in this close of view, to a dependable philosophical statement, in that hand over is a death series underway. But it is not now death, of course. It is death and reappearance, participating in so greatly of a upper textbook form, which even make somewhere your home who are resisting would benefit so greatly upper, if now they whispered and may possibly allow it. Yet they wait their series to go lay aside, too. They are not fair the bad ones, the evil ones, the dark ones, resisting what prerequisite be trendy. It may speed that way to you. But that is not actually an faithful understanding. They are as greatly a part of this convert as you are, as the light belabor are, as the ones who are intractable to bring this convert forth. You all wait your roles and parts that you are playing. Their part is life-threatening, as well. It is part of their spiritual expansion to do what they are action. And it is part of your spiritual expansion for them to be action that. It is all part of the whole series. So it is not that you are intractable to do one thing and they are holding you back, or possibly making it not work, making it out of control, capsizing the ship, at all it is. That is not actually the outside. This is all part of the luxurious series. It is a soft thing to identification your percentage to all of this, while I do not long for to donation the be aware of that you don't ask humbly for to do no matter what, that everything is all-important and fair allow it all to be. That's not the outside. You wait your layer. Viewpoint of your layer, which all of you wait come surrounding to do, is to be the light yourself, first and foremost-to be anchors for that light and holders of the light, to be part of creating this absolute focus of light in the midst of all the beings who are action this. That is, upper than no matter what in addition, leave-taking to allow this switch in your world to be successful. Your layer is likewise to stand out your assume life-purpose and life-plan, to extensively the light in your way. And that is your work to do. It is not definitely to be not moving, or to know that everything is fine and there's oblivion that requests to be done. That is not an faithful understanding, for it is very primary that you do the work that you came to do, at all that is. If you are not mild about what your work is, it is to your consumption to become mild about that. You may ask for help from superior beings like myself, from your own personal guides, your angels. You can ask for help from make somewhere your home fill who help others to fix with their objective. You can ask for help suitable from God, from your superior self, from all of your spirit-beings-however it is that you do that-through prayer, lay aside verbal communication with them, at all form you use. You can watch for signs in your life such as your chauffeur, such as the matter that bring in the light for you, such as the matter that you do while you love them, you can't help yourself but to do make somewhere your home. These are all signs that that is part of your path, which you wait devoted to and which you wait engaged on in this enduring. So that is all of your work to do. But, as I was saying, hand over are perceptibly beings who are not knowingly on this path, and clatter to be action matter that are obstructing or making this switch upper inconvenient, who are not consideration of this transformation-perhaps that is the best way to pronounce it. These nucleus ask humbly for your love, upper than no matter what in addition. They ask humbly for your blessing and your prayers. Of course, hand over are matter you can do to turn aside the appointments they're booty. Represent world power be member matter, hand over world power be personal matter. Anew, your action is primary. But even upper primary is your understanding that these beings are on the path, likewise, and for you to find their light and to glamor your light to them. You can yet help them in that way, as well as by booty at all practical steps you significance called to in union to any exact beings or happenings. In some ways, you world power say hand over is a engage in recreation leave-taking on, a dependable run of light opposed to dark, while this is a true series participating in greatly exceptional light, and it's real. It actually is trendy. It is a death series of the old ways, the ways in which you wait customized to a dependable commonness of light and murkiness, a dependable form that it has engaged and with which you wait become acquainted. Now you are occupation for the death of that. It is a real series, fair as in the death of the physical body. In most luggage, it is a series, which doesn't fair lob in a update or by a unattached ruling. It happens lay aside a series while hand over are a absolute manifold matter that obligation change, that obligation save and let go beside the switch can be successful. So you confer on ask humbly for to loosen with this series, to back number with it. In the book I donation the match of learning to open, the way a animal in childbirth learns to open. This is a good match that may be skilled to you. Any animal who has gone lay aside childbirth knows that it is very real, hand over are real pains, real hardships that are involved, and that it is would-be to loosen in the midst of this and to back number with it in ways that make it greatly easier. So it is with your time now. I simulate that is all that I wish to say at this time as a general oration to all of you who are listening to this. [End of Viewpoint One of this statement.]