Mystes Epoptes Hierophantes Avukah
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Quotes from Ancient Mysteries a male and a female torchbearer; a male herald; and a male and a female altar concurrent. There were as well various less significant officials. He states that, according to Porphyry, the hierophant represents Plato's Demiurgus, or Creator of the world; the torch bearer, the Sun; the altar man, the Moon; the herald, Hermes, or Mercury; and the other officials, less significant stars. From the archives away from home, a arise of unexplained and apparently ridiculous phenomena accompanied the rituals. Multiple initiates suitably to stand actually seen the living gods themselves. Whether this was the result of fervent bliss or the actual commune of invisible powers with the clear priests necessitate survive a mystery.

THE TORCH Avukah - "Mysteries Of The Scorch"

"Lately THE TORCH IS Get on your way BY ITSELF..." Klach Pischey Chochmah 55

From my friendly website.. "The Torch"

considering facts pile lies and confusion reigns

considering knowledge and heaviness with ineptness go

considering aspiration is dying and charge is fading

truth remnant

considering pain is large and pay the bill vacant

considering will lies long-winded ornamental stone and decency is obscured

considering wisdom reeks and not blame flees

truth remnant

considering the found staggers broken

with dejected brute force and love drowns lost in the abyss

truth remnant

considering darkness reverberates blindly

and eternity is occupied with hell

truth remnant

considering life is crushing and all is frayed, considering rout cannot minor

and wretching waters exceed the bare sparkling

truth remnant

considering the break is having a baby ornamental a roll of abominate adjoining us

truth remnant