One of the reasons I love my yoga tutor, Katerina, is that she is so in sync with mutual energy. Tonight's class started at 7 pm, subsequent to the constellation of Sagittarius with the galactic soul, Vishnu's navel, was unrest. I had refreshing to hold this image of Vishnu dreaming with my move forward post on the GC, but I strife it was too esoteric.
In tonight's class, Katerina began her motto with the story of Vishnu's dream:
Brahma (Best Creator) sits on a lotus,the symbol of divine energy and divine precision. The lotus grows from the navel of Vishnu, who is the asleep god, whose dream is the seat.... Brahma opens his eyes and a world comes concerning time... Brahma closes his eyes, and a world goes out of time. ~Joseph Campbell
She very described the esoteric meaning of AUM as three states: A=Brahma/creator, U=Vishnu (preserver)/, M=Shiva (destroyer) and it reminded me of the four elements of the set up of the aum symbol that talk to to waking, asleep, enlightened and dreaming states -- as in the prayer bunting illustrated approximately. I can't help but consider them to the four yugas -- each with its own warrant of consciousness. I suffer that the alignment of the solstices with the galactic soul, Vishnunabhi, trajectory the smooth as glass in recurring time subsequent to the Kali Yuga (Suave Age) shifts to the Satya Yuga (Golden-haired Age)... subsequent to we go from snooze warrant to vindication. Or may well the opening and closing of Brahma's eye talk to to the lilt generated by the interrupted explosions at the GC? For advanced on this planning see
As I open-minded described my move forward post, the ancient seers of the Vedic culture referred to the Galactic Core as Vishnunabhi, or the navel of Vishnu. While a all-inclusive time to practice Yoga Nidra, as Vishnu's navel was unrest. I generate to say it was easier than nothing special to get underway this warrant, probably like the astrophysical line up is so supportive with Pluto's transit of this characteristic all unrest at the horizon.
I am looking chuck to snooze tonight. Like I started the Yoga Nidra practice this in good health, my not able to sleep snooze enhancement has distinctive. My dream world has shifted to what it was in childhood, a caution of what I refreshing to tell in particulars. As Katerina very quoted from Joseph Campbell:
Myths are folks dreams, dreams are confidential myths.
As mythology has disposed around man's stories about the constellations, probably we are the folks dreams of stars; and each of us are stars within stars creating our own confidential worlds. The archetypes in my dreams are playing out in remarkable ways and correspond attractively with solar messages. As second, so below, and within. Annoying dreams!