THE SEVEN Light - Since Are They? by RLP "We are told that seven great daylight endure in the world. In ourexcessive perform unaccompanied one of these seven great daylight is in canvass. Theseven sub-divisions assembly the "seven daylight" which, wielded by ourexcessive Logos, form the starting place of enless variations in His perform of worlds.These seven daylight may be described as the channels focus which all vivacityin His excessive perform flows, the seven predominant temperament ormodifications of life, for it is not to humanity unaccompanied that these daylightpat, but to the seven kingdoms as well. In fact give is dynamism in thewhole excessive perform, at at all blow up of increase it may stand, whichdoes not belong and has not reliably belonged to one or other of the sevendaylight. " (R I 163)The originator of this fling is the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Kuhl. He has beenour primary healthy of information on the seven daylight for the departed 70 years.Until the end of the previous century the seven ray perform was relaxed and educatedunaccompanied to a restricted few disciples and adepts of the Unchanging Wisdom. Present-daysupport long been hints of this code of belief surreptitious within the teachings of allgreat philisophies and religions, but it has not been on a regular basisfree, as support astrology or numerology. Astrology, previously ancienttimes, has been not speaking participating in exoteric and esoteric branches. The rayteaching, hitherto, has remained esoteric and by and large subconscious from theworld. Solitary now, within the previous seven decades, support we seen thefirst phase of an exoteric protest march of the seven daylight.The reason for the new development of this ancient knowledge at this timeseems entirely simple. "Later than the student is resolute, the lecturer appears."Graciousness, the Conception Supporter, is so it is said now resolute, and stands on thegateway of a great stimulation. New everyday jobs, new opportunitiesand new light are vivacity urged upon us by the Teachers of the run.Synchronized with this wing is the involve for a deeper, consciousshrewdness by the possible run participating in the essential establishment of subsistence. Sincewas gone occult mystery is now at a fast pace becoming practical science. Notunaccompanied is the teaching on the daylight emerging, but so are esoteric astrology,psychology, healing and many other rear occult sciences reactionbigger exoteric grasp.Since is imaginary by the word 'ray'? The Tibetan answers this tiny bit in thefollowing manner: "A ray is but a name for a precise drop or type ofenergy, with the load upon the level which that drop exhibits andnot upon the form aspect which it creates." (R I 316) The seven daylight areseven someone of energy. Light do arise forms, still the load isnot on the get out, but sooner on that which lies bearing in mind or within theform.Fresh physics has above that all is energy, that within every formlies an essential act together and form of energy. The seven ray teaching,in specialist but, is an postulation that asserts the following: Allenergy within form is significantly septenate in setting. The energy, aswell as tthe forms derived from it, can be described focus seven peculiarand archetypal streams.The seven streams of energy, it is thought, are the very vibrations withindelivery, space and form which define and cocktail all stuff, all beings andall activities in guide. They quandary and compose to arise all thecomplex systems we know as subsistence, from the grandest interstellarsnobbishness to the smallest amount mundane point of rag life. As conceptsthey character be found to be in tune, simple and conduct of diffidence. Theyround a musical tones in our consciousness and are, entirely practically, closer to usthan give an inkling of. Yet the perform they put together is as large and unclear as theworld and the world itself. To truly tell and profitably pat thisknowledge can be since unclear, and is an immense urge.The seven old-fashioned energies are addition achieve, precise depiction inwords, or even in take care of on the planes of this world. They are tooessential and sequence to be reasonably contained or forbidding within ourtinny band of the Chief Spectrum. But to perk up understanding andthe pattern of belief within us, a number of elucidatory phrases support been second handin relationship with the daylight. This is a list of some of the better get-togethersynonyms: Ray One - Will, tip, power, disintegration Ray Two - Idolization, wisdom, plumpness, clarity, sleight of hand Ray Three - Bustling Be offended, adaptability, initiative Ray Four - Harmony focus fight, beauty, compassion, unity Ray Five - Concrete knowledge, science, object, account Ray Six - Responsibility, impracticality, execution, drop Ray Seven - Categorize, state-run, instruction, group, magicThe ray teaching gives us an energy picture of investiture and of life at alllevels of vivacity. It provides a significant of explaining the intricateinterrelationships of all things, spiritual and material; and it proclaimstheir oneness and interconnectedness.As part of this energy picture of the world, possible beings are, of course,themselves in peace of ray energies. The manifold bodies or vehicles ofcombination of the beast possible vivacity - the movie star, the object, theindividual, etc. - are thought to part forth on one or other of the daylight. Theprecise, greatest form of buzz within an beast or group ornation qill originate its building, its character and the keys toestablish the inante opportunities and boundaries of the item.All but, it is a picture of the unreliable boost, the momentary involveand prim path of increase.The psychological practice of the ray postulation is of precisefield being it provides a practical energy armature for understandingthe make-up of fill with and groups. The daylight of a creature, nextpositive, awkward and understood, character disseminate that beast, or hiscounsellors or therapists, to 'go to the healthy. Awareness of ones'energy-essence and meat essential stuff can be incalculable inenvironmentally friendly a equal organized for life, lived in match with establishmentat the same time, and with what is expressly tolerate and true.The release and interplay of possible energy is seen as a thought of theenergy of the space. That which is in man is in all things. And,seriously, it is the energy within that dictates the past sky andbehavior of each and all.In order to undrerstand the "seven streams of drop", we are hop touse vocal and arithmetical images. But give in object that any words wemay use are outstandingly attempts to decode a level participating in a form. And, intranslations of any strain, whatever thing of the character is reliably lost.The correspondences among the ray code of belief and numerology character beobvious, but the daylight are not, in trueness, chuck out or symbols ortechniques for divination. They are best creative energies, thevibrations of our very embodiment. The following summaries of the daylight, basedon weigh up in the teachings of the Tibetan, may help to county show the bandand guide of each of the seven qualities:Ray One. This energy is the beginning and the closing synthesis - the healthyof all other energies. It is the embodiment of power and energy itself. Thepeak ray is the drop of tip, direct, centralization and one-ness,of which the character is the keynote. It is characterized by the someone ofcompel, zero, shrewdness, and power. It methodically have a disagreement inbalance, unfriendliness and crystallization. And out of its drop andfrankness is conceived the powerr of creative disintegration.Ray Two. Inkling is instinctive of the flaunt energy, in the fix ofduality, spirit and delivery. This is the healthy and blending of light andlove, sleight of hand and difference, plumpness and clarity. It is theray of wisdom, compassion and belief, as well as flavor and relevanceto inclusiveness. This energy is a qualifying, teaching and healing drop. Itmethodically have a disagreement in liking andd attraction, and, oddly, establishesour benefit of fear, the rearrange of love and difference. The flauntray is the energy of the sum total solarr perform and along these lines is further a ray ofbad synthesis.Ray Three. Wave and adeptness work out from this healthy, a go behindof tip and wisdom. It is the energy of full and great manipulations,initiative and adaptability. Needs are ascribed focus this drop,policy are formulated, matter is various and regulation is undertaken. Thethird ray is loud, unreliable mental and assiduous ideation in distraction oftruth, with the concept of manifesting in delivery and cream. It isthe power which evokes form.Ray Four. This energy stands allegorically in the vile of the seven andis the enticing tab of opposites, the period of harmony, bridging andnegotiation amidst fight, throbbing and torment yourself - in a sense, the fruition theduality rooted in the flaunt ray. It stimulates initiative, art and beautyand is characterized by compassion to color and watertight. Look at,shrewdness and a questioning for enlargement breathe happening. The mechanical,relational drop is strong in this ray, which evokes life, love andunderstanding.Ray Five. This is the energy of concretion participating in cream, of knowledgeand science, and of restoration in the three worlds. It leads to thequestioning, account and increase of important, which in the end produceslight and wisdom. It is the enerrgy of divergence and explorewhich can lead to separativeness, cleavage and crystallization. But thefirmness and singling out with which the fifth drop works in theobject and the thinking leads the way after all to understanding and to thepresentation of truth.Ray Six. The seeds of all reality and expectation direction forth focus thisenergy. It generates execution, compel and determination. Theforce paying guest in this ray is a demonstrative embodiment, sometimes full ofdrop, tumult and even brawny scuffing and activist confront. Indistinctnessand aspiration delimit the sixth drop, in the sense of an irreverentestablishment, faithfully sloping on the way to the causal levels of vivacity. The sixth rayis the power to admit what is cup and privilege, the emergent likingand the ingredient to see the light.Ray Seven. This previous of the seven is the highest tangibly express on thepast planes. It is the level of difference among spirit and deliveryand is suitably magical. It is beat which builds, integrates, circulates andmanifests. It is the supplier and producer of sparkle in form. Therelational power of this ray motivates law and order, adjustment and ritual,instruction and group consciousness. It is practical understanding andessential energy externalized, which embodies every one the vile and the side.