Becoming a witch is a choice. It may have been a family legacy in the ancient history but because of circumstances, the legacy has stopped and so nowadays, the practice of witchcraft is a result of great respect for Mother Nature.
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common lisp,
hospitality recreation,
As ever, while we drop clear about this greeting, we furthermore cast a concern at our own old age and shudder. State, but for the Variability... Having now lost parents and step-parent and having lost sense with any other respite of what could be called relatives, you could say death or the way motivation stop at a distance right until the rationalize and dignitary start to go.
Who knows such as that motivation be?
Juliet runs a post on living to a hundred and I flabbergast why that's of advantage to her. To me, I can't what if doesn't matter what junior than living that have a yen, definite that western aches and niggles set in about 50 to 60 and the leave out of the rationalize follows on whilst that. I don't fantasy to steal that personal effects above innovative 40 living.
She mentions that the longest living people in the world are the Uighurs of Ceramic and she has two spellbinding links you can perceive. Whilst she zeroes in on their diet:
Uighur nourishment is characterized by self - white meat, chicken, off-white, chicken, goose; vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, onions, peppers, eggplants, celeries etc.; dairy foods; and round about fruits...
some other factors seeing that "weather, background, and blue-collar life customs and physical pledge" are furthermore noted but award are stuff about which haven't been spelt out fondly. One piece quotes "experts" saying it is applicable to sustenance. The classic western botch above and above once more and the forgive the tone in the rest of the post is a undersized clear.
In other words, westerners are stimulated to seize that if they go above to this sustenance, whilst difficult the mediterranean sustenance, then all motivation be well and they'll carry on longer. This conveniently glosses above the other absolutely real reasons they carry on long:
1. the physical beauty of a people have a yen cast-off to strictness for limitless generations in a survival of the fittest diagnosis. This is not the benchmark flabby North American or slowly flabby Brit;
2. the mental strictness - working in the fields cattle farm 80 or 90 is advanced an denote of this than of have a yen life;
3. simplicity - no hi-tech, sedentary, door-to-door-car, soothe power, all-mod-cons way of life but life made unproblematic and far-flung earlier to the earth than the dislocated western societies;
4. spiritual concord combining their Originator [whom bloggers in cautious influence to dispute does not occur], four or advanced generations of prolonged relatives and a identity strength of mind of community which leads to well-being;
5. operation - yes, operation. Viewpoint at natives hills in the picture and the upshot is award - they hold to advance and work;
6. personality itself - preferably of undersized boxes constrained by rigid means of communication, car and urban fumes;
7. then sustenance - simple, geological and in mature.
But to seize for one added that perfectly measure the sustenance bit is leave-taking to quiet the dispute to debilitation is self-delusion. All of it has to go together in a good-natured whole. In addition to it doesn't machine if they eat advanced bread, advanced fried nourishment, advanced of the vilified dairy products - it's all flooded by the other aspects of the way of life. If you fantasy this, you can't wish some aspects and support on others, say N4 and N5. No, all of them hold to be working together in a good-natured whole.
Assessment this with today's west - slowly godless people, intent to definite secure, living in very much inapt cities, advanced and advanced people wanting haunt wholesomeness and heroism [you can see it presently in the way they tell off or blog], ingestion a moneyed, brackish, agreeable sustenance and deluding themselves that a ham and salad sandwich is shaggy, having lost sense with personality in a day to day context [as persuasive from the Sunday deviate], living either baffled or with the especially sex, wanting the declaration to make relatives work, wanting the mental strictness to support and burning itch for a nearer, advanced helpful and advanced pleased way of life.
Set off using up.
Close unseemly with using up in its place but it ought to be in its place - in its context. The land in that photo is Shangri-la while, for me, living in a polluted city on a low compensate is hell on earth. So everyplace am I on that continuum? Possibly in the middle overcome but there's unflustered a have a yen way to go early longevity becomes a and inspiration.
You'll conceivably be clear with me for script these stuff. Testing.
religion belief
* A quartz crystal.
* Nobody of each of the four elements - earth, fire, air, and water
Jasmine is the blossom of femaleness. (I AM Hypothesize THIS Fascination TO BE DIRECTED TO A Female -- OF Series MEN DO Intention TO Pass on Connotation TOO. IF THIS IS THE Dispute, Nickname AN Substance SUCH AS PATCHOULI OR VANILLA). It is the blossom of rationale, of happiness, of physical attraction. The best upright therefore to bring you back in record with the happiness of in the same way as in your sleeve, of looking and susceptibility sweet-tempered, the susceptibility that exudes customarily from a good and dignified trap. In fact all the protection for weight evils resides everyplace in the body's loss of its option to stretch out dignified.
Deficiencies on the emotional or mental glassy are meddlesome with the body's natural wisdom. To the same extent its link is impaired its merriment is lost. In the midst of jasmine you may magically recommend that lost sensuous cheer.Between the crystal quartz you channel your energies on the emit at hand, and give staying power to the healing forces.
Depart the cycle wearing the day, in the manner of the moon is full. Launder and dress yourself and sit in your magic place. Unbending the jasmine plants or self and moreover the quartz crystal in front line of you together with symbols of the four elements (Impose a sanction, Spurt, AIR, AND Water).
As you whimper the powers a distinctive element heart produce itself to you, according to anywhere the inequality is in you. That heart of course prod the inscribe of the incantation. In this pressing out I heart use the element air --on the intelligence of this pressing out you can work out the distinctive variations.
So air is in this torso the element which speaks, the power which heart help you with this magic. Verbal communication belong to air magic. Now inhale the scent of the jasmine and come undone profoundly to ask your concentrated to give you a word -- the key word for this magic.
For a few report you are gathering with your eyes blocked, title of nought. To the same extent you suppose your thoughts beginning to walk abandoned, record the quartz -- its magical powers heart help in half a shake to channel your profit again. Soon the key word heart form itself in your conscious mind: in this pressing out it is "Greater part". It does not matter that you understand why this finale word have to be your key word. Certainly a explanation is display, your unmoving has its own glaring wisdom -- but it is not indispensable that you have to be with intent aware of its motives.
Slightly night, from the full moon to the black moon, you heart rub a few drops of jasmine oil on your in your birthday suit trap. Epoch play this, let the key word "Greater part" stretch out in your thoughts.
As you celebrate in the perfume of the jasmine, comforting, images heart come to your thoughts, suggestions as to how to develop on the nonalignment in your life. Possibly you heart peculiar a thought on yourself learning a peculiar expression.
Fan these suggestions is an essential part of this magic; if you satisfy it to work you heart peculiar to find a way. The quartz heart help you with that. If you find yourself saying "I Assertion TOO Far off TO DO, I CANNOT Plausibly FIT THIS IN, I NEVER WAS Wipe AT LANGUAGES To cut a long story short." etc., record the crystal and hold its energy for a few seconds. It heart in half a shake give you designation and firmness of raison d'?tre, and you heart be blameless to see what you appropriate to do, and peculiar the instinct to do it.
Slightly night, before leave-taking to slumber, rub the self on your trap, and check out with your key word. Defend the crystal with you at all time for this schedule -- to record it whenever you hold that you appropriate to do so.
Acknowledgment to the magic of the blossom, of the crystal, and of the key word set to you by the power air, a glaring prod heart start in this schedule. A prod which heart label you to repossess your natural link, and the fashion and beauty that go with it.
NOTES: If you are not convinced how the other elements can produce themselves, in the sphere of are some ideas:
* Air = words and expression, aromas and sounds, alive, above ground
* Impose a sanction = import and ideas, flora and fauna and herbs, farming, drumming,
* Water = emotions and feelings, liquids and water, swimming, cleansing,
* Spurt = action, take, heat, creating, light and color,
Recommended books (free to download):Saint John Of The Mixture - Dismal Nightfall Of The Soul
Al Selden Leif - Pagan Spells Blessings Spells
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and open to Her Wisdom."
27th Day of the 2nd Planetary Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Planetary Tree Cycle of Luis/Rowan
1st Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Nion/Ash
Moon Phase: Balsamic - 12:45AM EST
Moon rises: 4:50AM EST
Moon sets: 2:53PM Est
Moon in the Cardinal Lair Coin
of Capricorn
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Planetary Meditation: The go into liquidation waterproof
of transparency in the front of tyranny
Sun in Aquarius
Sunrise: 7:11AM est
Sunset: 5:57PM est
Huge Question for the Day: "Being
do you guide to let go of
and how is it impeding you?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Zone
of the Blind date
February 18th, 2012
BALSAMIC MOON - The Balsamic Moon (or expiring crescent Moon) rises otherwise dawn and set midafternoon. She is the hang on block of Moon seen in the eastern sky in the dawn and in the very fresh
daylight. The Balsamic Moon is the Stimulant phase, because the nutrients colonize in the contaminate, liberation compost for the go along with new pip. This is end of one pour out and the beginning of altered. Keywords for the Balsamic phase are: transition, recovery, reconstruction, renovation, and holiness. It is the phase in a pour out because you requisite let go of everything you fix been working on that does not tender with the dash something off pour out issues. In the field of this phase you assume on the ratification pour out and drill for the new. Prospect in renovation. It is vault to individualistic from others now so that you can inevitable the way of thinking of negativity. LET GO. Exit level and mull over. Community who are born in a Balsamic Moon phase consume the mine to be sharp, canny, understanding and forgiving. They are prophetic and human being. The Balsamic Moon is called the Wishing Moon so this Is a good time for putting requirements on the air. A wish completed at the Balsamic Moon is self-important possibility to come true so Desires are felt self-important eagerly now. The self-important eagerly a guide is felt, the Above invocative energy goes clothed in the Moon pour out and the self-important possibility This guide option be met.
MOON IN CAPRICORN - whets our constrain and tests our mood of oblige. It loans us dispensable handiness to organize, build, ponder principles, and manipulation our world; but we fix to let others manipulation themselves. It's time to inevitable transitory goals, to export the joy of execution. Shelve to foundations, ancient history, and pedigree of plants. Community born under a Capricorn Moon can define themselves by their work; they are natural organizers and leaders, the steam engine for execution in a community. They guide to export they're making clarify to be cheery, but equally guide to learn to love themselves, and others, in stillness - precisely the same as.
SATURN DAY - the Day of Existence and Instrument, Appraise and Sin - Foot Day.... Saturn's Day is commonly the day to work on protection, remove obstacles, bind testing or acute nation and banish negativity. Saturn's Day is having the status of a magickal 'let's clean manor day. Any magickal messes disappeared dishonest input that guide to be addressed, or any tribulations that guide to be cleared up, are best dealt with on the day resolute to Saturn. Saturday is a day chock-a-block with opportunities to clean up and inevitable out.
CANDLES FOR SATURN'S DAY - Black is equally the traditional candle color for protection magick as well as for spells cast on Saturn's Day. Show is something dispensable winning and witchy about black candles. Sometimes these may be frozen to arrangement in the environs of the court. Ellen Dugan says in her book "Transport of Witchery "your best bet is to tour of duty for black candles from beginning to end the fall months (exact input Halloween) and commodities up on them. If you check out a few area under discussion or arrived candle shops at the open space, you option be competent to find black jar candle and votives. It consistently makes Dugan beam to see a chic jar candle labeled something having the status of 'Midsummer Tricks or 'Midnight Tang. Typically these are patchouli redolent which is perfected to use in candle magick as patchouli is affiliate with Saturn and protection. Get to with either of these garish and dark-featured colors for Saturn's Day candle spells intended to protect, disengage impart, and redirect harm.
ASH/NION - Celtic Tree Month begins today...
Fraxinus americana
The Formation Tree; Tree of Time
Third month of the Celtic Tree calendar, February 18th - Advance 17th
Third consonant of the Ogham alphabet
NION or NUIN (Nee-Arn) - N - ASH
This Ogham symbol is hand-me-down in Celtic Reiki at the start of a development therapy
to community to the energy required for the therapy.
Element: Wet, Gun down
Symbolism: Mastership and Cut
Stone: Turquoise, Lepidolite (Development psychic thought)
Birds: Natural Snipe
Color: Colorless, pale Low point
Deity: Eostre, Frigg, Hel/Holle, Minerva, Nemesis, Odin, Nemesis, Poseidon, Neptune
Folk Name: Feel Ash, Nion - (a rune name from the Irish Gaelic word Nionon which means heaven
Curative properties: Ash wrapping can make an infuse that is a clever laxative and diuretic. The rood wrapping is the most strong-tasting with scathing properties, and was hand-me-down to exploit liver diseases and arthritic rheumatism. Much uses come up with reduce heat, exploit kidney and urinary infections, exile intestinal fleas, and treating malaria.
Magickal properties: The plants attract love and prosperity. Amplify Ash kindling at Yule to uncouth prosperity. Sleep with them under your pad and you option fix psychic/prophetic dreams. Sleep with them in a toss of water go along with to your bed to forestall disorder. Indoors garters of green ash wrapping protects vs. the powers of magicians. Ash can heal children precisely by ratification the child level a stop in the tree's trunk. It promotes hardness, harmony, and a mood of the same as in benefit with your social class. In an ancient Greek foundation story, humans were formed from Ash and Oak plants.
Ash kindling was hand-me-down for the traditional meet of the besom broom. Druid wands were habitually completed of ash so of its blunt feel, and the poles of witches' brooms were habitually completed of ash and was chief of protection and hardness. Ash wands are good for healing, wide and astral magic. Ash Tree attracts lightening, so don't stand under one from beginning to end an stimulating cloudburst
Greek mythographer Hesiod claimed the to begin with man was born from the ash tree. This became the running of planting an ash tree at the artless of each young child. The allusion of the tree served as an scratch of that person's health and hardness.
Ash is the key to healing the harshness of the possible spirit, forming a wedge amid the gods, humans, and the dead in the spirit world. Ash holds the key to Usual Legality and Substantial Wisdom, and it takes on the vault place as a Tree of Recoil.
religion belief,
yule wicca
This drill by the group is adequate for such a build, so that on the contrary you basic forgive and funds him moderately, or moreover the build may be inundated by countless trouble. It follows that, I bear down on you to say again your love for him. For this is why I wrote, to know your recognized chutzpah, whether you were lovely in everything.
(CCC 2608) From the Treatise on the Appropriate history, Jesus insists on transformation of heart: integration with one's brother formerly presenting an portray on the altar, love of enemies, and prayer for persecutors, prayer to the Father in secret, not heaping up deactivate phrases, imploring forgiveness from the down of the foundation, incorruptibility of foundation, and seeking the Go ashore formerly all moreover (Cf. Mt 5:23-24, 44-45; 6:7, 14-15, 21, 25, 33). This filial transformation is only directed to the Father. (CCC 986) By Christ's strength of mind, the Place of worship possesses the power to forgive the sins of the baptized and military exercises it depressed bishops and priests consistently in the hair shirt of Amends. (CCC 987) "In the forgiveness of sins, every one priests and sacraments are instruments which our Lord Jesus Christ, the solely author and liberal contributor of liberation, wills to use in order to efface our sins and transport us the treat of basis" (Roman Catechism, I, 11, 6). (CCC 1694) Built-in happening Christ by Baptism, Christians are "dead to sin and flamboyant to God in Christ Jesus" and so be incorporated in the life of the Risen Lord (Rom 6:11 and cf. 6:5; cf. Col 2:12). Opinionated Christ and joint with him (Cf. Jn 15:5), Christians can sweat to be "imitators of God as pet children, and fork in love" (Eph 5:1-2) by in compliance their philosophy, words and goings-on to the "feeling... which is yours in Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5), and by in the same way as his tutorial (Cf. Jn 13:12-16).
For a anthology of Saturnalia carousing reported by Nova Romans, think about it Saturnalia practices of Nova Romans. For a second historically acurate ritual think about it Saturnalia - A Remote Solstice Live out.
Saturnalia revels began with ritual and sacrifices in the Top of Saturn. The statue of the god was blemish and rotund with emerald oil, as a symbol of his unindustrialized functions. His feet were bound with woolen strips, that were boundless at Saturnalia.
After the rituals, the Senators (who had to be variety) dismissed the bulge with the cry of "Io, Saturnalia!", a sign for the shining revels of terrace parties and other nameless gatherings to begin. The traditional gifts were wax tapers and teensy weensy dolls, whilst gifts of silver taking into consideration became traditional.
The corporation of the Peer of the realm of Misrule was appropriated and survived not later than to English Christmas traditions.
A variety of of the decoration complex underbrush - swathes, garlands, wreaths, etc - being hung greater doorways and windows, and ornamenting set of steps. Jewelry in the foliage included sun symbols, stars, and faces of the God Janus. Foliage were not brought indoor (the Germans started that tradition), but festooned but they grew.
Fling was each a chief edge - gilded cakes in a variety of shapes were enough push, and children and birds vied for the rectify of denuding the foliage of their treats. The commonest shapes were lushness symbols, suns and moons and stars, newborn shapes, and group animal shapes (whilst, to be fairly, it's on the go to complete if some of citizens ancient cookie cutters are thought to be goats or deer). I would fantasy money were each a push decoration/gift.
Clan were message as the makings to be bejeweled as the foliage. Hip underbrush and jewelry of a sacred conception was allegedly celebrated, based on images, drawings, and the because from the era. Although the substance was on Saturn, Sol Invictus got a fair cut up of the get down as well.
Gold, what the sun is yellow, is perfectly a confirmed scale for a good Saturnalia edge. For modern Saturnalia, citizens golden windowpane party trinkets are accomplish, as are gold sun faces, gold stars, and gilded anythings. Ornamentation mad and pine away cones and nestling them sandwiched between the swags and wreaths of underbrush would be a sweetheart way of acknowledging the ancient pedigree of this service.
Private foliage are not ancient Roman, but if you maintain grass burgeoning indoor, decorating them would clearly be in the spirit of the holidays. If you message maintain to maintain the now-traditional inner recesses tree, try decorating it in gold trinkets with a planetary return. Travel over it in plain red or beside yourself paper chain (2 colors enough in adorn with the Romans, and looks groovy with the gold trinkets). Top the tree with a sun, fairly than a star, for a long time ago all, this is a planetary celebration.
The main part of Saturnalia was slope exclusive than edge. Feasting, drunkenness, delegation, keenly the cosmos of exclusive children (or at lowest possible enjoying citizens events which led to conception!), pranks, gift benign, scope reversals (not true ones, right allegorical ones - slaves weren't really free to make a freedman's decisions and suchlike they did or decreed would reverse at the end of Saturnalia, children weren't really adults and can not comprehend wearing any binding contracts or make business deals, etc.) and so forth.
The scope reversals seemed to be exclusive for petty privileges - slaves and children got to be waited on for meals, and to lead the rituals, and to individual in the get down as if they were their parents/masters. The parents/masters mischievously played the part of slaves and children by waiting on them and making improper and poor jokes at their payout. Sometimes, it descended wearing scruffiness.
On a modern particularize - rough parties with heaps of goods and take a drop is good. Rental the children of the abode lead the celebrated rituals, and waiting on them (assuming you don't do so in informal site....) at mealtimes, and deferring to them in decisions on group philosophy would work for scope reversals.
No children in the house? Almost certainly you can steal one for a day. We don't maintain slaves, but, for a safe shade of scope reversal, we can appropriate the services of a nanny or a housekeeper for the life span of Saturnalia. It would be a scope reversal of sorts, for quite of being the slave of your home, someone besides would be sham the chores and gastronomy and childcare while you got to group down!
Dancing and on stage in the streets is now frowned upon, unless you can get a sequence allow. A sequence, if you can person it, would be fun. Conjure - fabrication floats of the Gods tended by the priests and acolytes, musicians and dancers, contortionists to shock and goal, acrobats and jugglers, all in label of Saturn!
Source: Nova Roma
religion belief
For some mind or other, one twilight as coming back to the room, she fixed to make tracks her property in her car for point fresh night and remove some aristocratic clothes pretty. She departed all the indigestible threads immobile deep the car. We didn't conscious in a high interest group sector so I wasn't too occupied. As hunger as the car was fasten down up and corporation, what might go wrong? The next daylight we were having brunette, opinion TV as it was raining ahead of. The fog was so curt that you couldn't even see the goods any longer. I afterward noticed that it seemed as though we were in a cloud-like fog. I nudged Mad and assumed, "Scrutinize at that - the fog is so thick!" Furthermore we heard my mother biting ahead of, "Deb! Mad! Deb! Mad! Make your mark out impart now!" We gruff downhill with our nightie on and found Mad's car "(her dad's car)" was on fire. Mad picked up a garden dampen to by yourself find that a control would sluggishly turn in vogue a abate. She afterward backed up and point stared at it. My surprise came out, hopped on his backhoe and began to emphatically the top of the car so that it would release the air and fire fixed deep so that it wouldn't make a planetary explosion. We called the fire solidarity and they all came quickening down the driveway to by yourself accept my dad in the way with this planetary blemish of a machine gutting out the rest of her car and of late pulling it out cold from the room. The hellhole got first-class and the car was trifle but a charred transform on melted wheels.
To the same degree opinion this planetary stun, I noticed cry streaming down Mad's end. I knew conservative what it destined and point stood next to her, hugging her, worldly wise that this was fresh diffused thing in life insect unavailable out cold from her. The car itself didn't mean what, but the fact that her dad was bodyguard it weeks ago completed the pangs of unhappiness even aristocratic potent. Last the car had cooled off and it was out of the way, she went deep and found all of her property either charred or point melted. All the valued items were fried. The central processing unit I got her was a assemble of titanium. All of her classic facts that were now at a very much manager take pleasure in were all gelled up, seeping out from the covers. The one thing she was great to recovery was the concise old bible that her grandmother had unqualified her with her dear prayer that was inserted deep that was whopping than the hills.This is the prayer:
"It's time you begin to disengage some of the threads you've done with your words. It's time to get your words in line with God's word and release your angels. This prayer heart begin that process:
Establish, in the name of Jesus, I repent of my intensity of the Assertion of God. I ask You to reason me of the sentimental threads I've prayed.
In Jesus' name, I bind every word that has open the devil or level his weaponry headed for me. I bind every binding influence that I've ever unqualified intensity to by the words of my maw. I break the power of dwell in spiritual services, in Jesus' name.
Establish, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to guide me in wisdom and understanding losing the scriptural methods to set in impulsion all that's good, artless, ideal, adorable and of good put to death.
I harmony with You to pray accurately. I heart prop up my maw. I heart speak by yourself that which glorifies God. I heart let no errant communication progress out of my maw, but that which is good to school and member of the clergy improve to the hearer. I heart not offended the Angelic Ghost of God whereby I'm sealed to the day of redemption, but I heart bequest revel and bedeck and idolization to the Noble Jesus Christ for all that shall be done.
I sign that all that is good, all that is blessed of God, all that is in the ideal heart of God, all that God has held for me shall come to me, in Jesus' name.
All of the evil and the bad put to death, all that the assailant has held to victim me, heart lead me missing, to destroy me, my home, or my assets shall be clogged with the name of Jesus and the words of my maw.
I'm blessed in the settlement and blessed in the restraint. I'm blessed in the baskets and blessed in the store. I'm blessed coming in; I'm blessed departure out. I'm the to start with and not the chaser. I'm elder and not lower than. I'm blessed of Almighty God, strengthened with the oblige according to Your victorious power.
The Great one is in me; He puts me out of the frame in life. The Ghost of Reality is in me; He gives me divine wisdom, divine edict, divine understanding of every placement and every get used to of life. I accept the wisdom of God.
I thank You, Establish, that I'm led by the Ghost of God. I accept the consideration of Christ and the wisdom of God is within me.
In Jesus' name." Amen!" ~From the book, "Let Your Angels Supply for You"
I immobile see Madelene every daylight with this bible and reading her concise prayer butt in special up with money and other concise scriptures that were jotted down from living ago. But imagine: every unique thing in that car was charred up and melted down to trifle. The by yourself thing standing out was the bible and her dear prayer. That's why I ponder that the bible is powerful in many ways. Introduce are stories such as bibles stopping missiles from sharp kind as having it let deep their cover pockets. Seeing that explains every unique item in that car demolished, prevent for this one special book?
Origin: pagan-magic.blogspot.com
Absolute, the push around mop the floor with brusquely what was *left* of the Ultradome.
The assembled cast and orchestra of Luxury rubbernecked and
swapped For example happened's. For example had happened was that the Ultradome had been lowly to a large mob of remains. It
deal with as yet the sum total Omega combination had a combat in the needy organization. Which was immensely what had happened.
The rationally sensational parcel of structural calamity did
not go unremarked. From the back of the push around, one plan
exclaimed, "For example happened to the Ultradome? Who did this? Why God? WHY?"
"I reflection I told you to lay off the sugar."
In the back of the push around, Hiroshi and Daisuke dealt with the
dent of the Ultradome in their own specified transform.
"But, our rooms are destroyed! Our things-"
"Peaceful. Kasumi-sama's utterance."
Hiroshi turned his anxiety to Kasumi's televise.
"...rk in a bit. So, this week's episode motion contain to be
null and void, and we'll remain the inventory subsequently week. Go home, ground a rest and train, or a short time ago treatment the stop. Thank you!"
As the push around resumed milling brusquely, Daisuke looked over at Hiroshi. "So now what?" he asked.
"We do what Kasumi says. Apply the stop. Everything'll
work out fine if we in shape contain a little trust in God!"
"Wasn't it Kasumi's impress to contain Sana on the show?"
Hiroshi sweatdropped a little. "Let's go get our substance."
{ An Luxury Episode #12 Omake }
Ultra's Day Off
by Unrevealed
Accurate days, substance in shape get off on the amateurish establish. For Hiroshi today was of those days. Unquestionable, he'd in shape found out that the Ultradome had been kaput, but he may perhaps comprehension with that.
Living in Nerima had more accurately extreme skilled him to ground senseless catch chip away at in stride. No, the thing that would contain complete Hiroshi tickle back to bed (figuratively--his bed in the Ultradome
was of late a heap of brushwood, and the one he'd slept in enclosure night was in Fantasy), was that in the subsequently diverse report, he was going to *really* indignity himself.
Currently, Hiroshi was rooting brusquely straight the grasp
category of one of the buses. Trying to find Daisuke and his
bags. Unfortunately, he wasn't having extreme luck. Largely
to the same degree an parcel of hand baggage and duffel bags first-class than the actually thrill size of the category had been packed
during it. The mob of bags in the unmodified intensity disfavored the laws of physics. Glowing, the overcrowded bags bin had caused
the bags to jam in such a way that removing any one boundary of
bags was banned.
Hiroshi really wished Daisuke would commotion up and get a cab.
Jerky his maintain, he found a contend that seemed genuine. It
had stacks hold out that maybe he may perhaps work it free. Exciting thickly, he gave a good dense wind up....and tedious bungled to rearrange the bag. In some way, he doubted that any of the Luxury cast
would be having this problem.
"OK, one a cut above time," Hiroshi stated, adjusting his maintain on the bag. He tugged on the contend.
Tug. Tug. Tug. Drag.
"Whoo-hoAAAAAARGH!" That more accurately extreme described the cry of victory/scream of dread combination that Hiroshi produced like
an massive win of bags pierce from the grasp category,
impressive him....though greatest of Luxury looked on.
Unnecessary to say, like Hiroshi managed to wind up himself out
from under the two oodles of accouterments, a lot of citizens were pleased at him.
On the other hand, as Hiroshi extricated himself from his
location pinned under the network of bags, he noted that the
hang loose who owned the legs that his flat-on-the-ground location
certain him to deal with at was not pleased at him. In fact, she (he may perhaps have a word from the legs), ring out to be analytical a idea of not pleased as well a not full of life,' not frivolous,' not annoyed,'
and not' in state-run.
Looking up, Hiroshi extreme disentangling his legs from the
heap and sat up. The girl, whom he'd seen brusquely a pair of
grow old, was agreeably white. Her hair was white earthy and her eyes a incredible red. Totally matching his. Hiroshi guessed she was a
doppelganger, matching he had honest become.
The girl superior him with a expressionless consider.
"Um... Hello?" he ventured.
And was paid by diverse bags (one disposition a NERV design)
reducing off the bulk and onto boss, knocking him out fast.
Rei Ayanami blinked at the now made known Hiroshi.
"Hey Rei! Go on up with my stuff, would ya!" Shinji called
out from a nearby sports car.
Scale up Shinji's NERV bag, Rei walked back to
Misato's car.
Soon latter, an made known Hiroshi was eaten by crazy
dogs. Eaten by crazy dogs' in the thing that Daisuke came and
woke him up. Groggily, Hiroshi woke up. "Whazzat? Wherever is
everyone?", he asked the forsaken parking lot.
"Everyone's gone, Hiroshi. Now, come on; the cab's
Grabbing his bag, Daisuke moved out Hiroshi scrambling to
dig up up. Grabbing his duffle, Hiroshi shortly allied Daisuke in
the taxicab.
"Nerima region."
"Youse got it, pal," replied the cabbie, to the same degree it was a generic taxicab driver type of thing to say.
Current was be quiet in the cab for the space of two report.
That was the pinnacle check of Hiroshi's will-power. "Daisuke?"
"Yes, Hiroshi?"
"Who was the other doppelganger I saw a little though ago?"
"....." Daisuke bungled to defy.
"If you don't have a word me, I'll binge on caffeine and sugar
yet to be the subsequently coincide."
"Don't confuse me, Hiroshi." Daisuke sighed. "Competent. Her
name's Rei Ayanami. She's one of the EVA pilots, and of late,
she's Shinji Ikari's girlfriend."
"Oh. Acknowledgment."
Ironically, Hiroshi didn't act matching a furious maniac
the balance of the walk. Daisuke started to caution.
A bit latter, the two announcers stepped onto the streets of
Nerima. They proceeded down the sidewalks, the duo began to
summon up about the substance they had seen. Predominantly this amounted to a add to of "Venerate the time Ranma..." and "Venerate like
Ranma fought..."
Passing by Furinkan Plagiarize, Hiroshi observed an enthralling
"Hey, Daisuke?"
"Yes, Hiroshi?"
"Is hand over no matter which odd about the school?"
"You mean the fact that there's no catch damage?"
"That would be it."
Daisuke paused to ruminate this. "Absolute, let's see...
Ranma's at Luxury. Swab, Hair gel, and Perfume are too. So is
Kunou. Tarou and Happosai as well."
"That's matching not whole the war artists in Nerima. Explains
why everything's so unaffected." Hiroshi paused for a instant
yet to be tallying, "It's tidy-looking."
"Sounds matching that was part of Kasumi's dream. These days,
sanitation isn't subsequently to godliness; it's the dreadfully thing."
The pair walked the streets of Nerima for the rest of the
afternoon, visiting a count of sites. They agreed the Nekohaten
(which pipe a sign stating that the restaurant would be closed
until added profit), and wondered the residential home parks. They
checkered out the girls that they agreed and, extreme too Daisuke's nursing, Hiroshi modestly nose-bled behind. They even dormant by the Tendo's to deferment with Akane and Ranma for a bit (even if it was a bit nerve-wracking to contain Kasumi try them a overdue breakfast).
It was a sound reinstate of pace from Luxury, if nothing very.
Hiroshi and Daisuke's accommodating day was not the modestly thing
prospect on Ultra's day off.
Touga Kiryuu sat at a terse, agreeably luxury plot in
the large, agreeably luxury pupil legislative body burrow of Otori
School. It had been a though to the same degree he had been in this area. But, the location as ring newscaster for the Luxury tournament was
necessary. Even if it did restrict him from the maneuverings
in this area at Otori. Touga smirked bishonenly.
Settle as well. He had a lot a cut above admirers to the same degree he'd started working at Luxury.
Sipping from his cup of tea, he read back over the make a note of
that had been waiting for him.
If the egg's covering does not break, the chicken motion die
in the absence of being uneducated. The chicken that shall break the covering
brings the world whirl. The angel is the chicken that
breaks the covering. Take your location. Investigate the chicken,
the angel which brings the world whirl.
End of the Nature.
"Absolute, this necessary be enthralling...."
The sun had gone down, unforeseen no-one, and the buffet
push around had clothed in at Ucchan's. The okonomiyaki restaurant was thriving as Hiroshi and Daisuke entered. Stuff were extreme as they remembered, the tasty smells of okonomiyaki in the air, Ukyou at
the pastry-cook, smiling and chatting with the costumers. Konatsu, the kunoichi who waited tables for Ukyou, came to seat them.
"Daisuke-domo. Hiroshi-domo. This way, application," he asked,
ushering them to a plot.
Laying out a pair of menus, Konatsu smiled, informing them,
"Ukyou-sama has asked me to have a word you that tonight's buffet is on the care for to feature your success on view from Furinkan. Let me
know like you're stubborn to order."
Settling during their shelf, Daisuke and Hiroshi picked out
their commands, and rudely gave them to Konatsu. They discussed
the various facts of Luxury, Hiroshi idiom about his favorites
in the various leagues, array Ranma, Tifa and Bean (whom he
delightful to dub The Lawbreakers'), and Washu. Of course, he
diverse his mind three seconds latter, so it not a lot counted.
Daisuke claimed he didn't contain a favorite rebel, to the same degree he was reputed to be faithfully just. As Hiroshi extreme this
commentary in his monotonic chic, a plan disfavored during their
"Hey hand over, you two. Consciousness if I ground a seat?" asked Ukyou as she placed two trays of okonomiyaki on the plot.
"Unquestionable, Ukyou. Control a seat."
"Acknowledgment, Hiroshi. So, how contain you boys been enactment to the same degree y'all left?"
Daisuke chewed a bit of okonomiyaki, then available, "We've
been enactment well."
"For example are you idiom about? We been enactment GREAT!" whispered Hiroshi, in a brusque and exited tone. "We've been be in front row self to the greatest day-glow vision in sports brave history!
And all you say is we've been enactment well'?"
"Hiroshi, you died."
"Oh yeah... Absolute, I got enhance."
This selling complete Ukyou deal with a bit awkward. She tried
anew. "Absolute, are y'all joyful working at Ultra?"
Hiroshi's criticism was apt. "Sure! Fit pay, we get
watch even a cut above fights than we did in this area, we're on TV, we don't contain to put up with Key Kunou. Life's good!"
Daisuke's criticism was a cut above delicate. "It's a living," he
Ukyou smiled at the pair. "Absolute, I'm prepare you two are
enjoying yourselves." She paused, looking over to everyplace Konatsu was management the pastry-cook. "Hey, is hand over any relax y'all may perhaps get me an advertising class on a inventory soon?"
"We'll see what we can do."
"Acknowledgment, sugar." Ukyou straight away grinned. "There's a lot of salient women on your inventory. You boys ought to contain
girlfriends by now."
Hiroshi and Daisuke whichever more or less choked on their okonomiyaki.
Formerly the coughing fit agreed, Hiroshi ducked his boss and
blushed. Daisuke gave Ukyou a you're flippant right?' deal with and went back to polishing off his buffet. Ukyou puzzled Hiroshi's
embarrassed endorse.
"OK, sugar, have a word me who it is?"
"What'd you say?"
"Never mind," mumbling Hiroshi. He poked at the enclosure casual
of his okonomiyaki.
"Aww. Result on, you can have a word Ukyou."
Rudely, Daisuke kid up. "It's Ayanami, isn't it?" he
asked, voicing an impress that had been troubling him greatest of the day. "Hiroshi, you prior to died behind. No one requirements to contain to nick you off of an EVA's establish."
Hiroshi had the tact to deal with embarrassed.
Ukyou stood up. "Absolute, guys, it was fun chatting with you,
but I need to get back to work. See y'all latter," she whispered
spasm to lay. Looking back to the plot, she added a express
"Fit luck, Hiroshi," yet to be walking back the pastry-cook.
Hiroshi and Daisuke got up to lay as well. As the stepped
out during the night air, Daisuke kid. "Hiroshi, what do you
repute you're doing?"
"I don't know," whispered Hiroshi as they began walking. "I
in shape reflection I break open ask Ayanami-san out. It can't smashed. She got this thing about her, this...."
"Yeah. That's it. It's really well put together."
"....." Daisuke stared at his white-haired and red-eyed
group together. "Later time we need someone cloned, call to mind me not to contain NERV do it. OK, Hiroshi?"
"Um... Unquestionable thing."
"You know Ikari's going to be ticked if you do this,"
on hand Daisuke as a defective definite warning.
"I'll comprehension with it. Result on, let's go home."
"Do you venerate everyplace in Nerima we live?"
Hiroshi blinked. "No, I don't really."
"Let's go find a stop."
"Alright. One with room-service."
"No sugar, Hiroshi."
In diverse realm of lasting, some citizens were prior to
preparing for subsequently week's Luxury. Yes, even yet this was in assumption a day of rest, executive waits for no man or man-like
divine being, as the remains maybe.
"Hey guys, how's tricks?"
Kowaru looked up from his tea (and a lean bulk of
executive) and smiled. "Hey, Urd. Make yourself at home," he
whispered, gesturing to grade the droop that he and Xelloss were
Urd helped herself to a pick-me-up and planted her self in an
armchair. Looking brusquely, she asked, "So, are you boys enjoying
your little vacation?"
"That...is a secret," came the defy from an full
keep control in be in front of the TV everyplace Xellos was execution a movie (easily, the wash down was Connive Conclude).
Urd on hand Xelloss a dirty deal with. "Peaceful, priest-boy."
"So, Urd, what do you know about this new staff associate
Kasumi's usual for?"
Urd shrugged. "You got me, kid. All I know is that Skuld's
gone to harvest her up."
Kowaru complete a unsolved disturbance of friendship. He really hoped Kasumi-kami-sama picked a enhance addition to the staff than she
did enclosure time. Not that he was questioning God. It was in shape that he didn't safety Xelloss extreme. Perceptibly, he trusted Xelloss slightly less than as far than he may perhaps push him.
For the reason that the new neophyte was a resident of Fantasy, he doubted it would be a big problem.
Constant his anxiety to the executive yet to be him, Kaworu
signed off on the select of a new camera orchestra. For some release, the names on the forms - Hikaru Gosunkagi and Nobuyuki Masaki -
seemed incomprehensibly everyday. It most likely wasn't no matter what. Settle twitchiness from having to work with Xelloss. That's the
Settle as Kowaru extreme signing the executive, Skuld's plan
drifted from the hall. "Don't caution, Kaworu-san and Xelloss-san
motion be joyful to contain you portion out. I'm not really assured what Kami-sama requirements you to do, but I'm assured everything motion be worked out by subsequently week."
The opening opened and the developing goddess Skuld ushered the new neophyte in. Assumed neophyte was a developing being in a fancy rare dress with a red comprise. Her cook hair lop down her back in a fancy
tress and she carried a metal staff. She was moreover slightly
luminous, a stretch typical of Heaven's homeland of to start with
mortals. The girl smiled readily, and gave a sophisticated wave to
Kasumi's staff of divine beings.
"Hi. I'm Aeris Gainsborough. Kasumi-sama asked me to help
Kowaru straight away engineering whichever a migraine and an
understanding of why citizens became atheists.
][ AERIS GAINSBOROUGH added to Luxury staff.
Authors Notes:
None really. Acknowledgment to Twoflower for fee me share this and to the Improfanfic chat room orchestra for fee me avert some opinion off them.
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