Copyright (c) 1988 by Phil Hansford. This point is is licenced
for free non-commercial announce right.

** MAGICK 10 -- CABALA **

Western magick is based upon the Cabala, a Jewish mystical
traditon primary written down in 12th and 13th century southern
France and Spain. It was vocal to the fore that; and it contains the
"lost" knowledge of the ancients, maybe departure back to Egypt and to the fore. The supreme overcast Cabalistic books are SEPHIR YETZIRAH (The Win of Initiation), and the ZOHAR (Win of Gleam). Undeviating
Cabalistic philosophy we are skilled to strain and "pigeon-hole"
all of ghost.

The four worlds are exact in the Cabala, but they are unmodified
Hebrew names. That's why -- Assiah, physical; Yetzirah, astral; Briah, mental; and Atziluth, spiritual; as exposed in the stay on.

Cosmos Call Awareness Fix

spiritual Atziluth Classical Cosmos gentle deity
mental Briah Cool Cosmos archangels
astral Yetzirah Seminal Cosmos angels
physical Assiah Hangings Cosmos action

The divine name of God is TETRAGRAMMATON (or name of four
) ready from the Hebrew font YOD HE VAU HE (English
). Of the four font, YOD corresponds with Atziluth and the
element of fire; the primary HE corresponds with Briah and water.
These primary two font make up a yang-yin duet (respectively).
The other two font in the same way form a yang-yin duet (respectively),
with the VAU equivalence with Yetzirah and air; so the further
HE corresponds with Assiah and the element of earth.

The Cabalistic parts of the nature use new names for the three
chief vehicles of consciousness. NESHAMAH (Divine Chi) is the
Spiritual body; RUAH (Nice Chi) is the Mental body; and NEFESH
(Living thing Chi) is the Solar party.

An overcast responsibility of the Cabala is the SEFIROTIC TREE (or
"Tree of Vivacity", Otz Chieem
). The Sefirotic Tree is a fit into of the design ready up of the ten SEFIROTH (primitive facts or advice
of consequence
) unchanging as circles upon the Tree in a decending kind from the chief aspect of God at the top to the supreme physical
aspect of our world at the under. As can be seen in the
accompanying fit into, the sefiroth are connected together with
numbered lines, called paths.

/ (1)\
/ \
/ \
(3) /

\ (2)


/ (4)
\ /
\ /
\ (6)/
/ \
/ \
/ \

\ (7)
\ /
\ /
\ /


This is my try to crease a Sefirotic Tree using ASCII
design. Definite paths are omitted (15, 17, 29, 31). Irritate
send to a marked fit into (in supreme any book on Cabala) for a
breach set phrase.

Stuck-up the Tree is the immense vacuum -- the unsounded,
unmanifest God as Divine Light -- the three veils of distrustful
existence: Ain, Ain Sof, and Ain Sof Aur. The Divine Light (Ain
Sof Aur
) is ready individual by the primary sefira where it is
improved in the field of optimistic ghost. Emanations of energy
(magical get a move on) option from the primary sefira (Conviction) lengthways the paths in the field of other sefiroth which twist and edition to price cut and price cut sefiroth. In Adam Kadman (primitive or goal man) the sefiroth fit upon the physical body; observe the population to the chakras.
The name of consequence is one of giving out from the spiritual at
the top of the Tree to the physical world (Diminish) at the under.
All get a move on which is Sourced in the field of the Tree requirement in the same way be Sinked (earthed). That is, magical energy set in endorse by ritual shoud
be second hand up in the physical world whether or not the ritual was a accomplishment.

Sefiroth 1, 2, and 3 on the Tree form the Supernal Triangle
which is onwards signify possible tell in the world of Atziluth.
The primary sefira, KETHER, is the unconditional *crown* of God; it signifies gentle Seeing that, and is the Conviction. Kether is hermaphrodite.
Unexpectedly arising from Kether are two assist emanations. The
further sefira is HOKMAH, the *wisdom* of God and the masculine
direct of the design. Third is BINAH, the *understanding* or
watch over of God; this is the supernal mother.

Along with the Supernals and the other seven sefiroth is the Cavity
-- a pungent carve up which for always separates goal from actual. Into the Cavity an 11th sefira, DAATH, the *knowledge* of God is
sometimes located.

The further triangle, comprised of the 4th, 5th, and 6th sefiroth
in the world of Briah, is sometimes called the Mental Triangle.
Sefira 4, HESED, the *love* or embellish of God, is male and optimistic.
The 5th sefira, GEVURAH, the power or *strength* of God
complements Hesed as morality. Sixth is TIFARETH, as the compassion or *beauty* of God; the sample of the design.

The third or Solar Triangle contains sefiroth 7, 8, and 9 in
Yetzirah. Sefira 7, NETSAH, is the prolonged strength or *victory*
of God. Complementing Netsah is 8, HOD, the shape or *splendor*
of God. The 9th sefira, YESOD, the *foundation* of the world, is
joined with the moon, suitably the tides and the libido. Yesod is
experienced as dream consciousness, and is very overcast in
magick and astral projection.

Convincingly, at the physical world of Assiah is the 10th sefira,
MALKUTH, the *kindgom* of God, and the basis of all equipment
consequence. We tell Malkuth as stage consciousness.

The Sefirotic Tree has three running columns or *pillars*. As
you portico the tree, the pillar on the heading, headed by Hokmah and climax with Netsah, is called the Station of Warmth and has
light/masculine (yang) intrinsic worth. The pillar on the vanished, headed by Binah and climax with Hod, is the Station of Stringency with
dark/feminine (yin) intrinsic worth. The Halfway Station relating them equilibriates the two opposites, and is the *Shekhinah*, or
feminine equal of God. The *klippoth*, or evil demons,
mostly in Assiah, middle disproportionate martial or excesses.

All the attributes of the design fit counterpart pieces of a complicate upon the Sefirotic Tree. Also numbered part is a numeric key to
the diverse letters tables, such as Crowley's '777'. The
sefirotic tree has its parts variously highlighted and each sefira has a color; in fact the paths which run relating the sefiroth show
their own colors too. Acquaint with are four answer color scales for the sefirotic tree and each color array corresponds with one of the
four worlds. That property we are affair with not accurate one sefirotic tree, but actually with a parcel tree for each of the four
worlds; although it is easier to touch of it as the exceedingly tree with a obstinate color array. The Emperor (Briah) and Ruler (Atziluth)
scales are the supreme overcast. Acquaint with is in the same way the Empress array (Assiah), and the Queen array (Yetzirah).

The Emperor and Ruler scales for the sefiroth are exposed underneath.
(Message that as soon as 4 colors are despondent toghether, the sefira is separated in the field of household and the primary color is assigned to the exceptional quarter, the 2nd color to the heading quarter, the 3rd color to the vanished quarter, and the embrace color to the price cut quarter.)

KEY Emperor Charge Ruler Charge

1 gentle white luminosity luminosity
2 white gentle joyful despondent
3 black scarlet
4 despondent insightful pale purple
5 ruby red orangey
6 pallid (gold) evident odd rose
7 grassy green amber
8 orangey pale purple pale purple
9 pale purple indigo
10 citrine, gullible, coffee, black pallid

The 22 paths combine the sefiroth together. These paths
fix with the 22 font of the Hebrew alphabet, as based
upon the SEFIR YETZIRAH. Due to the style of the Hebrew alphabet
(some font can represent two forms) SEFIR YETZIRAH divides each of
two of the font in the field of two (multiply by two) parts. For this defense, it is band to put on the air each of the two simultaneous paths in the field of two (multiply by two)
parts. These are numbered 31, 31b (bisected); 32, 32b. Yet as soon as these paths are unchanging on the sefirotic tree they are normally exposed undivided (and numbered immediately 31, and 32). The later strategy shows the colors and situate of the paths in equal finish to the
sefiroth. You tendency choose to add the path facts to the
set phrase of the sefirotic tree, or crease a new tree. Reliable
writers may send to "32 paths", by natural ability the sefiroth "paths"

KEY JOINS SEFIROTH Emperor Charge Ruler Charge

11 1 - 2 sky despondent brt. colorless pallid
12 1 - 3 pale purple pallid
13 1 - 6 silver despondent
14 2 - 3 sky despondent grassy green
15 2 - 6 red ruby
16 2 - 4 insightful indigo red orangey
17 3 - 6 colorless amethyst orangey
18 3 - 5 fiber amber
19 4 - 5 insightful pale purple greenish pallid
20 4 - 6 scold white yellowish green
21 4 - 7 despondent pale purple
22 5 - 6 despondent grassy green
23 5 - 8 sea green insightful despondent
24 6 - 7 repetitive gloomy green despondent
25 6 - 9 pallid despondent
26 6 - 8 black indigo
27 7 - 8 red ruby
28 7 - 9 sky despondent pale purple
29 7 - 10 corporation, silver-white scarlet (ultraviolet)
30 8 - 9 gold pallid orangey
31 8 - 10 vermilion animated orange-scarlet
32 9 - 10 black indigo
31b insightful pale purple white integration in the field of white
32b amber citrine, gullible, coffee,

The queen and king scales are marginal. Both marginal
are the paths and the sefiroth. Nostalgic use of the queen array
sefiroth tendency find the king array as paths and vice versa. The use of marginal scales is based upon the scrutiny of mixture. A tree
cool of sefiroth in the queen array and paths in the king
array is all you ferry for supreme magick. Whereas correspondences
are what work for you, contemporary is designed to be an ancient tradition give or take a few the arrangement color scales and it may be nice to lock in the field of the energy associated with them.

From the magical blotch of view, the Tree of Vivacity is a map of
consciousness which is practical for understanding and attaining
diverse states of consciousness. In cabalistic magick we are
difficult with the concerning of elder energy to price cut levels on the tree. That very thing takes place fluently as well, in style and
in life. A drill in itself is cabalistic meditation (pathwork,
or the way of return
), in which we try to gradient up the tree
(ladder of lights) to cuff polite society with goddess.

Run through QUESTIONS
1) So is the sefirotic tree?
2) How is the queen array second hand in magick?
3) So is a path? How compound are there?

Win Allocate
J. Abelson, Jewish Holiness
Edward Albertson, Direct the Kabbalah
Bernard J. Babmerger, Fallen Angels
Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts
"stipulation remarks to "Cabala", Man Myth and Spiritual
Aleister Crowley, The Win of Thoth
"777 Revised
Denning and Phillips, The Cherished Civilization
"Cherished States of Effect (on pathworking)
A.D. Duncan, The Christ, Analysis and Spiritual
Dion Fortuitous, The Psychic Qabalah
Adolphe Honest, The Kabbalah: The Virtuous Civilization of the
Perle Epstein, Kabbalah, the Way of the Jewish Mystic
William Confused, The Tongue Tree
Stephan A. Hoeller, The Assert Footpath
Isidor Kalish, Sepher Yezirah: A Win on Initiation
Alta J. LaDage, Occult Psychology
Bernhard Option, The Cabala: Its Tell on Judaism and
Charles Ponce, Kabbalah: An Advent and Clarification for the
Cosmos Today
Henry B. Pullen-Burry, Qabalism
Israel Regardie, A Private grounds of Pomegranets
"The Golden-haired Daylight
"The Halfway Station
Leo Schaya, The Familiar Awareness of the Kabbalah
Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah
"Major Trends in Jewish Holiness
"On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism
"Zohar: The Win of Gleam
Arthur Edward Waite, The Fantastic Kabbalah
R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, "Cabala", Man, Myth and Spiritual
William Wynn Wescott, An Advent to the Representation of the Kabalah
"Sepher Yetzirah

Phil Hansford, 4/88 Mysteria (818) 353-8891 (modem)
P.O. Box 83 Tujunga, CA 91042