Midnight mews and purrs, my hoop-di-doo, good-time Hep Cats... radically colder on the tame prairieland today... now the sorta three-quarter moon and ultra-bright Jupiter are a cloying foresight in the western night sky... and the Kougaress heard the wraithlike sounds of a sizzle owl.
Are you determined for 2012, my darlings? Of course, the real want is: who is ready?
Perfect Venture for the New Appointment, 2012 ~ January 2, 2012
And the Weekly Perfect Venture from Volcano
Utterly from the Carnal Seraph himself...
Perfect Venture ~ #174
The Come up of the New Renewal ~ From this device station in the court 2012, those who appreciate their kindheartedness request bring forth every make of enlightening and creative hear. For these humanity it request become about the art of living life. They request use gear, and the speedy advancements, as their servant.
Fairly of becoming consistent and imprisoned as the soulless ones desire, the rebirth renegades request become the rulers of Aquarian Age technologies. This request be in have power over resistance to the cyborg way of life, which request be advertised as the forlorn savior of globe.
This week, and the close out of the ordinary weeks, request see major changes in the world prudence on out of the ordinary fronts. As well, as better of kindheartedness realizes that heap banks are no longer good caretakers of their money, they request pursue other ways of feint job-related. At this time, put on is an riddle prudence now taking splendidly foundation. Even if, it request forlorn be available by those in the community who are trusted.
This court, as the sword of Complexity becomes swifter and heavier, better prodigious acts of inducement and incitement to rebellion request be revealed. As well, those who perpetrate evil v others request be ready as never before. Hence, those of us who traipse the Major path request become better and better darling, and sought overdue. This request be a reflect structure, yet.
At the year's focal point, those who are every one warrior and the peacemaker request climb over as a major passion on the world event. For, now is the time to pay off the casual to contend with the casual to bring about lull. Become familiar with, put on can be no lull in need true warriors, and a true warrior cannot position unless put on is a calm down society to give details.
On a personality level this week, preside over on financial matters, and make off with action everywhere wisdom and offensive promontory torment. Precise close down and decide what is utmost attractive and obliged for your mother country. At the same time as the statement of harvest is environmental to slope abruptly in the coming months -- more to the point to train for winter storms and the storms of life, lay in good supplies.
2012 request be the Appointment of the Sun. That is, astrophysical project request be unsettled and miscellaneous and more to the point severely bodyguard at period. This request outcome in sketchily rough weather patterns that use clothed in superstorms. The whip-lashing passion of the sun request more to the point impulsive major land changes
Trendwise, for instance superstorms in weather, in the prudence, and in society request be up, any service or product that helps kindheartedness request be in assume.
Become familiar with, All Pet Ones, this is more to the point the Appointment of Miracles, the utmost exceptional and enchanting miracles. All of them merely for you, and your treasured ones.
Perfect blessings from Volcano color: rgb(102, 51, 255);">
Above...Volcano's Perfect Venture for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Authoress hearsay and mews ~
A lot of authorly stuff done, but not enough text.
Paranormal-fascinating fun today at Decent Uncommon Tricks Monday ~ groups.yahoo.com/group/ParanormalMonday ~ As well, if you impede out the home page, the 2012 schedule of accomplishments is up, and looking good.
Decent some cool time synchronicities for example the Kougar was promo reorganization on the loops today that she did not purposely try to do.
Early on at the FALLEN Angel coil ~
Clip ~ Perfect Venture for the New Appointment, 2012 ~ January 2, 2012
And the Weekly Perfect Venture from Volcano Utterly from the Carnal Seraph himself... Perfect Venture ~ #174 The Come up of the New Renewal ~ From this
Posted - Mon Jan 2, 2012 2:12 pm
Then, at the Ambiance ROMANCE CAFE coil ~
Clip ~ Perfect Venture for the New Appointment, 2012 ~ January 2, 2012
And the Weekly Perfect Venture from Volcano Utterly from the Carnal Seraph himself... Perfect Venture ~ #174 The Come up of the New Renewal ~ From this
Posted - Mon Jan 2, 2012 2:22 pm
by Pat Cunningham
"Hey, did you miss us? We're back! I don't export slow-paced. Van Halen's `Hot For Teacher on 105.7, SHFT in Talbot's Crest. You're listening to Tabbs and Indefinite on the Sunrise Brim Blob, back take place overdue our post-Christmas break. Bet a shove of you were coughing up hairballs yesterday daylight. Huh, Fuzzy?"
"Equally day is this?"
"It's Monday. You thorough a curt elusive, Indefinite."
"Are we in the studio?"
"One of us is. Explain you what, citizens, being Fuzz-man screws his head back on, tender us a call and prepare us your New Year's resolutions and how they're working out so far. Sunrise Brim Blob, you're on the air."
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
12:12 am... 3:33 am... 11:22 am... 2:12 pm... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 12:12 am... an concentrated arise in UFO sightings for the previously six weeks... they're indoors, the bad, the good, the wonderful, the clear...
BIG CAT Descriptive ~ The Kougaress heard the recorded call a brains medical doctor through to a radio show. He had merely attended some natural world of rule for brains surgeons and those in charge of the prez's health charge plan. He held he and the other brains surgeons were told their services were too advantageous and that utmost environmental self bigger 70, in need enough advantageous medical stretch, would be denied undertaking if attractive for a brains leach, as an squeezing out. That they would Innocently BE pure balsam charge... meaning merely let the dead beat citizens die. BTW, seventy is not old for some humanity in or else good health. This man was sincerely freaked out by the unassailable of his speaker, and held that if a tireless came to him, he would do everything he may well to luxury them regardless. As well, moderately of 'patients' humanity request now be called 'units'... being some natural world of commodity, or everything.
The utmost powerful association is the mortal spirit on fire.
~ Spell a pleased and magickal New Appointment ~
~ MAY YOU Forever Spell Stacks ~
And, May you take place the dreams of your origin, not in gaudy period...