On Truthful Dreams
"It is said that King David was a man of extraordinary spiritual character. Whenever he experienced a terrifying nightmare, he was able to glean the message from it and make the necessary spiritual corrections in his life. On the other hand, the Zohar tells us that an unjust man will often be shown a happy dream (an untruthful one) so as to lead him further astray from the path of the truth. This spiritual principle is explained in the following Zohar text: WHOEVER SETS OUT TO PURIFY HIMSELF IS PURIFIED FROM ABOVE, AND WHOEVER SETS OUT TO DEFILE HIMSELF IS SIMILARLY DEFILED FROM ABOVE. "Zohar II, 200a" The more spiritual an individual is, the more truthful the dream he experiences." A tidbit from Truth ">The Kabbalah Centre.technorati tags: oneiromancy kabbalah zohar

Credit: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com