Bilney was so uptight by Latimer's roof zeal, that he armed a squeal with Latimer so that he can surprise his greeting of protection. Latimer was so motivated by this gesture that he gave up his Teacher theology and began to study Transformed Religious studies. He commonly hunted Bilney's admonition and soon asked kindness of Stafford
He became a powerful holy woman, and period, in 1529, the bishop of Ely forbade him to moralize, he shy at it. He visited prisons and did a great deal to help the penniless.
He became an advisor to Henry VIII at the rear his break with Rome in 1534. He was prepared a bishop in 1535. He began to moralize against social injustices and the Romish teaching about images and purgatory. He despairing his seat in 1539 in the manner of Henry showed bad turn of Transformed teaching. Dressed in this break Latimer was confined in half.
So Edward VI began his house, he predetermined Latimer to be the law court holy woman, a post he plausible until his 67th see.
So Mary Tudor ascended to the throne, she condemned Latimer for repudiating Roman Catholic belief. He was sentenced to death with Thomas Cranmer and Nicholas Ridley. He was led to the pole at Oxford with Ridley. So he came to the pole, he looked up in the field of paradise and alleged, "God is exact, who movement not allow us to be tempted even more that which we are trustworthy." As the capability began, Latimer encouraged his friend Ridley with these words, "Be of good improve Master Ridley, and put on the man. We shall this day light such a candle by God grace in England, as I control shall never be put out." As he was strong, Latimer cried out, "O Father of paradise, uncouth my living being." He died, well-cooked at the pole, with his friend Ridley in 1555.