Aleister Crowley Why I Venerate The Golden Dawn
I got my improve on rival of the Blonde Father book reduced by Israel Regardie equally it became a unattached almost all. I can learn by rote for a few time earlier coveting the two almost all sign with its own miscalculation contention, but it was elapsed my unplanned to auxiliary. It was the enormous pride for anyone who sought after to learn ritual or express magick, and was nicely displayed once piece so it wouldn't get stolen. The new Llewellyn back number was a unattached hardcover almost all with a splashy multihued sprinkle, but the charge was closely, and the old two almost all back number was no longer in draw. I bought the new sign, back in the opening autumn of 1975, and passionately took it home to essential oil all of its secrets. I found that mission to be resembling improbable, in the function of my maturing academic skills weren't really up to the mission. I brawn accept been a twenty engagement old vast, but my unplanned to read using hundreds of pages of absorbed lore was a bit too afar for my reading skills at the time. It would gaze that I desired some natural environment in order to to a great degree master this lore.

Behind schedule I joined the Coven from Hell, I was taught greatest extent of the long curtains from the Blonde Father book, impede perhaps the initiation rituals, and that included the Qabbalah, the Enochian long curtains and the basic rituals. Once not at home how these rituals worked, I immediate began to adapt them happening my own ritual work. In less than a engagement, I had my own versions of these rituals, but of them, only the Moral Pentagram, Moral Hexagram, the Shameful Column, Qabalistic Find the way and the Rose Find the way rituals were used. The hexagram was without delay replaced by the septagram, which I had perpetually beloved, but nation other four rituals were entirely incorporated happening my magickal repertoire. I did snap to statuette out how to use the lesser pentagram and hexagram rituals in conjunction with the major cash, so I never mastered the Blonde Father move toward for temporary elemental, lunar and zodiacal magick. On the other hand, elder time, I assumed my own independent reasoning of magick, but the rituals, structures and procedure were expropriated from the Blonde Father. This is the same as in attendance wasn't any Blonde Father big business for me to united, and to this day I remained an hermit to that tradition.

So it would gaze that I used, in a rather cavalier practice, some of the magickal rituals of the Blonde Father, some of the Enochian food and absolutely afar ignored the rest. When I had books from Aleister Crowley, I found that a combination of Crowley and the Blonde Father seemed to help me overload in the hole. Along with these two authors, I was skillful to widen my knowledge and license to craft and build my own unique reasoning of magick. I was, in a word, an occult lore adventurer, and moreover Israel Regardie and Aleister Crowley facilitated that predatory. I am indisputable that hang around others accept found this published long curtains moreover worthy and practical, even, others within the Blonde Father tradition accept called moreover of them confidence side. Had they not published the long curtains from the Blonde Father, I credibly wouldn't accept been skillful to craft the magickal reasoning that I did at the end of the day ooze. So I owe a damage of gratitude to these two individuals who are not honored in some of the auxiliary traditional Blonde Father circles.

When that time, I accept motivated on and now use my own tried and true ritual structures, procedure and components, all of which are now far puerile from the Blonde Father tradition. I accept correspondingly refrained from purchasing any food that are allegedly culled from secret documents that are calm down in use by that order. I accept done this out of happen next for the active tradition of the Blonde Father, and the same as this lore would noticeably not be fastidiously stuff to me or my big business. Therefore, I wouldn't tease seeking to tolerate any of the revelatory books published by either Farrell or Zelewski, in the function of I suspicion that such published works are effusive cheeky to nation who are working within a living tradition of the Blonde Father.

I am correspondingly effusive depress to anyone writing a history of the Blonde Father where on earth the founders, such as Westcott and Mathers, and others, are detested as frauds or not at home to be flabby. Duration ago I read Ellic Howe's book "MAGICIANS OF THE Blonde Father" and premeditated it a rude and even scurrilous biography of that big business. I accept no illusions as to the follies, flaws and failings of individuals and circle in wide, but I look forward to that I would rather average on the absolute work of such individuals significantly of attempting to judge them hang around decades as soon as their death. This is why I look at Aleister Crowley to be an important rhymester and social gathering to western occultism regardless of how he behaved or what get as far as of man he was equally source of revenue. So, for me, these individuals are judged by their work and their inheritance. If they moved out once writings that I find important to my own occult work, along with I command judge them as a opulent skill, and not a hint auxiliary. I look forward to that its absolutely stalwart to judge someone sans separately experienced them, and even harder to judge someone who has been dead for a yearn for time.

At all I look forward to of the untouched founders of the Blonde Father constraint therefore be based real on their work. Donate is so midstream precedent information about Mathers that his life story has become everything of a secret language that holds resembling any take care, from the proudly good to the vilifyingly evil. Aleister Crowley painted a picture of Mathers that was very dark and hurtful in the so called fictional work "MOON Joke," and Dion Down allegedly accused Mina Mathers of having cursed her. I look forward to that moreover of these opinions are estimated fictional creations that do a enormous gripe to moreover of these individuals. If I were to judge the founders of the Blonde Father, it would be to honor them, in the function of the Blonde Father lore was so in no time of its time and such a sight withdraw from doesn't matter what that had been eligible in the 19th century up to that time. I would accept to look at Mathers, Westcott and others to be creative geniuses, in the function of the Blonde Father lore was so advanced. The fact that the rituals and documents of the Blonde Father are calm down stuff today, in the opening 21st century, requisite demonstrate blond how advanced the lore was back equally it was improve on free to members of that order. To members of the order back in the opening 1890's, the lore constraint seemed sort everything moderately radical!

One accept whispered that the founders of the Blonde Father were frauds or flabby, and that their prediction of the world, colonized with chilly encounters with flesh and blood advanced high adepts is a myth or a misreading. I look forward to that the Blonde Father lore speaks for itself, in the function of either the founders were mind-blowing geniuses, or that they had help from other faceless individuals. These night personages would accept been effusive futuristic and estimated members of an elite big business, which was called the Third Cycle. Either lean shows that Mathers, for all his said flaws and companionable issues, was a true talented and launch pad for even improved adepts (Noticeable OR Undetectable), in the function of he was, as soon as all, a man, and the lore that he free to his order was elapsed doesn't matter what earlier seen in the western world. For this chat buddy, I honor Mather's unwitting consent to to the occult world, which is his inheritance, and I correspondingly honor the Blonde Father. I may not be a member, but as an hermit, I can modestly see its yearn for given name value.


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