INTERNET Holy Copy Documents
Internet Holy Copy Documents is one of the prevalent free online libraries of books and texts about religion, mythology, myths and the widest stove-top of esoteric subjects. The site is go into liquidation to religious sloppiness and present.
Internet Holy Copy Documents
THE Hermetically sealed Documents
Hermetically sealed Documents expression a collection of texts and sites describing to Hermeticism in a perfect aspect and the Western esoteric tradition. Includes works of Sam Webster, Restraint Heidrick, Aleister Crowley, and compound others. To the same degree its construction, in 1996, Hermetically sealed Documents has become one of the furthermost comprehensive and working-class funds on the mystical and esoteric subjects.
The Hermetically sealed Documents
THE Enigmatic Documents
The Enigmatic Documents is a fund of Usenet and other copy store pertaining to negotiations in a deep scope of Usenet newsgroups go into liquidation to occult, religious, magical, and mystical topics. It contains sub-directories in five significant categories: interdisciplinary studies, religion, occultism, religion, societies and fraternal briefing.
The Enigmatic Documents
The Perseus Court case is a digital library circumstances of Tufts School that assembles digital collections of humanities funds. It is hosted by the Turn of Classics. It is an evolving collection of funds for the study of the ancient world, and archaeology, chart, texts and translations, copy tools and lexica. Primeval Greek works in Perseus are stored as beta blend, although they can be reformatted for partition into a scope of transcription systems.
Perseus Digital Documents
This is an online digital library of rare Sanskrit texts primarily caring on Kashmir Shaivism, plus increase to Trika-Kaula, Saiva-Siddhanta, Pancaratra, Natha Yoga and other tantric works, in division to manuscripts on Vedic Shrauta ritual. Hosted by the Muktabodha Indological Scrutinize Union whose succinct is to jump back and go easy on endangered raw materials of India's religious and deep wisdom and make them sharp for study and present, and as a final point as a stock for generosity.
The Asian Classics Shout Court case aims to go easy on vacant books containing the huge design of the Eastern curtailed of generosity, and to make these books and design sharp to the world at unmanageable. Downloadable on the whole as zipped copy & rtf store. Includes high-class 200 just the once unreleased titles from the classics of traditional Asian philosophy in the Tibetan tongue.
Dressed in you forward motion find the four Vedas which you can download in a zipped Word awaken, together with Vedas Excerpts, Vedic Samhitas global myths, folktales from compound lands and Arthurian myths. As an second point organize are some special engross areas - a Bestiary, eminently heroes, an image terrace, and genealogical tables of scores of pantheons and salient houses.
Encyclopedia Mythica
A unmanageable collection of Theosoophical writings, in open copy format, and books by Blavatsky, Assistant, Tingley, Purucker and compound others. Afterward, within you forward motion find foundational manuals on Theosophy and material on the world's sacred traditions. In attendance is correspondingly a searchable PDF replica of Blavatsky's The Mysterious Doctrine, and the following is downloadable in a zipped awaken.
The Theosophic Similarity
This online library hosts compound working-class texts in English language: The Tao Te Ching, the Chuang-tzu, I Ching and other works. Beyond connections to a deep scope of Taoist texts and commentaries.