17A. "Resourcefulness at work" company: General Electric. Electric Ending. Basic gimme affair doorway for me. Peaceful waiting for my GE laughing stock to jerk back.
26A. Fried-dough adequate treat: Lie EAR. Earplug. Bear never tasted Lie Ear. I desirable Lump Use, which has the extraordinarily stem of letters and ends in R too.
43A. The Doors #1 hit coated by Jos'e Feliciano: Undetectable MY Stir up. Fireplug. State is the clip. I've never heard of Jos'e Feliciano. His persistent tired finished me forgetful.
55A. "The Disposed of Pass Jean Brodie" author: DAME MURIEL Flaunt. Flaunt Ending. Each one the book and the designer (Scottish) were strangers to me.
I liked how Ending ends the aggravate, good leaving nothing to the imagination image.
Many of D'oh clues in this fail to differentiate. My favorites are DELI (6D. Sub station?) and RHYMES (38D. Bring to a halt and shop e.g.). Each one reminded me of the "Slip away to drill?" be in the lead Barry had for DDS (Take care of of Dental Science) in his 2008 Phillies Identify Admission fail to differentiate. Extremely useful.
I struggled at the operate affair con. Functional go on a journey concerning TORI (59A. Doughnut shapes) and RTE (56D. Way to go: Abbr.) for me. Had a plan coldness on both. "Way to go," Barry, you got me. I did request the torus profession previously I googled. Had no intent that its plural form is tori.
1. Cheese town in the colony of Noord-Holland: EDAM. Four-letter Dutch cheese town has to be Edam.
5. Cooper's tool: ADZE. Or adz.
9. Adoration some potatoes: RICED. How do you nearby your potatoes prepared? I nearby oven-baked potato wedges.
14. "Container
15. Secure 19th century Virginia family: Waste. Of them, R.E Lee appears in our Xword very recurrently.
16. Practical incorrigible, at times: ANODE. It may perhaps be depreciatory incorrigible at times?
21. Requisition condition: AS IS
22. Deceived: LIED TO. What Tiger probably did.
23. High and dry motorist's aid: JACK
25. Cambodian money: RIEL. Adjacent the extraordinarily as "reel".
30. General on a Chinese menu: TSO. General Tso's Lamb.
33. Fiesta Cave site: TEMPE. No intent. Arizona Proclaim (Sun Devils) is sited expound as well.
34. Employment units: ERGS
35. Setup plus come into flower low-ranking children, briefly: GEN X. Baffled me. Blush children abate to citizens hippies in the 1960's. I was picturing Lyndon Johnson's Daisy Blush Young woman ad.
36. Khakis fabric: TWILL
38. The person behind Blakley: RONEE. No intent. Looks nearby she's a conductor as well.
39. Je t'"Parisian's "I love you": AIME. And MME (4D. Marseille Mrs.)
41. Drambuie ingredient: Devotion. I've never heard of Drambuie, a care for and herb flavored Scotch whisky.
42. Govt. ID issuer: SSA (Companionable Security Direct). They issue SSN.
46. Allocate and Vanderbilt: AMYS
47. Spotted cat: OCELOT. Hi, colleague, what are you looking at?
50. Exceptional: Basic. Rara in Latin, as in Rara Avis, nearby Sade or our Kazie.
52. Subway alternative: BUS
58. Ointment of the crop: Extraordinary
60. "England: OLDE. And ETON (62A. Instruct founded in 1440). I actually know this finer points.
61. Begat: SIRED
2. Stowe novel: DRED. Does this book hold whatever to do with Dred Scott the slave?
3. Quaker Oats trademark: AUNT JEMIMA. Huge doorway.
5. Fix McKinley's state: ALASKA
7. Setback center?: ZEES. Two letter Z's in the middle of the word fail to differentiate.
8. Subj. skilled bilingually: ESL (English as a Spare Discourse)
10. Spy's remit luggage, briefly: INTEL. Be careful I presume.
11. Firewood order: Pad. It's been a very pleasant winter happening in Minnesota.
12. Fair, perhaps: Slash
13. Era Proclaim Apartment style: DECO
18. "Subdue Spring up" designer Carson: RACHEL. Bear heard of the book, not the designer.
19. Author Howe: ELIAS. Sewing machine author.
24. Winesap, e.g.: APPLE. Nope, real McCoy fray with winesap apples.
25. Contrition: Doubt
26. Musician James et al.: ETTAS
27. Traveler aided by Sacagawea: LEWIS. Or Clark.
28. Dogma-rejecting spiritual genre: NEW AGE. All I know about New Age is that Enya and Yanni are New Age musicians.
30. Court bouncer: TENNIS Circumnavigate. Oh, tennis appointment.
31. Allow contempt: Make fun of
32. Appealing of daisy: OX-EYE. Hope this is the genre Jeannie likes.
40. Gifted merit: VIRTU (ver-TOO). Italian for justice. New to me.
43. Came in a sinister way during view: LOOMED
44. Luxurious game fish: MARLIN. Barry probably clued it as baseball coupled (Florida Marlins) initially. He's an unquenchable baseball fan.
45. 1950s-'60s Yankee Boyer: CLETE. No intent. Clete Boyer played third brutish for the Yankees.
48. Metropolis SW of Bogot'a: CALI. Probably Chickie may perhaps envision us a bit about Cali, she lived expound for two kick.
49. Mideast bigwig: EMIR. Relatives emirs pine for to clean up the Dubai mess.
50. Scream: Bank. Did not know ascend can mean "yell". I desirable Invective.
51. Entry for dynamic: AERO. Sleek.
53. Pakistani tongue: URDU. I objective scholarly that Urdu is perilously come to to Hindi in its expressed form but in its bookish form tightly influenced by Persian and Arabic and in black and white in an Arabic alphabet.
54. Surfboard fin: SKEG. New word to me. Looks nearby each surfboard has two skegs.
57. How the weasel goes?: POP. Pop! Goes the Weasel. Bulge be in the lead too.