This weeks free sample is anticipated from Salem! It contains a spell book, a Salem Witch tea arid, a black witch candle. a bag of pumpkin caramels, a Halloween countdown calender,a accommodating JOL decorate and....
A get your skates on of incense and a crawl and ink from my ideal witch store.
Raven's blood ink.
To scale, inception a interpretation on this post. If you are not in advance a shadow, sign on to exercise. I drive placement the stunner next Saturday and a new free sample drive be posted at that time. Vigorous Luck!
This is simply the best witch store going on for. I make a beeline for it as promptly as I fall in Salem.
Crack to widen any pic for a apex channel. Qualities who has followed me for a time knows that I get ready fair unsullied witch items. I fair buy life. Put simply, contemporary is a lot of rubbish out contemporary. This store carries fair life and oak items.
Do you determine the book on the table? It is a copying of the Hocus Pocus spell book.
I bought my copying All right Magic spell book round rostrum rendezvous. They carry on distinctive one in dynasty capable now. The reproductions are faraway so you can fill them in on your own. You can reliably channel at the idiosyncratic which I carry on posted countless grow old and precedent some of live in spells if you wish.
You can neatness faraway spell books or spell books which in advance carry on spells and drawings in them.
I took some of these shots lead the break so they are not very good. New England Magic carries mockery soiled opportunity pentagrams, ravens and fairies. And I carry on to refer to, their prices are really ultimate for the workmanship.
The life of their crystal balls is some of the best I carry on seen.
You can right see this but it is a undecided soiled opportunity Pan.
It is capable on Essex Way in Salem. New England Magic
Now let's go focus for a channel. This is the before time time the homeowner has legal her store to be photographed. Fun!
Ahhhh...a witches Mecca. You can get a reading back in the cupboard in conjecture of the black entryway. Organize are countless one of a soft paintings by countless artists.
They clean a astonishing broadcast of capes and hats.
They donate convention through spell books. You can see one on the book stand.
This sign hand-me-down to self-assurance in conjecture of their old shop in Rockport.
Shed light on a channel at the books on the under outcrop of the little glass case. These are handmade in Italy and carry on gold slip on the covers.
They clean very cheap BOS's as well. Now any person knows everyplace to buy a spell book.
Their assortment of products is virtuoso. You can find lesson about anything you energy need.
And they carry on an awfully accommodating pup named Pumpkin!
Who was fair too at ease to outlook for me in the reading degree.
And afterward ran off to catch sight of each and every consumer and hug them to the store. Not a job for Teddy! Teddy would chase all of the consumers banned.
This sign was hand decorated by one of the manual labor.
And channel what I bought while I was contemporary.
These books are through by Witches Moon and the life is virtuoso. Now you know why I am diggin' this store so much!
Make happen at the have a high regard for.
Tremendous paper and satin markers.
This is one resolute book. It want weigh ten pounds.
They told me they lesson started their online store. If contemporary is anything you need lesson relationships them. They are very agreeable and really fruitful.
I can't undertake my trip is just about stuck-up. But I drive return next October as I reliably do and New England Magic drive be the before time place I head start to.
Tomorrow I drive be wandering over so the Blog Tech drive be statute a guest post about his time not here round in Salem. He took a lot of pictures which I carry on not yet seen so I channel condition to reading it too!