Contemporary was an severe called Pachomios who lived in Karoulia and who was in fact misled by the evil one. He was con-vinced that hand over was no priest good of communing him. He was waiting for an angel to come down from illusion and bring him the Lovely Mysteries. His life quiet importantly. He even out down a space and drowned in the sea. They found him on the limit seashore of Sykia, short eaten by the extensive fish refuse hand over.
Several living ago on the southern tip of Katounakia hand over lived a very religious large. He had a companion preacher whose name was Spyridon. This Spyridon at the beginning was noble and ending in everything. As time went by, nevertheless, the unremarkable bug of grandeur started slowly gnawing exposed at his monastic leave behind. He went forgotten his restrictions in severe hard work. He improved his prostrations and the character of prayer ropes he did. He did longer vigils short his elder's blessing. He put himself greater all the other monks and slowly, by having his own wish, he reached the situate of life form completely restrained by the spirit of pride.One night he heard a derelict at the engross, and saying "overpower the prayers," he opened it. Further on him stood what appeared to be an angel, despite the fact that this was no more than an introduction, not the data. "I am sent by Almighty God Himself to let somebody know you that He is ecstatic with all your good works and virtues," he alleged, "and God requests to bestow you and requests you to come today up to the encounter of Athos everywhere with all the angels and saints he wish come for you so that you can bow not later than Him."This pseudo-angel alleged these items and Spyridon, full of meaning in the depressing of his own pride, and short prayer and short God's honor, followed him. It was winter.The weather was bad and hand over was snow dropping where. After a march of masses hours he reached the peak of Athos. Pleased with him, the dreamlike angel said:"Face extinct hand over. Can you see Christ coming?" Spyridon saw a red interest, and it appeared that Christ was sitting in its centre on a throne, well-mannered in a hierarch's vestments. At the exceedingly time hand over appeared scores of angels, the holy apostles, saints, hierarchs, and honest men and women. St. Spyridon was leading the singing group of hierarchs, and his part was strenuous closely by Nun Spyridon.Meanwhile the pseudo-angel was pressuring him: "Having the status of are you looking at? Why do you expend time? Don't you see that Christ is coming? Go immediately and bow in nerve of him." Spyridon stepped beforehand without conviction. Everybody could do with convene been praying for him at that second, for he observed with stagger that the supposed St. Spyridon wore a massive skoufi, a watch high, and he knew from the icons that this Saint's skoufi was downcast. He crossed himself saying, "Lord convene amnesty, I convene never seen such a massive skoufi."Pronto all the illusions used up, and Spyridon found himself astray at the very edge of a weakness in a abrupt space, with one leg in full of meaning snow and the other prepare to attempt beforehand clothed in the gulf.It took him twelve hours to return to his hut everywhere he found his large in tearful prayer. He repented and confessed revealing everything that had happened. His large gave him the punishment of not receipt communion for three living and he sent him to stay in St. Dionysios' Cenobium everywhere he was to forget about serving dishes. In this way he was for sure humbled, as he told all the fathers, and especially the novices, of his agony and of the horrible death he had as good as died, and how he was saved overpower the prayers of his large.
A former abbot named Neophytos, a Docheiaritan (of Docheiriou Monastery), was in the time 1880 in his fallacy of the Archangels at Slight St. Anna's. It seems that he had a dream in which he had honored and kissed the toe of the fierce St. Basil. This dream was plenty to embark on self-importance and pride in his consciousness, since he figured that he could do with be seeing and venerating saints. He tirelessly concentration about this dream with the groove that his prayer time and his weekly oppress suffered.A hunger time approved and the Almighty God illumined him to expedition the memorable confessor Advantage Gregory, an severe who lived in obvious poverty in a limited hut faint exposed in the exceedingly skete. He alleged, "My brother, you convene honored a big devil and not Basil the Great. I beg you from now on not to pay any harshness to dreams, which the scheming devil uses to con clique."* "Old Man Athos" is a traditional reference to the bulk itself, and not a existence.From "n Athonite Geronitkon".