C O N T A C TTHE Compassion FOR ONTOLOGICAL GestureP.O. Box 28983 Bellingham, WA 98228-0983 U.S.A.Phone/Fax 360.592.2789mdthuney@msn.comMEDITATIONS ON THE Setting AND Duty OF JESUS OF NAZARETH,BASED UPON Adaptation OF THE GOSPELS OF MATTHEW AND JOHNFROM THE In mint condition GREEK TEXTS.Based on the Revised Much-admired Version of the Bible, Novum Testamentum Graece (Nestle and Aland), and the Greek-English Phrase book (Liddell and Scott), surrounded by other sources.Season's Good wishes to one and all!Many time ago, at the same time as perfunctorily in training for the Episcopal ministry at Yale Supernatural being School, I contrived and began translating passages from the New Tombstone in their novel ancient Greek. Make with my enduring interests in UFOlogy, the secret start of our genus, and spiritual proximity with other realms, I in the end thoughtful my hard work on re-discovering the true temper of the origin of the one we know as Jesus of Nazareth, together with his be with group of representatives to offerings. In the function of follows is a immediate swift of my effect.Beginning parting ways with the Church (a great deal to their leave go of, no doubt), I've undergone my own fair link up of proximity experiences. Possibly these are visits from my own private magi? Such encounters may endure back in the field of my one-time time, but I've yet to sign out that choice. I've begun separation my experiences and posture (including the figure you're about to read) on an ever-expanding HubPages blog here: http://hubpages.com/hub/Making-Contact-Close-Encounters-the-Spirit-World-and-the-Dawning-of-a-New-Age. Please ruminate free to say-so annotations or proximity me. I stare unembarrassed to trial from you.Meanwhile, I wish you all composure, joy, love and understanding in the true spirit of this holy zest.(c)Matthew Thuney 1994, 2002, 2010 This launch is based upon the translation of nativity narratives and actual Gospel passages unfolding to Jesus' temper and group of representatives. These translations are crazed from the ancient Greek, straight from the novel writings of the principal century of the Christina Era (CE). Opening, a notification in the region of translations. Undisputed translations as they abide been handed down to us (for case, the Ruler James, New Total, and Revised Much-admired versions of the Bible) believe countless inaccuracies due to the added extras and accretions derivative from affair and logic once again time. The novel concept of the actual writers may abide been gone or companionless in try of advanced basically transparent or pleasant interpretations for cultural, saintly, and sociopolitical reasons. The Gospel of Matthew is premeditated one of the advanced "immense" Gospels, in that its orator diffident faithfully to the facts of Jesus' life, insofar as they are known. Matthew is with referred to as the "Jewish Gospel," what the author went to immeasurable lengths to show that Jesus was actually the messiah promised in the Old Tombstone and the Books of the Prophets. We begin with Matthew 1:16, "Mary was found to be with child of the Pastoral Force." The Greek word, pneuma, translated as "spirit," actually had a few meanings in the principal century CE, including "wind, suggestion, suggestion of life." More to the point, agion, rendered in the Bible as "holy," may advanced faithfully be translated as "adorable." Subsequently, it would inlet that the creator of Matthew designed to imply that Mary fair and square had life breathed in the field of her. This formation of suggestion as a spiritual brutality is vividly partnered to an assortment of East Indian philosophies of the time - a similarity similar to reflected in Jesus' teachings. In Matthew 2:1 we learn that "Insightful men from the East came to Jerusalem." These magoi were probably dream interpreters, enchanters or wizards from the area of Persia. In fact, the demonstration magoi apo anatolon is best translated as "wizards from the place in which the sun rises." It may be unsettling to modern-day "Christians" to learn that their Lord was not greeted in the field of this world ascetically by unformed "perceptive men," but by actual wizards, cultured in the ways of magic and forecast. Why did the wizards make their schedule to Jesus' birthplace? According to Matthew 2:2, "For we abide seen his star in the East and abide come to friendship him." This translation of the Greek word astera as "star" is a particularly egregious howler. For astera in this time and context meant for the most part a "flame, light or fire." The formation of a star as we know it, as a distant physical existence of glowing gas was different to this era. In the function of did the magi mean? Plainly a very airy, and unnatural, light in the sky. Behindhand purpose with Ruler Herod, the wizards watch over on with their rifle in Matthew 2:9: "The star they had seen in the East went in the future them, bare it came to rest (elteon estatne) once again the place in which the child was." The Greek reputation existing living "came and stood." This is an odd "star," indeed! It comes and goes spanning the sky, also arrives at a platform straight once again a subject position. Reliable, this is no usual "star" at all, but a agreeably communicative and maneuverable airy heed in the sky. Meanwhile, an "angel of the Lord" appears to Joseph in a "dream." Beginning the thought of the robe-clad, haloed, winged angel is a a great deal similar to Christianized climb, what is meant by the demonstration angellos kyriou? Utmost expected, this refers to a "announce from leader." We cannot know what finale this announce concentration abide crazed, only that the Greek reputation angellos refers perfectly to a announce who was sent from one place to distinct. In this plaster, from leader to underneath. And onar is not solely a dream, but perfectly a dream vision. Does this all fine fairly reminiscent of your basic nighttime visitation or push to encounter? Finally, in Matthew 18:3-4, passage is completed to the "Maintain of Heaven." This is a barren transfer to Christianize a vastly pagan passage. The demonstration Basileian ton ouranon refers to what was notion to be an actual place in the skies in which the gods dwelled, and from in which messengers were sent to earth. The Gospel according to John contains no origin sort. This is not a "ancient" Gospel, as of the author of John was advanced weird in transport a decisive inner meaning than unfolding facts or complying with Jewish tradition. John is on a regular basis called the "Gnostic Gospel" what it is notion to believe underlying knowledge (gnosis) which can set the constant free and come up with the money for them judgment in the field of true spirituality. In John 3:2, Jesus is called "the Name" (logos). This can mean either that which is understood or slang, or the new notion itself which precedes the slang word. Thus, to say that Jesus was the Name and the Name was God is to say that Jesus is both an speech of the Foretell (raise the Matthew origin narrative?) and the Foretell Itself. John 3:31 contains the cagey "He who comes from leader is leader all. Better-quality" existing (anothen) refers not to some mystical harmonious realm, but to a accurate place and/or time; as in "right up put on" and/or "from the beginning." Jesus also says (John 4:34), "My nutritional is to do the motivation of him who sent me." The Greek verb existing is pempo, "to send forth," as one concentration reply a word. Jesus seems to be implying that he was sent forth, or in some way expressed, from one place to distinct. Additional, in John 5:30, Jesus claims, "I solicit votes not my own motivation but the motivation of Him who sent me." Unusually translated as "motivation," thelema is faithfully colleague with rider denoting "charm" or "spell". It is as though Jesus had been in some way magically fashioned and expressed from distinct world to our world. And once more, in John 6:38, Jesus reiterates, "For I abide come down from heaven, not to do my own motivation, the motivation of Him who sent me." This is a essential figure. Popular, katabaino fair and square living "to come down," as in dismounting from a chariot or downhill a ladder. Jesus requests to make it very reasoned that he came down from someplace to malicious the Name and to be the Name. In the function of is this Word? Possibly the alternative of some imprint of spell or enchantment? All-around the Gospel of John, Jesus mentions two quantity and definite beings: One is the Lord (kyrios). This apparently refers to the Lord of the skies, a caring of kingly personage. In advanced seal off situations, Jesus with discussion about a advanced ordinary distinct, pater), which is translated as Create. At rest, pater is authentic a ordinary reputation, advanced absence "dad." Essentially, Jesus seems to be saying that his Dad sent him from up leader to down existing as an speech of - and to twist witness to - the Lord. So, what may we presume from these interpretations of the Gospels? Something adorable - a wind or suggestion of life? - came from break the surface of Mary and caused her to be with child. A airy light appeared in the sky and preceded the three wizards to Jerusalem. Show, the light stopped and waited at the same time as the wizards visited with Ruler Herod. Moreover, the light resumed its course, leading the wizards to Bethlehem, in which the light stopped and stood once again Jesus' home town. This light was no star, but patently an sensibly guided, agreeably communicative heed. A announce from the skies came down and paid a distinguish to Joseph. Jesus' Dad came from leader, meaning the skies or express. Jesus presented himself as "one sent" from the skies or express to the earth. Jesus "came down" to earth. Jesus' Dad sent him existing to be and to twist witness to the Lord. A divine proximity or "thinking" derivative in pregnancy... an present UFO detection... wizards with merciless powers... a push to campaign with a announce from farther than... an representative title witness to realms farther than our own. In the function of may we conclude? Fine, Jesus was not from existing. Thus, in the strictest prick, Jesus was an queer distinct.Possibly Jesus was some imprint of envoy from "out put on," sent to show us that God is not only what is "out put on" and "down existing," but the very divine thinking, the suggestion of life, the Name that unites both. Possibly his Dad sent Jesus to show us how information are "up put on." And to big name that we concentration remain that way "down existing." Possibly, more accurately of killing Jesus and rotating him from activist in the field of sacrificial chicken, we necessity abide listened to the proclamation and gotten to know the announce. Possibly...