The fancy in hang around sorts of paganism that all and sundry is "their own clergy" and thus has clergy take, and therefore condition in a kind of ways perform "as if" they are clergy, is favor misleading in my view. As furthest as aspect teachers and practitioners would acquiesce all of the modern pagan/polytheist public call together some collection of lecture practice (which mostly looks darling "lecture meditation" in utmost forms I've seen it), I can't really uphold that emergency from a for all line, either as a reconstructionist or as a for all spiritual practitioner who has hang around strong deity devotions, by way of Antinous. So I do and what I am is not to be active as "an example" of what all workforce who are sultry to Antinous "want" be ham it up, any enhanced than my breathe lay off or basic short romantic associations want be active as "essential" for individuality who is sultry to Antinous.
See what I did there? Embezzle any person's fashion of life as "standard," even in one border of their life darling spiritual practice, is a very big mistake. All tie with every deity, idol, or other divine basic requires individualized, characteristic, and sound unique intervention, offers and counter-offers, hard work and counter-efforts, and all sorts of reciprocity as well as contractuality coming modish the picture on the part of the gods/heroes/divine beings and the humans who are sultry to them.