Goddess Pantheons Middle East
// God Pantheon of the Center East // Further decency to Kallidah Fazel from Pagan Interrupt for the names of these captivating Goddesses. )O(

TRIPLE God OF THE Center EAST: The Goddesses Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Menat formed a harmony in pre-Islamic

Arabia. They were significantly worshipped: from Nabatean Petra in the North

to the famous Kingdoms of Arabia Felix in the South, by means of Saba, the

Biblical Sheba; as far east as Iran and Palmyra; and the three of them were

very voguish Goddesses in Mecca at the time of Mohammed.

All-Uzza's name way "intense one".

Allat way "the goddess".

Menat way "Portion, Possibility, Kismet, Mana (portion; set), Manna (Hebrew; Materials from Paradise) (Egyptian: Mennu; Materials)".

These three Goddesses are often referred to as the daughters of Al-Lah. Deliver OF Center EASTERN GODDESSES:


-Mother God Who gave biological to the originator of the fabric

area, according to early Gnostic Christians.


-Ancient Turkish Mother God.


Arabian Moon God, Shared Search of Food. Mother Win and Her

Fruits. Arabic Paramount God. A triple God with Al-Uzza and Menat. Oaths

are preserved with the vow "By the brackish, By the fire, and by Al-Lat who is the

principal of all."


-Persian Moon God. Nubile Living thing.


Forceful One. Arabic God. Prime mover of Mohammed~Os clique, the

Koreshites, unreliable tenders of Her Holy Sandstone in Mecca.The Distinct.

Mohammed worshipped this Harsh environment God of the First light Bead. Acacias are Her

sacred tree.


-Strength of Invention. Worshipped by Canaanites, Amorites, Syrians, Egyptians,

Hebrews, Phoenicians. Emperor of Paradise and Mistress of all the gods.


Immoderate Mesopotamian God, Monarch of the Win and Emperor of the Sky.

ARAMAITI: -Iranian Win God, Whose chat was the new to the job chat

of the Christian Gospels. Mother of the Empire completed of Earthen.

ARIANNA:Great God of Persia


ARURU: Sumero-Babylonian Immoderate God Who was the new to the job Potter Who twisted possible beings out of



Semitic name of the Immoderate God. Holy Wood, Prefigure Harlot,

Lady of Paradise, Emperor of the Gods, Lady Who Traverses the Sea. Holy Cow.

Symbol: stylized multi-branched tree. She Who gives biological to the gods. God

of the Tree of Invention. God of the Wood. She Who gives biological, Wet-nurse of

the gods.

Ugaritic Mother God. She was the Flume of Invention, practiced as

thoughtfully and endurin. Originate in flocks of stock and groves of foliage, evoked in

childbirth and planting time. Sometimes appeared as a naked, curly-haired

God riding a sacred lion and holding lilies and serpents in

up-raised hands.


Sumerian God of Roughage.


Dull Arabic Sun God. Torch of the Gods.


-Babylonian Mistress of the gods. Dusk Bead of Craving. Portrayed as a

female Who bears a suckling darling on Her absent arm and Who blesses the

child with Her restore hand.


Semitic Win Mother.


Emperor Bee God of early Mycenae and Anatolia. Celebrated with the Tree of Invention.

DERCETO:Babylonian Sea God. The Giant of Der.Direct - God of Lawfulness.

Bough of the Triple God with Ananke and Heimarmene. Pre-hellenic

Syrian Companion Mother God.


Babylonian Emperor of Paradise. She self-assured biological stuck between all creatures in Her land.


Arabian Moon God, Creatress, Search of the Sun, Tree of Paradise.

She existed from the beginning of the fabric world.


Babylonian Immoderate God. Lady of Birth and Mother of Dogs. Portion God. The Immoderate

Doctoress Who possibly will restore to health or rummage queasiness. MARY, MOTHER:

Nonetheless not officially referred to as a God in Christian values, Mary is worshiped the world over as the Mother God Who gave biological to the Christian sacrificial God, Jesus. She is often depited as part of/same the same as as Shekinah and Sophia. Adjacent the latter two God, Mary is often symbolised by a white dove as well as a Rose and Lily, stuck between other symbols. Mary shares utmost fo the titles of the ancient Goddesses, such as Bead of the Sea, Mystical Rose, Emperor of Paradise, Surly Virgin, Black Madonna, Mother Win, and Moon Mother. A bound to be path in Voodoo Magick condescending "Marian Voodoo" is firm to Mary. It from this time works slely with the God Mary. She is the same customarily the spirit God in Gypsy Magick.

SHEKINAH:Jewish God. She is the Understanding of God. Shekinah is symbolised by a white dove. She in imitation of became the Deified Bravery of Christianity. Thus, Shekinah os the Third and Mother Bough of the Christian Trinity. SOPHIA: Artistically a Greek God of Formation from Whom all accouterments come and were formed. Sovereign Solomon the Thinker brought the Craze of Sophia clothed in the equidistant East through his uncommon writings on Her in the Books of Understanding and Proverbs (the older having been dominantly in print in Greek).

May the God bless you. )O( In Her dark light,Dani