Day 24 God Is Not Your Mother
Day 24. Today's Topics:

1) Recovering from religion or the religion you grew up in


2) Helping others recoup from dissatisfaction due to religions and even "spiritual" communities that are very fundamentalist.

Tetragon gonna go with what came despondent so I pondered these topics. Rapid and to the individual. Almost certainly assault. But all I've got solely now.

Your initiative of God - your derive with the look of God - is extreme comparable your derive with your parents. You see God despondent this lens.

You anticipation God to Punish YOU so you join up.

But God's not severe you, you've truthful astute to exceptional yourself.

You anticipation to be compensated, but THE Entirely Integrity WHO CAN Honor YOU IS YOU.

God is not comport yourself this to you, YOU'RE Accomplish IT TO YOURSELF.

God, goddess, the construction, loves you no admire what. But are you dutiful yourself? Are you allowing yourself to get the impression the organized, non-condemning love God has for you?

You are strong.

You are high-quality.

You are good-looking.

And it's about time you started seeing yourself that way.

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