In our Clerical, gorgeous brethren, we decoration the Apostles, the Martyrs and the Fathers, and typically all persons who are attached with Christ and are members of the Clerical, members of the Physical type of Christ. All these pin down within them the Flair of Christ, who sanctified them, who renewed them and all their splendid struggles were related as well as their sacrifices for Christ.
But the Clerical besides honors the exact of the Old Memorial - the Prophets, Jury and Kings - who guided the progress of God, for instance they besides had communion with the fleshless Logos, the End Place of the Pastoral Trinity. The judgment concerning the Old and the New Testaments is that in the Old Memorial the exact had communion with the fleshless Logos, as soon as in the New Memorial they had communion with the incarnate Logos.
One such Minister and blessed man, elected by God, who had restrict communion with God, was the Minister Ezekiel, whose call to mind is big today by our Clerical. Our Clerical honors him for the glue and communion he had with God, and his struggles for the progress of Israel.
The Minister Ezekiel, whose name sort "robust God" or "God of might", was the son of Buzi, who belonged to a secretarial kin and was a innocent person of Zadok. He was captured in 597 B.C. by Nebuchadnezzar, concerning the additional encircle of Jerusalem, together with thousands of progress, for which good reason he lived and died in Babylon. At hand he was called to the foretelling accounting, which he exercised for twenty-two duration. In Babylon Ezekiel lived the ominous moments of the destruction of Jerusalem.
His work was difficult, but talented. The Minister alleged that the Jews suffered from two fulfill passions of the classify, which publicized their be disappointed. The young was independence, for instance they hypothetical they were dishonestly punished for the sins of their lineage. The additional was lack, which led them to gravitate towards idolatry. The Minister Ezekiel had diverse revelations from God and did many metaphoric acts. The two high-status visions he saw which he described in his book were of the Spiritual chariot and the new Temple.
We know of the imagination of the Minister Ezekiel all but the renovation of the Israelites in Jerusalem, which is a pattern of the rebirth of the dead, and a imagination we read in the Clerical on And above Friday evening, when unending to the church from processing the Epitaphios. At hand it is written that God brought the Minister appearing in joy and led him to a tarnish that was full of dead material bones, and he was told by the Lord to home the dead bones. And as he preached the word of the Lord to the bones, portray was an shake and the bones began to come together, acquiring apprehension and flesh on top of which was positioned scratch. He was after that told to converse in to the spirit, and so the animating spirit entered the dead bones and the bones became animated and stood on their feet. And after that God instructed him to proclaim: "This is what the Unrelated Lord says: My progress, I am leave-taking to open your graves and bring you up from them; I soul bring you back to the land of Israel. Subsequently you, my progress, soul know that I am the Lord, such as I open your graves and bring you up from them. I soul put my Simulation in you and you soul remaining, and I soul repair you in your own land. Subsequently you soul know that I the Lord pin down expressed, and I pin down done it, declares the Lord" (Ezekiel 37:12-14).
The Old Memorial Prophets preached be disappointed for the progress to repent and return to God. Abundant of their tradition were messianic, the same as they reduce in importance to the coming of Christ, and to the transitory of the Israelite progress to carry the incarnate Christ. Of all the peoples the Jews were the best series, which is why Jesus was natural together with them. And this is due to the Prophets, together with whom was the Minister Ezekiel whom we society today. For this good reason we owe them fulfill credit. That which they preached, we customary to tolerate.
Cargo cue from today's celebration and the delusion of the Minister Ezekiel, we must powerfully interpret in the rebirth of the dead, which soul get the better of place concerning the End Impending of Christ, and comprise to stand at the entitlement hand of God.
Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", "23 - ", February 2005. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.