Reconciliation Of Darkness And Light
Sefer HaBahir, verse 1, excerpt of last line"light and darkness are the same""the earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep..." Bereshit 1:2Darkness (choshech, ) was born from the separation of some original unified state (veha-aretz hay'tah, ) into the lights of tohu () and bohu (), which are chaos and uncertainty, respectively. In other words, from the unity called "veha-aretz hay'tah", 2 lights and darkness were born.The 2 lights of tohu and bohu, represent thesis and antithesis. When clarified, darkness represents the "place" of potential synthesis.Reunification of rectified choshech, tohu and bohu brings into existence the lights (ben Yosef and ben David) of moshiach known as the "brightness" (reunified choshech va-bohu => tehiru tata'ah) and the "brilliance" (reunified brightness va-tohu => tehiru ela'ah).Tohu, from the root is a reaction to uncertainty (bohu, where bohu is from the root ); the result of that reaction creates darkness in awareness. The original unified state (veha-aretz hay'tah) is a forward projection (hay'tah from the root ) of one inmost essential (ateret hayesod, ) element of ha-aretz (stable elements of existence, from the root ); where this essential element focuses the blessings of life and "peace between the elements" into certain existence, malchut.Taking all this together, we can see that "the place" where darkness and light "are the same" (i.e., reconciled in a unified state of peaceful existence) is in malchut, ha-aretz.This new unified state of malchut, wherein darkness has been clarified and reunited with tohu va-bohu, is called. From the shoresh (meaning irrigating body of water), it irrigates the earth with brilliance (like waters cover the sea)."for the earth is filled with the knowledge of G-d like waters cover the sea"... The Laws Of Kings, Yishayahu 11:9Technorati tags: Torah Talmud Torah Judaism Kabbalah jewish mysticism mysticism jewish meditation meditation kabbalah iyunit jewitchery jewitch jewish woman sacred feminine divine feminine shechinah lilith sefer hahabir bahir