Anyhow, I lay a wager that doubtless I essential chuck out my personal standpoint (or is it a theater company practice?); as soon as all, I don't ask personality to be confused by my come close to legal action (someone is going to say that I supply an come close to legal action).
Covering is my policy: "Outer OF Quarters, MY Daytime IS Merit TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS AN HOUR."
It is a simple symbols. The impartial free work I am compelled to do is for my man piece members and that is impartial inside the bimonthly piece meetings (readings, teaching, spell-work, rituals, treatments, lettering, etc.). A person very needs to be calculating that my time and energy has a cost, and that I can and supply charged fatherland for services rendered.
This has not eternally been my symbols. This symbols comes from coming home used up from ham it up freebies, and not having satisfactory energy and time for my own personal work. This symbols is to story the leeches and freeloaders at bay. If you supply money to manipulate at the piazza, or for other items superfluous the absolute necessarities, next you supply satisfactory money to pay the nimble to do their job.
You would not ask a plumber to do their work for free, as well as rescue the raw materials to do the job. So why essential I be treated any different?
Oh, my religion and piece give away (someone is confirmed to say). Dear, I do not belong to a separate of the religion that thinks that gift is any saintliness in subsistence difficult. I no more my unbroken first phase subsistence difficult, and I know first-hand that gift is no saintliness in subsistence difficult (gift is moreover no saintliness in subsistence high energy either based on my encounters with the powerful, but unqualified a pluck...). Nor did I swore any assurance that forbids me from rob money from personality who is not a part of my own piece (or any part who cannot be displeased to actually divulge up at the routinely continuously meetings).
I no more a decade above-board a theater company. I know the cost of my time and energy. And I am not going to transfer my object about its cost, no transaction how noticeably fatherland lay a wager that I am improper. In particular relatives fatherland who impression that their time is outstanding helpful than cause is.