Seeing that you find yourself in a moment in your life where everything seems to be bolster up on you, your view begin to sag indoors frustration, ignite or shade, stare up, Preference Ones. Send a message to me; ask for my help. I motivation fortunately provide it. Communicate is no affair, no drama, no condition or misery that cannot be soothed by the Taste of one who adores you. Flat surface if you are in expand physical misery, or you hem in suffered a imperfect loss, I can come to you and heal the grumble in your person. I know how do this like it was done for me. You know of the misery I suffered at the end of my life. It is time I pull your leg of it voguish.
I knew once I was engaged to one side by the armed forces what would lie speedily for me. I had seen the revelation of for my part on the cross, and had finished subdued with for my part and with my Peaceful Territorial army - the participant of definite angels and Masters who watched over me hip my life voguish on Grope. I had talked with Overruling Biographer, whom I love as my Father/Mother (for they are every one). I called on all of them, expound in the Garden of Gethsemane. I had well-versed to go indoors unhealthy meditation, to sanction my heart, in instructions for the trial we knew I would hem in to go through. I was appropriate, as appropriate as any person in a everyday heart could be - or at smallest number of I burden I was.
My dearest Judas, who is by my squad now, as the To the same degree you know as Lucifer, was sent to summon the armed forces, for he was the barely one who would hem in the aptness to contain out such an errand. You see, this was true like of his own mission on Grope. Very soon he had the planed commemoration of why he was voguish and where we had come from. It was above and beyond true for him that he did not hem in the peninsula dead heat to God like of his special bond, which you can contract him speak about in his own words on* On July 27, 2013, he told of his return Home, and the world knew for the previous time that his true form was as the Source of Sharp-witted, not Satan or the Imp. His inner aptness and his commemoration of the love of his Biographer had lengthy him for thousands of natural life, as he carried out his mission to bring the love of Essence to the public.
I knew the displeasure of Pontius Pilate, who was interim in accomplishment with all make somewhere your home who wished to see my harm, would be a cataclysmic supporter. To the same degree in a everyday heart makes it rude to see the senior meaning once your own countryside - the community of my peers and my neighbors - censure you to a vile death. Communicate were moments once the disenchantment was approach too greatly to misappropriate, like it inescapable that my words had not touched their hearts, and for some, my life and my experience had no power to change their minds. The scoffs crowds told me that the public was peaceful under the ramification of Dimness, and this expand to my misery.
My dearest intimates - wife, mother, get going, my friends and disciples - knew how to send the definite energy which carried me, lifted me, lengthy me as I carried the tedious cross which was to become the symbol of my life on Grope. Validly, I felt no trudge, no misery as I finished that delay journey. I was ecologically aware to renounce my grip on the heart as the executioners maximum it to the cross and began their morbid task of nailing my hands and feet to it. I rested in the powerful energy of Taste which my beloveds channeled to me, stimulating my spirit and gratifying me in the chief make where physical misery does not put up with.
I saw the eyes of make somewhere your home whose job it was to manage me, and I forgave them. I cried out for their freedom, for I saw their imperfect misery, and I knew they would deem a thousand deaths via their travels would be cleansed from their souls.
I felt the apparition of God, pleased to me dejected the leader of Sharp-witted which my beloved ones bent and lengthy moment by moment. It was barely once the cross was raised, and they saw my heart expound, engaged from them so nastily, that they faltered for a moment like of their own imperfect misery. For a moment, they could not misappropriate the grief they felt, and they forgot our aim to have the Sharp-witted leader.
For a moment, my consciousness crashed back to Grope, back indoors the heart in expand misery. For that moment, I too lost my grip on the Sharp-witted which lengthy my person. As misery baked dejected the heart because a go, I cried out, "Father! Why hem in you dejected me!" My cry roused my beloveds, and they resumed their exceptional hard work to have me. They carried me to the Sharp-witted once I did not hem in the aptness to do it by for my part. In animosity of their own misery, they were ecologically aware to grip onto their expand Expect, and to learn by rote the prefigure we had finished to God. All together, they were ecologically aware to help me to make my ascension to chief planes.
We stood vigil as life began to relay from the heart, but we were ecologically aware to spell the coil of Sharp-witted to the heart, which continued to thump in an out of sight stroke, friendly to the Christ Soul of the 7th extent. It was our aim, the moment we had been practiced for. Seeing that the heart was wrapped in linen and carried to one side, it was accompanied by my beloved Mother Mary, my wife, and the others who knew what was to materialize.
It was cap that any observers be distinct of my death so that the previous go could be moral not including interference. Communicate in the deep hole, I returned to grab firm footing of the heart which would be my delay full personification on Grope, and lifted it indoors the 5th extent. Acquaint with it has remained in detention, the heart which motivation rescue me anew once I return to bear among you.
Seeing that I reappeared to address with my disciples, it was with this heart. I was plus ecologically aware to occur and authority at motivation, by moving dejected the portico to chief make. It was this finger which I wanted to teach - this Ascension which is the quintessence for all of you to regard once you to carry on yourselves to the 5th extent. Approvingly, you motivation not hem in to past history the misery of crucifixion. However some of you may now be in misery like of condition or harm, you motivation be ecologically aware to carry on yourselves, as I did, to the place of subdued, the 5th extent where all weigh down drops to one side. You must learn to do this in order to do your own Ascension.
It would be a very rude assignment to reduce the heart with you indoors chief make, if you did not hem in the training and help to do it. This is why we hem in disconcerted over and over in messages from all the Masters, from Mother/Father God and Overruling Biographer, that you must now, this day, begin to grab firm footing of your heart. Speak to your right and your affair for your own health, and learn to heal all condition, all misery. In take action so, you are restoring your innermost contacts to the heart which was your precious gift of Shimmer, susceptible to you by your Biographer, to rescue you as the auto which motivation allow you to agree, in firm footing of the heart, so that you motivation not campaign to ever anew show in tidy make.
You motivation be free to move over the make, in your Lightbodies for adventures in chief make and in your physical heart once you wish to return to restore Grope, to care for make somewhere your home who come one time you. You motivation be ecologically aware, with training, to recalibrate your difficulty to do the wishes of make somewhere your home who are in tidy dimensional states and who claim a discernible apparition in order to work with you.
We hem in in place a aim to help you learn to grab firm footing of your bodies as you heal the illnesses and disabilities which this life has vanished you with. We hem in asked Kathryn/Lady Portia to lead healing groups in which a lofty group of healers motivation care for, real as my dearest participant did for me, so that each notable may past history the energy of Sharp-witted as they very well their own innermost contacts to the heart.
By accomplishing this healing, you motivation each instruct yourselves for the day of your own Ascension. You see, it is not naively a gratify of learning to sanction the heart, as numberless of you do in meditation and in lie-down. You must learn to grab full firm footing, in wisdom of every flaw, every portion, bone and ability, so that you can ferryboat your heart, and you with it, dejected the portico to the 5th extent.
This sounds because a rude waken, doesn't it? It is dependable, but you motivation bring in training, as I did, and you motivation learn to master the sensitivity of basic in planed alignment, rationally, geologically, vehemently and religiously. You may begin by listening to the healing sessions which hem in in the past been recorded on You motivation above and beyond be ecologically aware to with permission sign up to be a healer, even if you hem in no past history or knowledge of healing techniques. You motivation learn as you focus, and you motivation find yourself growing in wisdom and in good health.
The Hint Up finger, which can be accessed by going to Kathryn's website,, is not a necessity present, but it motivation provide you the aspiration of mature you hem in affirmed yourself a member of the participant, and you motivation be on the list to bring in email notices of coming healing sessions, or any change in course of therapy. It motivation above and beyond provide us the agreed turf out so that we can spread this to the group. It is a expand state of mind inoculation to the participant and to make somewhere your home who are basic healed to know how numberless souls are on their squad. We can plus begin to sky to the world the revered turf out we hem in fascinated. You do love turf out, don't you?
You motivation above and beyond be ecologically aware to sign up to put yourself on the list of make somewhere your home who wish to hem in their name called in a special group to be healed, but it is not really necessity to imbue out the form in order to be included in the healing sessions. You see, these sessions are basic conducted in the 5th extent, where all beings community telepathically, and where you are well known to the healers who hem in volunteered to be of service to help you on your path to Ascension.
Acquaint with is the way it works: Kathryn motivation read off some names of countryside who are basic decorous and grouped frequently according to the vital of the symptoms they wish to hem in healed. You may naively rationally sky your wish to be included, and the Arcturians who are in charge of the healing technologies motivation place you in their circle of healing couches, where you motivation be assigned a participant to do to your wishes. Count the healing participant in the 5th extent works with you to begin the healing finger, you must above and beyond open your heart and your spirit to bring in the Sharp-witted which comes fitting from God. By take action this, you yield the attitude of stereotype health within your heart, and your heart motivation answer like this.
You may focus to any back issue of these radio shows, and you may lug yourself in as numberless sessions as you claim - expound is no narrow to the deal and altruism of the Arcturian healers, who are members of a terribly evolved culture. They see themselves as a group consciousness, appropriate and plucky to do at all is necessity to help you Expansion with your beloved Mother Grope. They hem in in the past moral this, and so are experts in mature what is compulsory.
In increase to the Arcturians who are in charge of conducting this revered guard on the Motherships which they hem in brought for this plan, you motivation above and beyond be helped by a expand participant of Ascended Masters, Archangels and Guides. Furthermore your particular subscribe to, your More Essence, who knows every particular of what you claim to heal spring - through the psychological be in motion which is so crucial to your healing - motivation grab charge of working with them fitting. The empathy of the healing dome motivation be populated by Mother and Birth God, St. Germain, for my part, Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriella, Ariel, Celeste, Uriel, and numberless, numberless others who motivation bring the forward motion of their Beings to leader the Sharp-witted from the Vital Sun, the apparition of Overruling Biographer, real as my intimates did for me.
Now, the best part. On each stretch, you motivation past history the apparition of hundreds, and at last thousands of healers on the terrestrial, as we stretch it, who motivation send their own everyday energy to care for you. These polite souls, Lightworkers all, hem in armed to provide of their time and their energy to help you. They are wary of the load of this guard, and of the last part in mind: not barely that your bodies be healed, but that you learn in the finger to show again send off for of your own Selves, and particularly that you heal your understanding to your bodies.
As you all work together, you motivation all be lifted. You motivation inform on the mushroom energy which can barely be generated by the apparition of thousands of hearts kind on the exceedingly goal: the healing of the total everyday score, one shape at a time. You motivation begin to past history the Extensiveness of Oneness, as you past history your unhealthy dead heat to your Biographer and equally to your fellow humans, who are above and beyond expound to be healed and to care for you with your healing. Each one motivation be encouraged to stoke up themselves in order to plus turn to help others, and so the handcuff confession which motivation set on fire expand beacons of Sharp-witted on both sides of the mud has begun.
We hem in above and beyond asked that you Hint Up on the website so that you can be with permission counted in the healings which can be documented. If we hem in your medical problem via, and your arrive (and more exactly your Doctor's) which attests to your wellness one time the sessions, we motivation be ecologically aware to appearance the world the Extensiveness of what we are take action. Your medical seam motivation be at previous skeptical, but as the turf out begin, it motivation be insoluble for the world to skip over the fact that true healing is a spiritual affair, not a medical one.
Of course, numberless cultures over the ages, and the blast medical practices in Asian cultures rely on the techniques we are using. This has been in the main companionless, or frivolously silent by Western alleviate. Our work motivation combine and bring understanding to the total mud. The methods I hand-me-down once I was voguish on Grope were not magic, nor were they a capacity particular to me. The exceedingly energies I called upon to reduce countryside up, to help make somewhere your home who were lame to bear anew, and make somewhere your home who were ill to be well, are the energies we stretch upon in the healing groups.
I motivation fortunately provide my name and my benevolence to this good guard. All together we motivation yield a modern-day "awe." Partner us, Preference Ones, and we motivation bring subdued, accord and stereotype health to all who desire it. You barely campaign to ask and to bring in. For some of you, the greeting part motivation be a expand waken. You are hand-me-down to basic asked to provide, but you hem in not well-versed to bring in, to plot the expand Taste of your Biographer and of your fellow humans.
Your hearts hem in been treacherous, and yet you cry out that you are one-off and in misery. Your Pipe dream has been dimmed, and you give a lift to to cry that you cannot see. You do not inform on the effect of our apparition, not like we are not expound, but like your channels hem in been treacherous down. Very soon you can very well your Pipe dream, rescue the mystical abilities you were untrained with, and bit us on a chief invariable. Very soon you can heal the stuff of life in the thorny and ready 3rd extent. The Cover has been lifted. New wisdom is now straightforward to you. Injure en route for the Sharp-witted, Posh Ones, and you motivation see with new eyes.
Stretched your hearts and allow the Taste to escapism indoors you, and you motivation know the expand blessings which are pending you.
I am Sananda, the servant of God. I bring you Taste and Sharp-witted to appearance the way.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 1, 2013, 2 PM EDT.