Addictions /alcoholism / compulsiveness: amethyst (ESP REDUCES Withdrawal SYMPTOMS), ametrine, barite, botswana agate, coral, chevron amethyst, chrysacolla with cuprite, citrine, dumortierite, green calcite, herkimer rectangle, iolite, malachite-azurite, moki marbles, moss agate, obsidian, peridot, petrified walk heavily, phenacite, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, sugilite (ESP Exempt Style Problems FROM Question Use up), thulite (esp associates caused by abuse/neglect)
Adrenal glands: ametrine, aventurine (Dilettante), black obsidian, black tourmaline (SCHORL), bloodstone, carnelian, cuprite, organic, epidote, fire agate, garnet, organic, Kansas pop rocks, kyanite, malachite, nephrite organic, peach aventurine, rose quartz, maroon, smoky quartz, sugilite, sulfur
Aligning the physical & astral bodies: amazonite
Allergies: apatite, brecciated jasper (Nature) carnelian, mud, dolomite, garnet, moldovite, white coral
Arthritis/bones/joints: abalone, amber, amethyst, apatite, azurite, black tourmaline, sad lace agate, boji stones (KANSAS POP ROCKS), botswana agate, carnelian, chalcosiderite, chrysocolla, copper, dolomite, fluorite, gold, green calcite, howlite (BONES) lapis, lodestone (MAGNETITE), malachite, petrified walk heavily, quartz, rhodonite, maroon, sulphur, topaz
Flash strain or problems: calcite, fluorite, lodestone, obsidian
Blood pressure: bloodstone, sad calcite, chrysocolla, sodalite
Border aches: diopside
Cardiovascular: bloodstone, hematite
Endless fatigue: amethyst, aquamarine, aragonite, boji stones (KANSAS POP ROCKS), yellow calcite, quartz, rhodocrosite, maroon, zincite
Depression: chrysoprase, citrine, kunzite, lepidolite, lapis, sad quartz, jet, smoky quartz, rose quartz, black tourmaline, peridot, botswana agate, eliat stone, gold, jet, lapis, moonstone, quartz, platinum, spinel, topaz
Eating disorders (ANOREXIA, BULEMIA, OTHERS): picasso limestone (JASPER), thulite
Thrust (Accrual, Large Thrust): amber, agate, apophyllite, aragonite (MAGICK ">
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