Catnip Magick
Catnip leaves are used by many folks for luck in love affairs. Catnip is called a woman's love herb because it is said to make women enticing and charming to thus to make men ready and increase their nature - and for this reason, we hear that women use it to aid in bringing about relations.It is said that if you carry catnip in a flannel bag, the man you want will be attracted to you like a cat to catnip. You can also use it in an herbal bath, sprinkle it at the 4 corners of the bed, or burn it with incense to attract a new lover.Another way we have heard to use catnip to entice a lover, is to soak catnip leaves in whiskey and sprinkle the liquid on your doorstep for 21 days, starting on the full moon.Labels: mustard seed magick herbs charms joint recipe herb powder ease lingering health remedy healing cancer holly tree lore crystal healing rods salem witchcraft northern tradition pagan jewelry witchcraft school learn voodoo
