It Is So Sad
Sunday, June 23, 2013 11:32 0 (In advance It's Tidings) It ia so sad that clique in our nation selected for some one having the status of he is black

it is so sad that clique selected for some one having the status of he is gay

it is so sad that clique selected for some one having the status of he gave you a free earpiece

it is so sad that clique selected for a man that gave a way all of our freedoms

it is so sad that clique selected for some one he thinks it is ok that men can rape a child

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who gave all of our jobs to muslims and mexicans

it is so sad that clique gave not in every thing our 4 fathers fought so cold for and we unbiased let the islamic terrorist lean first-class our nation

it is so sad that clique selected for some one and now we the clique are the terrorist not the islamic terrorist that set out to trounce all christians and jews

it is so sad that clique selected for some one trace he says he is god


Dawn a suggestion Go to annotations OBAMA Sympathetically HINTS THAT HE IS "GOD."Black nationalists command a hanker tradition of belief that the black fire is God and evident relatives command special roles that are prominent haughty others in their deity. Obama caused fight just the once he read Psalms 46, which includes the ramparts "Be inert and know that I am God." and "I fortitude be prominent among the nations."

This occurred at a place of worship for the sufferers of 9/11 in 2011. Black Emancipation Theology, in shrewd, teaches that the black fire is divine. This Psalm appears to command been prudently assured, having the status of it allows him to bill the words that he is God at this to Americans sacred site. In effect, this can be in a meeting as evidence that Obama is the Mahdi/Messiah at the same time he goes on a push of overthrow in the Nucleus East. Obama habitually treats such collective dealings as an possibility for the ritualized a breath of fresh air of his Black-Liberation secretarial beliefs.

It is not exceptional for pathological Narcissists (megalomaniacs) to assume that they are a aloof discrete, prophet or actually God as happens with cult leaders. (See Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson, Louis Farrakhan and numerous others.) Convinced, such as Sam Vaknin, scaffold that Obama has Narcissistic One Disorder and is an staff Narcissist, aka megalomaniac. (See the interconnect below.)

Sam Vaknin Analyses Obama's Megalomania

James H. Cone-shaped tool canonized Black Emancipation Theology, which Jeremiah Wright, Jr. has alleged on federation broadcast is the doctrine of Trinity Place Church of Christ. Black Emancipation Theology as expressive by the black cult doctrine of the Land-dwelling of Islam and has the same basic beliefs. The white fire is equated to the Antichrist and the black fire is called the look of God on earth.

A millennial utopia, the biblical country on earth, is to be twisted by the negative effects of white discernment. The "country" is envisioned to be a real political and physical decision affirm and not unbiased a spiritual merrymaking. So, Black Emancipation Theology is formulated as a aptitude protectorate religion, which is doomed to instruction first-class the earth behindhand the stay fresh combat with "white discernment."


it is so sad that clique selected for some one who requirements to lean our homes and givbe them to terrorist

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who requirements to award our nation first-class to islam

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who wasnt even untrained taking part in

it is so sad that clique selected for some one in hopes he fortitude award them walk off stamps

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who lets terrorist in to the spectator protection secret code

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who gives our tax dollars to the terrorist muslim brotherhood

it is so sad that women who selected for a evil man unbiased so they can trounce they babys

it is so sad that women expose it is ok to trounce a extra babe-in-arms and privilege it an abortion even while they went the whole 9 months and went in to rattle

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who gives child rapess release to teach in our schools

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who teaches in the girl scoots automatic parnet hood

it is so sad that clique selected for for some one who thinks it is ok to let child rapess rape our children in schools

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who hates jesus

it is so sad that now every one who selected for some one thinks it is ok to teach our children in our schools that obama is god

it is so sad that clique selected for some one who takes god out of our schools and teach that allah is god

it is so sad that i command to argument this war every day in hopes you would get up up and help lean back our nation
