I'm happy to recite I'm surrounding just right with a series of pieces I gather together my Celtic Tree Fairies. Yep, that's one of them you see on my heading above! Exhibit force be four in the series to start out, excluding you never know, I may add larger than in the future. My influence was to project fairies for "protection, prosperity, healing and love." In the function of I had finally just right up the art for my appearance deck "Put into words of the Grass" (Llewellyn, Sept. 2011) I was quiet in that Celtic frame of wristwatch. The deck is all about the Celtic Ogham and tree lore. Simply, the Ogham is an very old medieval alphabet cast-off as very old as the 4th century. What's more symbol is allied with a special tree and has it's own divinatory meaning and mystical teaching. The Ogham is sometimes referred to as the Celtic Tree Alphabet.
So, I had just right the art and the expression for the Ogham deck, and the influence for these fairies came to me. I important to use four Celtic leaves and place the fairies each in a track and angle of the tree they represent. I next included the Celtic Ogham symbol in each pole to especially add to the tree exchange and bring larger than magic dressed in each pole. They actually started off as black and white jewelry designs for Peter Nugget. I did about 30 new designs for them this blind date, every time I sent larger than, Peter snobbish replying with, "Great! what's next? "Publicize larger than." How can a girl refuse? I assume the new line amid the four fairies be out tersely, he's teased me a bit on Facebook, so I character the back number is surface to complete and they're waiting place give or take the part. They force be usefulness pendants, and honestly, I can't possess to wear them.
I liked the jewelry designs so ominously, I wanted to see them in full color, and the influence of this new series of Celtic fairy art was uneducated. I beyond a passing bit of each tree to my oil wipe, side, blossom, acorn, or flake of unpeel, to bring the tree energy magically guzzle. These were really fun to project, and display become very magical pieces.
I've been at the expression index, i.e. laptop, a lot only just because I display some deadlines for articles that I'm causative to Llewellyns 2012 periodicals, and I'm next working on re-writes for the Put into words of the Grass document, so the subsist fairy has indefatigably waited. My fingers are sting to draw pictures despite the fact that, so I suggest to work on her this weekend and see how ominously I can get done. The resolution postscript to the series force be the heather fairy, for love! I know, I know, we don't character of heather as a tree, but it was a very capacious mechanism to the Celts, and they ranked such thing according to handiness and profit, so in the Ogham, it's premeditated a tree. Below are the essential three, I'll post some pictures of the work in awaken of their fair sister as I display them, so respect checking back!
Determined look On!
The Apple Tree Elf bring healing of the wristwatch, be included and spirit. She sends magical healing energy guzzle the power of her healing hands, the Ogham symbol of the apple tree glows forth from a side.
The Rowan Tree Elf is a deep warrior, she brings protection and defensive. She'll lead you guzzle the dark forest of life armed with a sword and artificial safety that bears the Ogham tarnish of the rowan.
The oak tree fairy is pleased and has blessings of heaps to verdict on those who seize it. She cradles an acorn in her arm, variety for insinuate and holds a golden coin bearing the Celtic Ogham symbol for the oak tree.