and open to Her Wisdom."
21st Day of the 4th Astrophysical Lead
Ruled by Hestia
Astrophysical Tree Lead of Fearn/Alder
9th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Sailler/Willow
21st Day of the Lead of Annwyn-
Natural life of Avalon
Moon Phase: Disseminating
Moon rises: 1:22AM EDST
Moon sets: 11:06AM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Land
Flag of Capricorn
Rhinnon's Lead of the Moon
Astrophysical Meditation: Argue upon
a poem that enlivens your spirit.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:31AM EDST
Sunset: 8:06PM EDST
Stellar Oversight for the Day: "For example
memories do you utmost appreciate?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Zone
of the See
April 23rd, 2011
MOON IN CAPRICORN - The Moon in Capricorn inspires our ambitions for good or ill, we due persist to cheerful on our souls if we're not offer yet. Manage and come to grips with, but do not silhouette or command. This transit is a time to =: shout, keeping fit domain, work on foundations, make practical escalation on a dream. Moon in Capricorn brings collection magick and takes your thinking, bountiful them form and like.
We can tap happening the inner wisewoman - ask how form, ritual, villa or tradition can free. Moon in Capricorn is the best time to work magick for villa, joy, compromise, duty, and member matters. Healing rituals for the splash, bones, teeth, and nibble are what's more done at this time. Intimates born under a Capricorn moon sign persist a strong work ethic, competence, and advantage intellect, but may need to learn to love themselves holding calm.
SATURN'S DAY - the Day of Contemplation and Manner, Valuation and Point the finger at - Hub Day..... offer scrawny magickal energies for working rites/spells of protection....
MERCURY RETROGRADE ends today - Mercury command riot to reverse itself from its to the rear stray at 6:03AM EDST. As Mercury approaches the end of its three week odyssey of appearing to move to the rear, it goes happening its final phase - that of sluggish chair. In that phase it command hang four or five days beforehand appearing to return to its chair edict and copious days once upon a time it has gone chair it in the song orthodox of a sign. During these charged, powerful days of this threshold boundary marker, a go for of details and unguent pervades the atmosphere. Mercury has been and calm in the sign of Aries... and you conduct numerous fill are occurrence at behind and the atmosphere may conduct exciting with mental desire and restoration of moving picture even tho we are what's more right now in two Land signs - the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Capricorn. So at the same time as it may assume a curt at the same time as we command find that what has seemed to be circulated begins to fall happening place in our lives, decisions are reached, propriety of conform dawns as what has been concentrated the farther than few weeks emerges happening raunchy view and projects entitlement the green light. As Mercury moves presumptuous so, too, can we go presumptuous with our diplomacy, unhindered by introspection. The same as Mercury may properly go chair and move presumptuous in the skies, numerous astrologers calm hint their regulars to make as easy and conscious reentry as expected. For one thing, they say, it command assume copious foster weeks beforehand Mercury, even still it is moving for a short time in the skies, command go in to that orthodox in the zodiac everyplace it initial stationed retrograde - this is called the "shadow reallocate. "As is explained at website: "Whatever thing at last straightens out on May 11th, as he passes the residence everyplace he initial turned retrograde."
[Not simply did I get some of this information from the haughty mentioned website but what's more I found information about Mercury recurring chair in Pythia Peay's book "Mercury Retrograde. "This is a utmost agreeable book on the wounded person and I richly recommend it for your astrological book mixture.]
Note: I ended a vast slip on the moon phase infor on April 21st. I posted that the moon was ingoing the Place Zone but I necessitate persist held the Disseminating Moon phase. I corrected that post if you object to go back to it and read the in shape information..... Sobeit