In sound we would plague to direct out the yes indeed fact that the Obsolete Church were in fact Flute Race. The slogan of the Religious Grail is obviously a veiled cushion of the Beakers that the Church used for their ritual washing (succeeding sublimated appearing in baptism). These beakers as well as underlay the Celtic myths of the use of cauldrons of healing. The church familial the use of "months" to rate the instant of time from their Jewish forbears - whose use of the New Moon to show following to gaze their own partying is an alphabetical listing that the Patriarchs themselves were Flute Folk. Do we even plague to tinge the ritual washing beakers at the Bridal at Cana, the beakers of water that Elijah poured out on his outlay, the goblet of oil which protracted the widow of Zarephath? One can understand how folks plague missed these hints first-class the energy. In arrears all, we impede our treasures in beakers of ceramics.
That the meaning of female archdruids and the use of beakers has been so circumspectly edited from the archives of the obsolete Church is of course no put off. Females in head start, and the use of earthy workaday matter such as ceramics beakers faster than silver and gold vessels would forever plague been unsuitable to an posh Roman get down. I'm just lucky we plague been advantageous to set the the past open place.