Wren (go out of business "REHN") is is an Old English name lesser from "wrenne" and "wraenna". An assortment of of the names second hand in quote to this bird mean "king" or "minute king." It was called Regulus in Latin, Kinglet in Old Repeal German, Reytelet in French, Bren in Welsh, and Konije in Dutch. This is due to a heading about a struggle to find the king of the flora and fauna. The crown was to be identifiable to the bird who can fly the take notes. The eagle out flew all the other flora and fauna, but the wren won by loss in it's fur and jumping up at the fundamental much-lamented.
The wren is deliberate the utmost sacred bird in many cultures, plainly to the Druids. In Irish Gaelic, it's called the "drui-en" or Druid bird. The Welsh word "dryw" road both Druid and wren. The bird symbolized wisdom, god, the criminal world, healing, and cunning. Violently New Appointment an beginner Druid would go out by himself happening the wood to find grave wisdom. If he found a wren, it was a sign that he would be blessed with knowledge in the coming blind date. The wren is a very model bird that is dense to stigma, nevertheless its convincing right to be heard makes up for it (it's make public is ten get older louder than a rooster's). The wren's elusiveness is engaged as a parable for exposure the ethereal god within all threads. The Druids overly second hand the wren's calls for prediction. Existing are many myths that squeeze out that the wren was the animal that brought fire to mankind, and a little myths that reproduction a put together unbalanced wren.
But completely equally the wren is king doesn't mean that population perfectly treated the bird with kindness. In Celtic-speaking areas, the wren was sought and killed in a ritualistic way, all in all by stoning. This was done for a little reasons. Quite a lot of may seat been enacting the belief that if you hammer a king, his powers refit on to his inheritor. It may overly be due to the Pagan Yule tradition of the rivalry amongst the Holly Sovereign and the Oak Sovereign. The wren represents the old Holly Sovereign that dies at Yule, and the robin represents the reborn Oak Sovereign. The Aloof Solstice was the honorable time a wren can be sought down, any other time it was awfully doomed. The Christians adopted this tradition on St Stephen's Day, or Wrenning Day. It was believed that a wren's make public betrayed St. Stephen, who was loss in martyrdom. As a result on December 26th, they would copy revenge for St. Stephen's stoning by butchery a bird. Existing is a traditional Yuletide carol called "The Hunting of the Wren." In general, the dim slaughter of model, unguarded flora and fauna is frowned upon by utmost Pagans today, but a differentiation of this tradition immobile exists in Ireland. Juvenile and adults go roughly the area asking for silage, money, or alcohol in replace for seeing a captured wren.
Keep a note points towards this being a boys name. At a halt, utmost modern child name possessions list it for girls honorable. But as far as I can shout it has never charted for either gender in the United States. It is to a great extent above methodically seen as a star. The utmost well time-honored made-up namesake is a boy, Wren McCormic from the movie Footloose. Despite the fact that I overly give a lift to it as the name of Shia LaBeouf's overachieving sister in the cover see Charming Stevens. A well time-honored Neo-Pagan is Wren Mountaineer, who co-founded the advantageous website The Witch's Participation. The name is above second hand in Australia than in any other financial prudence, both for girls and boys.
So if you would dream to use Wren, it's a haunting name for this time of blind date, if slightly horrid. It's a functional name for a girl, and a quiet conception name for a boy. Wren's a haunting name with lots of meaning for a minute Witchlet.
http://www.thewhitegoddess.co.uk/articles/mythology folklore/the wren - king of birds.asp