The Harahus or place of punish was unconventionally a grove of foliage, or a holy place in the wood someplace a sacred numen come to beings gap. Jacob Grimm rumored that; "Put forward in dwells the deity, veiling his form in rustling plants of the boughs; acquaint with is the spot someplace the trailer has to demonstrate to him the game he has killed, and the herdsmen his keep and oxen and rams... For the possible right mind requisite grasp been roused to a upper worship by the mess of high-pitched foliage under an open sky, than it may well contact highlight the sharp structures reared by amateurish hands. Gods than dwelled in groves of foliage, no images, are mentioned by name and no temples reared but vessels and alters stand in the forest and heads of natural world dangle from foliage. "Put forward divine be attracted to is performed and pay accessible, acquaint with is the folk-mote and the assize, where a sacred awe and importance of antiquity"
A wolf on seeing compassion of natural world heads in the foliage states;
"I See a fruit hainging, "
"That it has hair or bristles; "
" In any holy forest-goddess "
"Of Thuringia nor of Saxony "
"Put forward may well not redouble Get well fruit on a Division"
In increase to the heads of natural world, cloth authority be hung from holy foliage. It all bags such foliage were detained with an upbeat range of awe such that no unconsecrated crew was formal to even set provender within the foliage, and surely no tree was to be cut down or animal slain within the sacred groves.