MABON ALTAR ADORNMENTS: Dress up Altar with acorns, oak sprigs, fade away and cypress cones, ears of corn, wheat stalks and other fruits and foolish. Basket with dried grass of a lot of colors and kinds.
HERBS FOR MABON: Marigold, Sunflowers, Hibiscus, Rose Petals, Myrrh, Acorns, Asters, Rub of Gilead, Benzoin, Calendula, Cypress, Palm leaf, Mugwort, Mums, Oak Leaves, Orris, Passionflower, Suffer, Learned, Thistle.
SYMBOLISM OF MABON: The finish of the Gather begun. Day and night are bout and the God prepares to deposit His physical human being and begin the powerful conceive of here the without being seen.
Secret language OF MABON: all productivity symbols, corn, autumn plant life, red poppies,foolish, grains, grass, acorns, fade away and cypress cones, oak sprigs, wreaths, vine, grapes, large amount, horns of lots, cremation cairns, apples, marigolds, harvested crops. wine, gourds
COLORS: Orangey, Indistinguishable Red, Yellow, Low, Deep red and Suntanned.
MABON DEITIES: Modron-Welsh, Persephone, Demeter/Ceres, Mabon
ALTAR DECORATIONS: acorns, pinecones, autumn grass, pomegranate, statue of the Triple God in her Close relative phase.
MABON FOODS: sample out our Mabon Recipes: Foster traveler foods, as well as placing autumnal contributions on your altar. Drop fruits, apples, pomegranates, strike, grapes, cider, wine, corn, wheat or rye bread, gourds, seeds, foolish and acorns are all good fall choices. Potatoes, carrots and onions are each seize for Mabon altars and foods.
ANIMALS: dogs, wolves, stag, blackbird, owl, eagle, geese of sacrificial victim, salmon & goat, Gnomes, Sphinx, Minotaur, Cyclops, Andamans and Gulons.
ELEMENT: water
INCENSE: fade away, sweetgrass, apple blossom, benzoin, myrrh, frankincense, jasmine, spiritual guide wooded area aloes, black scatter, patchouly, cinnamon, clove, oak moss
MABON STONES: Taking part in Mabon, stones ruled by the Sun will help bring the Sun's energy to you.blatant quartz, amber, citrine, tigers eye
CUSTOMS: contributions to land, preparing for reticent weather by bringing in productivity, sharp willow wands-Druidic, quick apples upon cremation cairns and graves as a pledge of hold in the highest regard, walks in forests, gather granite pods and dried plants, fermenting grapes to make wine,superior ripe enclose, trail bundling
SPELLWORKINGS OF MABON: Protection, prosperity, assurance, and self-confidence. Whichever those of settlement and mingle. Taboos:It was calculated tragic to cut down the very storage of the Gather, and so was each vanished to stand in the reinforce by some traditions.
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