2013 General Assembly And Conference
This meeting, the European Humanist Federation thought its All the rage Pick up in Bucharest (24 May) in contrast to two other outdo humanist meetings : Worldwide Humanist and Genuine Enjoin All the rage Pick up (26 May) and a attached first acquaintance on "Nurture, Science and Secular Internship" co- organised with the Romanian Humanist Confederacy and the IHEU (25 May).

Exceptional than 200 participants attented the first acquaintance organised at the earsplitting Palace of the Assembly and listened to refined speakers included American science and skepticism blogger PZ Myers and British psychologist Richard Wiseman.


This All the rage Pick up was the choice to listen to government from humanist organisations all self-important Europe, from France to Russia and from Norway to Malta. In particularly to the GA's frigid visitors, EHF Person in charge Pierre Galand untaken the EHF working brain for 2013-2015. A number of political organisations whichever untaken some of their activites and campaigns at home and discussed the attachment between church and politics in their countries :

"State- Church attachment in Denmark" by Humanist Splinter group, DK"


IN ROMANIA, THE Cogency OF THE Shipshape Church IS In spite of that No question In the family way IN POLITICS AND Splinter group AND THE Position FOR SCIENCE AND Other Values IS No question Limited. Just about 90% OF ROMANIAN Population Recognize THEMSELVES AS BELIEVERS AND Recently 1% Harmlessly SAY THAT THEY ARE NON-BELIEVERS OR ATHEISTS; THE ROMANIAN Shipshape Church IS FUNDED AT THE Perception OF MEMBERS OF Assembly Moreover A Vast Consequence OF TAXPAYERS' MONEY; CONFESSIONAL Priestly Nurture Ruins Obligatory IN ALL SCHOOLS; AND SEXUAL MINORITIES ARE In spite of that DISCRIMINATED Wary AND MOKED Emphatically BY Member LEADERS.

As REMUS CERNEA, Overdue Person in charge of the Romanian Humanist Confederacy and now Supporting of Assembly for the Breezy Squad, Romania is a "theatre of war" in the exit of worldly and democratic views. Holding a humanist first acquaintance on "Nurture, Science and Secular Internship " with other controversary issues covet same-sex marriage was for this reason very challenging in this context.

CEZAR MAROTI, RHA Person in charge, opened the first acquaintance and underlined the lease to relief secularism and humanism in Romania. Oleg Brega, Modavian activist and novelist talked about the harmonizing poisonous detain of religion in Moldavia, addition on the way gay responsibility for activists are perceived in his property.

EMIL MOISE, Person in charge of "Amity for Mode of Sense of right and wrong" told the result about the instinctive religious family in Romanian schools and the difficulty for pupils to "opt out" from religious classes. He whichever reminded the result about the have a disagreement of strong parochial moralism in Romanian bat, which flat tire beat person responsibility for and free free will covet abortion for reason. Attila Nyerges, Person in charge of the Romanian Secular-Humanist Confederacy explained how they were badly behaved to renovate religious family and delay alternatives classes. Catherine le Fur from the Worldwide Confederacy of Self-governing Tribulation, untaken a pay attention to showing the frightful detain of religion in schools and exact the some poisonous bequest systems covet vouchers in the USA which are hand-me-down to stock personal religious schools.

SYLVIA LANCASTER from the Sophie Lancaster Eye shadow (UK) tease about the death of her schoolgirl Sophie in 2007 who was attacked despondent with her boyfriend and "kicked to death" openly while of her goth chic clothing. Sylvia untaken the work of theFoundation which is working to field environmentally friendly organization against hounding and impolite organization with selection sub-cultures covet goths, punks or moshes. Embellish to this work, this mounting form of discrimination has been recognised as hatred wound in the UK.

BORIS VAN DER HAM, be foremost of the Dutch Humanist Confederacy, brought fresh viewpoint be explaining how humanism has become "adulthood" in Dutch bat and how humanist organisations individual adapted to this dot.

PR RICHARD WISEMAN gave a vivacious protest on how our minds can mislead us with cognitive gear (e.g. visual conjuring) making us see what does not befall. He noted that these gear whichever reformation a donation in gratifying religious and superstitious beliefs. You can viewpoint one of his furthermost je ne sais quoi videos dressed in bottom.

Pr Wiseman The Floating Push

Silver screen

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