Shiastrength 03Rd Shaban Ahmal And Dua On Birth Of Hazrat Imam Hussain A S
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HTTP://GROUPS.YAHOO.COM/GROUP/DUASONLINE/ HTTP://HAZRATMAHDI.WORDPRESS.COM ( Quranic Ayats & Hadith's about Reapperence of Hazrat Imam Mahdi a.s Set in motion Challange)HTTP://ALIMOLA.WORDPRESS.COM ( QURANIC AYATS BORDER-BOTTOM: Second-sighted NONE;">HAZRAT IMAM ALI A.S Set in motion CHALLANGE 3RD SHA'BAN - Outset OF HAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) SON OF HAZRAT IMAM ALI(AS) IN 4 HIJRAA BY: ABBAS SHAHID BAQIR IF Carefulness TO Pride yourself on CHK THIS HTTP://WWW.DUAS.ORG/SHABAN/3SHABAN.HTM Splice DUASONLINE Purchase TO Connect BENFITS HTTP://GROUPS.YAHOO.COM/GROUP/DUASONLINE Abu^aEURTMl-Qasim ibn `Al^aEURTM al-Hamadaniy, the animated of Imam al-Hasan al-`Askariy (a.s), received a document meaningful that our master, Grandson of the Sacred Psychic (saws),Imam al-Husayn ibn `Ali (a.s), was innate on the third of Sha`ban; so, you want catch sight of fasting on this day and recount the following supplication: O Allah: I request You in the name of the one innate on this day, the one promised with martyrdom earlier the beginning of his life and earlier his edge, the space and all their state wept for him;and so did the earth and populate living one it; earlier his feet stepped on it;the mourned slain one;and the master of the Environment (of Psychic hood); and the one who shall be backed with capture on the Day of Return; the one whom has been awarded with the jaunt of the Imams^aEURTM reality from his babies as recompensation of his reality slain; and the one awarded with the jaunt of the muddy of his subterranean move cure;and the one awarded with the jaunt that he desire be triumphing subsequently he desire be returned; and correspondingly the Prophet^aEURTMs Successors from his babies desire be returned while the development of their Rising Imam and while his occultation,so that they shall rise revenge,and they shall retaliate,and they shall please the Serious Noble,and they shall be the best supporters. May Allah^aEURTMs blessings be evermore upon them whenever night and day toil each other. O Allah: I and so beg You in the name of them;and I appeal You with the imploration of a harm one who confesses of his sorrow, and who has done evil to himself,due to his violations^aEUR"the olden and the cause somebody to. He and so beseeches You for protection from You up to the place of his subterranean. O Allah: (please) send blessings upon Muhammad and his Family,and possess us with his group (on the Revival Day)and allow us to breather in the Care for of Stainlessness with him,and in the detached house of station. O Allah: as You bring conferred upon us with the file of our appreciation of him, (please) reason upon us with the file of reality dexterous to him,and create upon us with the trance of accompanying him and enjoying a nearby succession to him,and possess us with populate who submit to him thoroughly,and populate who pray (You) for rescue blessings upon him whenever they extol him,and correspondingly upon all his Successors and Confident Ones,whom are fastidious by You as twelve colonize,reality the bright stars,and the Arguments opposed to all humankind. O Allah: and (please) allot us on this day the best of grants,and make all our prayers on this day responded,in the same way as You clever al-Husayn to Muhammad: his grandfather,and in the same way as the angels Futrus sought after safekeeping with his (i.e. al-Husayn) seed we are and so seeking safekeeping with his burial chamber while him (i.e. his martyrdom)as we are witnessing the muddy of him and expecting his return. Reply to us; O the Noble of the worlds. Transliteration " ALLAAHUMMA INNEE AS'a"ALUKA BIH'aAQQIL MAWLOODI FEE HAAD'aAL YAWMIL MAW'a"O'aODIL BISHAHAADATIHEE QABLAS'a"TIHAALIHEE WA WILAADATIHEE BARKAT'a"HUSSAMAA'a"U WA MAN FEEHAA WAL ARZ'aU WA MAN A'aLAYHAA WA LAMMAA YUT'aAA LAA BATAYHAA QATEELIL A'aBRATI WA SAYYIDIL USRATIL MAMDOODI BIN'a"NUS'aRATI YAWMAL KARRATIL MU'a"A'aWWAZ'aI MIN QATALIHEE ANNAL A'a"IMMATI MIN NASLIHEE Rinse SHIFAA'a"A FEE TURBATIHEE WAL FAWZA MA'a"A'aHU FEE AWBATIHEE WAL AWS'aIYAA'a"A MIN I'aTRATIHEE BAA'a'a"DAQAAA'a"IMIHIM WA GHAYBATIHEE H'aATTAA YUDRIKUL AWTAATA WA YATHAARUTH THAARA WA YURZ'aUL JABBAARA WA YAKOONOO KHAYRA ANS'aAAR" "S'aALLALLAAHU A'aLAYHIM MA'a"A'aKH'a"TILAAFIL LAYLI WAN NAHAAR ALLAAHUMMA FA'a"BIH'aAQQIHIM ILAYKA ATAWASSALU WA AS'a"ALUSUWAALA MUQTARIFIN MUA'a'a"TARIFIN MUSEE'a"IN ILAA NAFSIHI MIMMAA FARRAT'aA FEE YAWMIHI WA AMSIHI YAS'a"ALUKAL I'aS'aMATA ILAA MAH'aALLI RAMSIHI" "ALLAAHUMMA FAS'aALLI A'aLAA MUH'aAMMADIN WA I'aTRATIHI WAH'a"SHURNAA FEE ZUMRATIHI WA BAWWI'a"NAA MA'a"A'aHU DAARAL KARAAMATI WA MAH'aALLAL IQAAMAH" "ALLAAHUMMA WA KAMAA AKRAMTANAA BI'a"MAA'a'a"RIFATIHI FA'a"AKRIMNAA BI'a"ZULFATHIHI WARZUQNAA MURAAFAQATAHU WA SAABIQATAHU WAJ'a"A'aLNAA MIMMAN YUSALLIMU LI'a"AMRIHEE WA YUKTHIRUS'aS'aALAATA A'aLAYHI I'aNDA D'aIKRIHI WA A'aLAA JAMEE'a"I'a AWS'aIYAAA'a"IHI WA AHLI AS'aFIYAA'a"IHIL MAMDOODEENA MINKA BI'a"A'aDADIL ITHNAA A'aSHARAN NUJOOMIZ ZUHARI WAL H'aUJAJI A'aLAA JAMEE'a"I'aLBASHAR" "ALLAAHUMMA WAHAB LANAA FEE HAAD'aAL YAWMI KHAYRA MAWHIBATIN WAN'a"JIH'aLANAA FEEHI KULLAA T'aALIBATIN KAMAA WAHABTAL H'aUSAYNA LI'a"MUH'aAMMADIN JIDDIHI WA A'aAD'aA FUT'aRUSU BI'a"MAHDIHI FA'a"NAH'aNU A'aAA'a"ID'aOONA BI'a"QABRIHI MIN BAA'a'a"DIHI NASH'a"HADU TURBATAHU WA NANTAZ'aIRU AWBATAHU AMEEN RABBAL'a"A'aALIMEEN." At the back that, you may recount the "Du`a' al-Husayn", which is the last pretext expressed by Imam al-Husayn (a.s) subsequently his enemies surrounded him in generous work out on the Day of `Ashura (the tenth of Muharram, AH 61): OSS`U`U`U'`U`U`U`U'`UZ Olb`UZ`U`U'Oa`UZ `U`UOa`UZO^1`UZOSS`U`US OSS`U`U'`U`UZ`Uf`UZOSS`U`UOOE O Allah: You are verily the Tall in feelings, O^1`UZO"`U`US`U`U OSS`U`U'Onot`UZO"`UZO+/-`U`U^Oa`UOOE the Wealthy in omnipotence, Oyen`UZO`U`USO`U OSS`U`U'`U`UO`UZOSS`U`UOOE the Controlling in prowess, Oa`UZ`U`U`US`U'`UOE O^1`UZ`U`U OSS`U`U'O(R)`UZ`UOSSO `U`U`UOOE the Self-governing from the creatures, O^1`UZO+/-`U`USOP`U OSS`U`U'`Uf`UO"`U'O+/-`U`US`UZOSSO!`UOOE the Unchained in narcissism, `U`UZOSSO`UO+/-`UOE O^1`UZ`U`UZ`U `U`UZOSS Oa`UZOyen`UZOSSO!`UOOE the Humorless chief all that which You ought, `U`UZO+/-`U`USO"`U OSS`UO+/-`U'`UZO`U'`U`UZO(c)`UOOE the Push to in embellish, Ou`UZOSSO`U`U`U OSS`U`U'`U^`UZO^1`U'O`UOOE the Frank in deposit, O^2`UZOSSO"`UOa`U OSS`U`U`U'`UO^1`U'`U`UZO(c)`UOOE the Calorific in favors, O`UZO^2`UZ`U`U OSS`U`U'O"`UZ`UOSSO!`UOOE the Sympathetic in ordeals, `U`UZO+/-`U`USO"`UOE OyenO^0`UZOSS O`UO^1`U`USOa`UZOOE the Nigh subsequently Your are prayed, `U`UO`U`USO.`UOE O"`U`U`UZOSS O(R)`UZ`U`UZ`U`U'Oa`UZOOE the Complete of all that which You bring shaped, `U`UZOSSO"`U`U`U OSS`UOa`U'`UZ`U^`U'O"`UZO(c)`U `U`U`U`UZ`U`U' Oa`UZOSSO"`UZ Oyen`U`UZ`US`U'`Uf`UZOOE the Accepter of the be sorry of him who repents to You, `U`UZOSSO`UO+/-`UOE O^1`UZ`U`UZ`U `U`UZOSS Olb`UZO+/-`UZO`U'Oa`UZOOE the Humorless to do at all You ought, `U^`UZ`U`UO`U'O+/-`U`Uf`UOE `U`UZOSS O.`UZ`U`UZO"`U'Oa`UZOOE the Taker in all that which You park, `U^`UZOyen`UZ`Uf`U`U^O+/-`UOE OyenO^0`UZOSS Oyen`U`Uf`UO+/-`U'Oa`UZOOE the Thankful for populate who thank You, `U^`UZO^0`UZ`Uf`U`U^O+/-`UOE OyenO^0`UZOSS O^0`U`Uf`UO+/-`U'Oa`UZOOE the Rememberer of populate who extol You. Olb`UZO`U'O^1`U`U^`Uf`UZ `U`UO`U'Oa`UZOSSOnotOSS`UOOE I pray You for I request You; `U^`UZOlb`UZO+/-`U'Oa`UZO"`U Oyen`U`UZ`US`U'`Uf`UZ `U`UZ`U`U`USO+/-OSS`UOOE and I coerce for You for I am in ought of You; `U^`UZOlb`UZ`U`U'O^2`UZO^1`U Oyen`U`UZ`US`U'`Uf`UZ O(R)`UZOSSO `U`UOSS`UOOE and I choice to You for I am terrified; `U^`UZOlb`UZO"`U'`Uf`U`US Oyen`U`UZ`US`U'`Uf`UZ `U`UZ`Uf`U'O+/-`U`U^O"OSS`UOOE and I leak earlier You for I am distressed; `U^`UZOlb`UZO^2`U'Oa`UZO^1`U`US`U`U O"`U`Uf`UZ OP`UZO^1`U`US`UOSS`UOOE and I seek Your aid for I am weak; `U^`UZOlb`UZOa`UZ`U^`UZ`Uf`U'`UZ`U`U O^1`UZ`U`UZ`US`U'`Uf`UZ `Uf`UZOSS`U`U`USOSS`UOOE and I depend upon You for I mingle in none swing round You; OSSO`U'`Uf`U`U`U' O"`UZ`US`U'`U`UZ`U`UZOSS `U^`UZO"`UZ`US`U'`U`UZ `U`UZ`U^`U'`U`U`U`UZOSS O"`UOSS`U`U'O`UZ`U`U'`UOOE (please do) park between our ethnic group and us with the truth, `U`UZOyen`U`U'`UZ`U`U`U`U' Oa`UZO+/-`U'`U`U^`U`UZOSS `U^`UZO(R)`UZO`UZO^1`U`U^`U`UZOSS for they bring deceived us, cheated us, `U^`UZO(R)`UZO^0`UZ`U`U`U^`U`UZOSS `U^`UZOa`UZO`UZO+/-`U`U^`UZOSS O"`U`U`UZOSS `U^`UZ`U`UZOa`UZ`U`U`U^`U`UZOSSOOE unbalance us, betrayed us, and killed us. `U^`UZ`U`UZO`U'`U`U O^1`UOa`U'O+/-`UZO(c)`U `U`UZO"`U`US`U'`U`Uf`UZ We are verily the eggs of Your Psychic, `U^`UZ`U^`UZ`U`UZO`U O`UZO"`U`USO"`U`Uf`UZ and the sons of Your baby one, `U`UO`UZ`U`U'`UZO`U O"`U'`U`U O^1`UZO"`U'O`UOSS`U`U`U'`U`U namely Muhammad ibn `Abdull^A!h, OSS`U`U'`UZO^0`U`US OSSOu`U'O.`UZ`U`UZ`US`U'Oa`UZ`U`U O"`UOSS`UO+/-`U'`UO^2`UZOSS`U`UZO(c)`U whom You bring favored for the Anticipate Job `U^`UZOSSO `U'Oa`UZ`U`UZ`U`U'Oa`UZ`U`U O^1`UZ`U`UZ`U `U^`UZO`U'`US`U`Uf`UZOOE and for continuation Your Parade. `U`UZOSSOnot`U'O^1`UZ`U`U' `U`UZ`U`UZOSS `U`U`U`U' Olb`UZ`U`U'O+/-`U`U`UZOSS `U`UZO+/-`UZOnotOSS`U `U^`UZ`U`UZO(R)`U'O+/-`UZOnotOSS`U So, (please so) sharpen a way out and a service for us, O"`UO+/-`UZO`U'`U`UZOa`U`Uf`UZ `US`UZOSS Olb`UZO+/-`U'O`UZ`U`UZ OSS`UO+/-`U'`UZOSSO`U`U`U`US`U`UZ. out of Your mercy; O the supreme Cordial of all populate who hold embellish. Announce : ZIARAT OF IMAM HUSSAIN height: 0;">" , ."Response to correspondent Response to group Response via web post Arise a New Side Messages in this topic (1) Extra Activity: * New Members 3 Ensure Your Purchase Hard To Pounded Get-together based on Respite and Justice The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) necessary be ready to struggle and labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) I hoist the words of Imam (a.s), that we are full-grown for the appointment, and not for the happen as expected. A good quality beam washes mumbled comment the thoughtfulness of declare, as I thank Allah for the phantom of my friend, whom Allah may protect, and guide IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Sanctify you And All Your Environment populate help others and learn islam. Syed Mohamad Masoom Abidi Marketplace Go on on top of your group excitement without separation the page you're on - Get the Yahoo! Toolbar now.
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