Use the further power of rune radionics to attract the runic energies you willpower out of the Quantum Oceanic and all the rage your life.
In these very merciless time we absence to resurrect the intrinsic worth of our Viking relatives. Staying power (Rune UR)
Courage ( Rune TYR)
Capture (Rune SIG)
Concentration (Rune OS)
Matchlessness (Rune IS). Rune radionics is one way to do this.
We possess entered the 21st Century. This is the time of electronics, internet, e-books, runes, rune radionics and RUNIC orgone technology
You can use rune radionics for your rune magic, rune yoga, rune meditation, rune healing, bind rune power, and rune live aid.
Rune Radionics
The Runes are ancient esoteric keys to the Nothing special New Energies. The rune energies existed want in advance Odin hung on the Yggdrasil Tree and rediscovered them. Runic energies even existed want in advance man cast-off negotiate. Runes are a great deal added than a Viking alphabet. Runes are a great deal added than forecast tools, Runes are a great deal added than symbols for ritualistic rune magic.Runes are keys to creation!
All of us has within us a runic gamble and each of us possess put ourselves promptly everyplace we are today by the choices we possess ready.Whether or not we are succeeding our rune gamble is due to our choices. The desirable of energies we permitted all the rage our lives.Runes help us make special choices.Runes help us to redefine and redo our lives. Runes can help us to growth our Destiny!
Rune Radionics
Radionics has been about for about 100 sparkle. But the working beliefs miserable Rune Radionics possess been about for thousands of sparkle. Entirely shaman, pills man, magician of the afar knew about the working beliefs of Rune Radionics. Unmarried they called them by unusual names. And they discussions that their power came from the Gods/Goddesses. We now know that it is from the Quantum Oceanic. And we can tap all the rage it with the runes.<
Rune Radionics can now be explained as the Rune Artifice of the 21st century. The three working beliefs of Rune Radionics are:
A Organization Headquarters
A Signal (runes)
A Attack
Runic Radionics Courage (prana, galama, ond, chi, etc) is the power brim miserable Rune Radionics.It penetrates all space. It is the delivery service of runic energy to and from the Quantum Oceanic.
The Radionics Signal is what you willpower to bump into with this magic. It is the runic energy you willpower to attract out of the Quantum Oceanic all the rage your charisma. Rune Radionics uses Runes as the supervision.
The radionics Attack is you or whoever you willpower the runic energy to go to. (rune healing at a distance)
The Rune Radionics Purpose whether it is electronic, a black box, an orgone generator, or even recessed on a sliver of paper is the Matrix. A Rune Matrix is the playing wing everyplace the Rune radionics Artifice takes place.
Because of Slick RUNE RADIONICS: Such as you set up your Rune Radionics feature, you place a Rune (URAZ for health) on the radionics rescue (supervision) crown and your photo on the radionics get-together (leadership) crown.
The radionics Courage generated by the Rune Radionics Purpose makes the friend with the Quantum Oceanic. It bring the Healing Runic Endorse of URAZ to the photo. Your photo is a similar in temperament composition to you. In the Quantum Oceanic expound is no distance along with similar in temperament structures. So the Rune Courage enters the photo and ENTERS YOU! That was an a cut above majority. But it is of note when using a Rune Radionics Purpose to possess a basic understanding of what is wonder.
Your Human being is a radionics feature. It is a powerful tool and choice aid you particularly when it knows what it is your are hard to do.
RUNE RADIONICS AND RUNIC ORGONE Tackle The new science of Rune Radionics and Runic Orgone Tackle allows for multi-shaped orgone devices that choice act as also power brim and matrix.
Main hand recessed Rune Radionics diagrams are Radionics Diplomacy. One of my spiritual teachers, I.F. a cut above 35 sparkle ago drew one for me on a sliver of paper. Manifold sparkle in advance Rune Radionics Diplomacy were built. He designed to me "This is for you. It is very powerful, acquaint with it to no one. For in the hands of evil people, evil choice be done."
It stayed implied in one on my multiple boxes of observations these some 35 sparkle. Harrow I started to study Quantum Physics and stumbled onto Karl Welz's Rune Radionics website.
A light tuber went on and I searched my boxes till I found the sliver of paper with the hand recessed radionics bench. I smiled. My tutor way back then saw the coming of the Radionics Age. And in his wisdom knew that I would be knotty. So he gave me a common sense start. Such as I read about Quantum Physics and saw Karl's rune radionics site, I knew what I had to do. The street to Rune Radionics.
Anybody has the accurate to health, wealth and wonder. But what accost was expound elsewhere to create these?
Now Rune Radionics is the accost. It combines the rune wisdom of the afar with the science of the future.
Rune Artifice, Rune Yoga, Rune Meanings, Rune Healing, Rune Readings, Rune Radionics, Rune Meditations, Rune Buzzing all attract runic energies out of the Quantum Oceanic.
Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Liar is a retired reckoning educationalist and electronics conceive. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and move back and forth healing treatments for a cut above 30 sparkle. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his husband Lory. His writings are new and fortifying. To see added of his writings rendezvous his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR Liar for his get into formation. He is also a incidence writer and choice comment and certificate for you. Email Ragnar for his Release 10 Round MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Entirely Day Kind to Interest Senior Dig for, Capability and Fascination, Now."
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