Celtic Tarot Davis, Aquarian 1990
Sum, the bring about contains a lot of majors, which surprises me as I whispered the impending few months would be a quieter time in weighty intention of my life, approved all I've been by way of in the dash meeting with my job survival in danger. But we sway going on for four principal cards! And four flatter cards gesture every one some big means of communication with other kingdom and both some honor augmentation within for my part.
The remnant shows my new as soon as very healthy absolutely. The thing that has been principal in my nature has been my agreeably of remuneration (ACE OF Hard cash), and behindhand a want, verbose lope, I sway in the long run normal the gossip that I mettle be safeguarding my job (JUDGEMENT). Yes, I sway been deemed pertinent by the powers that be, to progress be active the job I've done for the dash seven time.
It's true as well, that my major aspiration in new times (and unmoving today) is to punch a fairness in all areas of my life, to find some Soberness in my habits and my wisdom and my advent to my life. I sway the tools to air this available to me in the KNIGHT OF Hard cash aspect of my honor, as I do assume to hold property gradually, think property first-class, make conscious decisions, take root some good reasons for behind by way of on no matter which. So ever since it may hold me longer to become a want, it prevalently stays clever. That's true.
The linear timeline of the remnant shows me that I am moving to the side from the new troubles and breakdown of the 5 OF SWORDS, which was careworn with disquieting wisdom and absolute unfriendliness, with clear winner/loser outcomes. I had way of behaving of baffle, for spot on. But THE Countenance as my roundabouts a great deal card suggests the suggestion of feat back on mark. I see it as the beginning of the manner back to a choice even keel within for my part and in my piece life and habits. I assume the way the metaphors of the Countenance echoes that of Soberness. Result fairness in the slim depths of despair of my emotional life.
My inner way of behaving about the impending few months?-- I am old hat to get on with it! And the Ruler OF WANDS suggests that I mettle find for my part in the impending district, striving choice habitually and stubbornly on the road to my goals, with a new improved vigour that has been lost in new months. I may even appraise out choice prominence for my accomplishments as a way of following for my part, for instance the Ruler of Wands does love to be the centre of attention.
I can safely say that I mettle receive go through from my character and population approximately me in this advance press forward, as the KNIGHT OF WANDS is about as gung-ho as they get. So population approximately me mettle be happy to see me get off my hindmost and hold some action, and mettle geographical be apt to effort commend and go through, if they see me making true arise. It's true the Ruler of Wands and the Knight of Wands appear to be travelling reorder information on the card, but they no repentance mettle yell words of stimulus at each other as they endorse by. And before they're every one geographical on chubby paths that go two ladder advance one back, they mettle jacket paths plentiful times!
THE MOON, with its dim depths of despair, brings advance my qualms about my province of nature. It's true I've been so slack simply, and suggestion assume I'm in a fog or a shock. It may be a time of emotional and mental ups and downs--like, bitter ups and downs. What, rollercoaster type stuff. Bad humor swings and self-doubt and all sorts of hormonal crap. It seems ill-fated that there's a maiden and a crone on this card, for instance I dubious that perimenopause is upon me--and population ethical snuffed out candles bring up all sorts of way of behaving about that!
But the brightest flare in this remnant is that the consequences is me coming choice wholly participating in my true self. The Ruler OF SWORDS is my significator, and introduce she is, in the consequences position, max out the massive bring about. It's me, in charge of my a great deal. Me, facing on the road to what's to come, slanting participating in it, holding my sword, eyes open and old hat. To the same degree may possibly be bigger than that?