The Magic Spellsincantations Of The Finns
Are you interested in the Esoteric and Magical history of the Finns?

The Vikings, according to Viking Sagas, also made some raids into Tavastia. Here is an account of Olav the Holy raiding the coast. This may be either in Tavastian or "Finnish" territory:

"Then he (Olav) sailed to Finland, landed and pillaged there, but all of the locals escaped into the forests and took all their possessions with them away from the area/region. The king ventured far inland and through some woods; there were valley regions called Herdalarna. They took some property, but no men (Slaves? Prisoners?). When evening drew near, the King began his way back to his ships. But when they returned to the woods, they were confronted by men from all sides, and harrassed and shot at fiercely. The King told his men to take cover/protect themselves. But before they could get out of the woods, he had lost many men and several were wounded. He arrived at the ships in the evening. In the night, the Finns created a great storm with their witch-craft. But the king ordered to lift up the anchor and raise the sails, and they travelled along the coast during the night. The King's good luck was then, like so often, more effective than the witch-craft of the Finns. They managed to sail along the coast of Balegard and then out to sea. But a band of Finnish warriors followed them on land as the king sailed along the coast." ~ Age FinlandThe Finns have been known for their ability to raise fog, stop blood flow in wounds and singing people to sleep.

With magical time in mind you might want to check out this book: "The Magic Songs of the Finns".

"Since the time immemorial the Finns have used incantations, or Magic Songs. It's unknown when or how this tradition of magic first came to be, but already in pre-historical times they were widely used in all areas of life. The 639 spells and charms contained in this book were collected in the 19th century from the rural areas of Finland and Karelia, shortly after which this old esoteric tradition became extinct. They were first published in year 1880, and translated into English in 1896 as a part of larger folkloristic study, but have never before been published as an independent work."THE MAGIC SONGS OF THE FINNS.

1. Preliminary Formula

2. Defensive Measures

3. Against Envy

4. Vengeance Formula

5. To Discover the Cause

6. Reparation for Harm

7. Against Inflammation and Angry Symptoms

8. Expulsion Formula

9. Posting Formula

10. Pain or Sickness Formula

11. Reproaching Formula

12. Falling into Ecstasy

13. In Distress

14. Boasting Formula

15. To Still Violence

16. Menacing Formula

17. Exorcisms

18. To Make Fast


19. For Stings of Wasps, Gadflies and other Insects

20. For Sickness caused by Elf-shots, sudden Strokes, etc.

21. For the Toothache

22. For Wounds caused by Hiisi

23. For Whooping Cough

24. For Injuries caused by Kalma

25. When torn by a Bear or a Wolf

26. For Contusions from a Stone

27. For Syphilis

28. To remove Tumours, Abscesses, Boils

29. For Snake Bites

30. For Gout or Heartburn

31. For cutting off Excrescences

32. For Contusions or Lesions

33. For the Hiccough

34. For Sprains

35. Against Nightmare

36. For Frostbite

37. For Stitch or Pleurisy

38. For Contusions from Trees

39. For Cancer or Whitlow

40. For Injuries from Iron

41. For Rickets, Atrophy

42. For Injuries caused by Spells

43. Against the Plague

44. For Thrush

45. For Pain in the Eye from Particles of Chaff

46. For Disease in the Eye

47. For a Lizard's Bite

48. For Laceration by a Wolf

49. For the Pains of Child-birth

50. For the Itch

51. For Skin Eruption

52. For Burns

53. For Scalds

54. For Injuries from Copper

55. For Hemorrhage

56. For Dropsy

57. For Cough

58. For Colic


59. Divination Formula

60. For a Bite from a Horse

61. To make a Horse stand still

62. Against Mice

63. Against Spiders

64. For a Cross-bow Man

65. For a Best Man

66. Against Grubs, Slugs, etc.

67. For catching Hares

68. For Fishing

69. Against Bears

70. To protect Cattle

71. A Spear Charm

72. For Dogs

73. For taking Ermines

74. To make Yeast rise

75. To charm Snakes

76. Court of Justice Charm

77. For Sheep

78. For Bathing Children

79. To quiet a Child

80. To excite Love

81. To alienate Love

82. To take Redstarts

83. For Fowling

84. For making an Artificial Decoy Bird

85. Against Bugs

86. Against the Cowhouse Snake

87. For making Vapour

88. A Milk-charm

89. Hunting Charm

90. Against Forest Fires

91. An Ale Charm

92. For catching Squirrels

93. Against Sharp Frost (Pakkanen)

94. A Snake Charm

95. Against Rust in Corn

96. Gelding Charm

97. Frog Charm

98. To drive away Rain

99. On going to the Wars

100. To exorcise Wolves

101. Charm to recite over Salt

102. For Health

103. Against Cockroaches

104. To lay the Wind

105. To lay a Whirlwind

106. To be recited over Water

107. For a Journey by Water

108. Trap Charm

109. Ointments


110. In the Morning

111. Treasure Seeking

112. Against Elf-shots

113. Against Wasps

114. Against Toothach

115. For Horses

116. When Gored by an Ox

117. At a Bridal Procession

118. For catching Hares

119. Against Cabbage Grubs

120. For Fishing

121. Bear Hunting

122. Against a Bear

123. To Benefit Cattle

124. At the Assizes

125. To incite a Dog

126. To silence a Dog

127. When Shooting Rapids

128. When in Great Pain

129. To Charm away Strumous Swellings on the Neck

130. While Sowing

131. To Stupefy a Snake

132. To Increase the Yield of Milk from Cows

133. To excite Love

134. To Wean a Heart from Another's Love

135. When Excising Superfluous Flesh

136. For Catching Birds

137. On Gering to Bed

138. Starting on a Journey

139. Hunting in the Forest

140. For Sprains, Injuries of the Bone or Sinews

141. When Butted by a Ram or a He-goat

142. Brewing Ale

143. For Good Luck

144. Squirrel-Hunting

145. Against Nightmare

146. Against Swellings and Scab

147. Against very Sharp Frost

148. For Catching Reindeer

149. For Pleurisy or Stitch

150. To Throw a Spell over a Gun

151. Setting Traps

152. For a Good Sleighing Road

153. For Catching Foxes

154. Against Injuries from Spells

155. For Trapping Sea-otters

156. To Drive away Rain

157. When Charming the Sick

158. Castration

159. Preparing a Bandage

160. Against Bits of Chaff, etc., in the Eye

161. For the Pigs

162. In War Time

163. Preparing for War

164. To Make Snow-skates

165. Against Incantations

166. For the Pains of Child-birth

167. Setting Up House

168. For Skin Eruptions

169. For a Healing Bath

170. For Making Edged Tools

171. Against Damage from Fire

172. To Bewitch Fire

173. In Making an Offering

174. To Recover Stolen Property

175. To Guard against Thieves

176. When on the Look-out

177. To Staunch Blood

178. When Travelling by Water

179. To Fortify Water

180. Against an Enemy at Sea

181. When Using Salves

182. For a Good Crop


183. The Origin of Wasps

184. Of Snails

185. Of the Tooth-worm

186. Of the Pike

187. Of the Horse

188. Of the Elk

189. Of Ague

190. Of the Seal

191. Of Men

192. Of the Cabbage-worm

193. Of the Bear

194. Of Courts of Law

195. Of the Cat

196. Of Stone

197. Of Cancer or Whitlow

198. Of the Dog

199. Of the Birch

200. Of the Raven

201. Of Swelling on the Neck

202. Of the Viper

203. Of the Snake

204. Of Flax

205. Of the Cowhouse Snake

206. Of the Earth-elf or Skin Eruption

207. Of the Sorcerer (noita)

208. Of Arrows

209. Of Ale

210. Of Sharp Frost

211. Of Stitch or Pleurisy

212. Of Trees

213. Of Cancer

214. Of Iron

215. Of Rickets, Atrophy

216. Of Injuries caused by Spells

217. Of Rust in Corn

218. Of Scab

219. Of the Pig

220. Of Particles of Chaff in the Eye

221. Of the Lizard

222. Of the Wolf

223. Of Salt

224. Of the Oak

225. Of the Titmouse

226. Of Fire

227. Of Copper

228. Of Water

229. Of a Boat

230. Of a Net

231. Of Brandy

232. Of Salves

233. Of Gripes, Colic, Constipation

"Love, Light and Joy!"Niina"